Fallout 4 (FO4)

List of All Materials and Components

Fallout 4 - List of Materials and Components

This is a list of all Materials and Components in Fallout 4 (FO4). Find out all the type of materials and components you'll need for crafting, how to get them, and how to use them!

Material Guides
Materials List Material IDs

All Materials and Components

List of Materials and Components
Fallout 4 - Acid ImageAcid Fallout 4 - Adhesive ImageAdhesive Fallout 4 - Aluminum ImageAluminum
Fallout 4 - Antiseptic ImageAntiseptic Fallout 4 - Asbestos ImageAsbestos Fallout 4 - Ballistic Fiber ImageBallistic Fiber
Fallout 4 - Bone ImageBone Fallout 4 - Ceramic ImageCeramic Fallout 4 - Circuitry ImageCircuitry
Fallout 4 - Cloth ImageCloth Fallout 4 - Concrete ImageConcrete Fallout 4 - Copper ImageCopper
Fallout 4 - Cork ImageCork Fallout 4 - Crystal ImageCrystal Fallout 4 - Fertilizer ImageFertilizer
Fallout 4 - Fiber-Optics ImageFiber-Optics Fallout 4 - Fiberglass ImageFiberglass Fallout 4 - Gear ImageGear
Fallout 4 - Glass ImageGlass Fallout 4 - Gold ImageGold Fallout 4 - Lead ImageLead
Fallout 4 - Leather ImageLeather Fallout 4 - Nuclear Material ImageNuclear Material Fallout 4 - Oil ImageOil
Fallout 4 - Plastic ImagePlastic Fallout 4 - Rubber ImageRubber Fallout 4 - Screw ImageScrew
Fallout 4 - Silver ImageSilver Fallout 4 - Spring ImageSpring Fallout 4 - Steel ImageSteel
Fallout 4 - Wood ImageWood

How to Get Materials

Collect Junk Items and Store in the Workshop

Fallout 4 - Store Junk in Workshop

Junk items such as coffe cups, clipboards, etc. can be collected during your wasteland adventures which correspond to materials that are used for crafting. Store them in the Workbench to have them be automatically scrapped when you need them for crafting.

Scrap Weapons and Armor at the Workbench

Fallout 4 - Scrap Weapons and Armor

Scrap any extra weapons and armor you won't use for more materials. You'll find a lot of them from defeating enemies and taking their stuff.

How to Use Materials

Build Objects with the Workshop Menu

Fallout 4 - Build with the Workshop Menu

Materials can be used for building settlement objects in the Workshop Menu. You'll need a lot of materials to build up a big settlement.

Settlement Map and All Settlement Locations

Modding Weapons and Armor at the Workbench

Fallout 4 - Mod Weapons and Armor

Materials are also used for modding weapons and armor at the workbench. Upgrade weapons and armor this way to keep your equipment up to date so be sure to collect enough materials.

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Fallout 4 Wiki

Fallout 4 Wiki

Fallout 4 Walkthrough Wiki

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