Fallout 4 (FO4)

Vault 81 Location and Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Vault 81

Vault 81 is a Side Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Vault 81 walkthrough and learn Vault 81's location and rewards.

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- Here, Kitty Kitty

Vault 81 Location

West of Diamond City

Map View
World View

Vault 81 is located west of Diamond City. The entrance features a cave-like opening marked with a Restricted Area sign above.

Vault 81 Walkthrough

  1. Open the Vault With Your Pip-Boy
  2. Find 3 Fusion Cores
  3. Submit the Fusion Cores

Open the Vault With Your Pip-Boy

Fallout 4 - Vault Door Controls

Attempt to open Vault 81 and connect your Pip-Boy, you will soon realize that you won't be able to. Officer Edwards and Overseer McNamara will then be talking to you via the intercom.

Overseer McNamara will task you to get 3 Fusion Cores in order to get inside. This is where the quest begins.

Finish the Quest Here Immediately

If you have a high enough Charisma, you can pick the difficult dialogue option, Help A Vault Dweller, to complete the quest immediately and get inside Vault 81 now.

Best Charisma Perks

Find 3 Fusion Cores

Fallout 4 - Fusion Core

Fusion Cores are found scattered throughout the wastelands. They can also be seen inside buildings attached to a generator, powering up the facility. Fusion Cores are also attached on the back of Power Armors.

Find 3 of these and report back to the Vault 81 intercom.

All Fusion Core Locations Map

Get Fusion Core via Console Command on PC

Fallout 4 - Open Console Command

Alternatively, you can get 3 Fusion Cores instantly via Console Command. Press the tilde (~) key to open the console command and type the following code:

player.additem 00075fe4 3

All IDs and Item Codes

Submit the Fusion Cores

Fallout 4 - Report Back

Once collected, you can submit the required Fusion Cores back to Overseer McNamara and the Vault door will finally open.

Talk to Overseer McNamara to give the cores and finish the quest.

Vault 81 Quest Summary and Rewards

Vault 81 Rewards and Quest ID

Vault 81 Overview
Rewards XP: 75+
Caps: 100
・ Access to Vault 81
Quest ID 000B8464

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