Fallout 4 (FO4)

Curtain Call Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Curtain Call

Curtain Call is a Side Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Curtain Call walkthrough and learn Curtain Call location and rewards.

Curtain Call Location

Where to Start Curtain Call

Map View
Trinity Tower

Curtain Call Walkthrough

Curtain Call Objectives

  1. Listen to the Trinity Tower Radio
  2. Take the Elevator on the Second Floor
  3. Find the Other Working Elevator
  4. Climb the Stairs to the Upper Radio Booth
  5. Defeat Fist
  6. Free Rex Goodman and Strong
  7. Use the Side Elevator to Get Rex and Strong to Safety
  8. Reach the Second Side Elevator
  9. Exit Trinity Tower

Listen to the Trinity Tower Radio

Head to Trinity Tower and walk around until you pick up the Trinity Tower Radio signal. Once you have it, access your radio and listen to the signal to start the quest.

Take the Elevator on the Second Floor

Fallout 4 - Trinity Tower Elevator Location

Enter Trinity Tower and defeat any mutants you encounter along the way. Head to the second floor after and board the elevator to ascend to higher floors.

Find the Other Working Elevator

Fallout 4 - Trinity Tower Second Elevator Location

Next, exit the elevator and open the door directly on the right to reveal a staircase. Climb this staircase and proceed to the room on the right, where you'll find a broken incline that leads to the next floor.

Turn right as you reach the next floor and defeat all the mutants to safely access the next elevator.

Climb the Stairs to the Upper Radio Booth

Fallout 4 - Trinity Tower Top Floor Incline

Next, take the stairs and head up to the highest floor. Enter the first radio booth on the right and climb the incline to reach the top of the tower.

Defeat Fist

Fallout 4 - Defeat Fist

As you approach the cage, you'll be facing Fist, a super mutant guarding the side elevator and the cage itself. Defeat him and any other mutants on the floor before talking to Rex Goodman and Strong.

Free Rex Goodman and Strong

After defeating Fist, talk to Rex Goodman, who will try to convince you to let him out along with the other detainee, Strong. Strong is a potential companion later on, so make sure to free them in order to recruit him!

Once you finish your conversation, free them by either lockpicking the door or using the key, which you can find in a chest just to the left of the cage near a workbench.

Use the Side Elevator to Get Rex and Strong to Safety

Fallout 4 - Trinity Tower Side Elevator 1

After unlocking the cage, use the side elevator across from it to head down. Press the button on the left to activate it.

As you descend, more mutants will attack you through the broken walls. Defeat them, as you need to keep Rex and Strong safe in order to proceed.

Reach the Second Side Elevator

Fallout 4 - Trinity Tower Side Elevator

Once you reach the middle of the tower, exit the elevator and take the path on the left to head down. On the next floor, you'll find another side elevator that you can use to descend further.

You'll also encounter more mutants here, so make sure to defeat them before escorting Rex and Strong to the second side elevator.

Exit Trinity Tower

Fallout 4 - Escort Strong and Rex

After reaching the bottom, lead Rex and Strong to the exit by going around the balcony and taking the staircase down to the main entrance. Talk to Rex after to end the quest and receive either Reginald's Suit or Agatha's Dress, depending on your gender.

You can also recruit Strong as a companion here, so make sure to talk to him to convince him to join you!

Strong Affinity and Location Guide

Curtain Call Quest Summary and Rewards

Curtain Call Rewards and Quest ID

Curtain Call Overview
Rewards XP: 254
・ Reginald's Suit (Male)
・ Agatha's Dress (Female)
Quest ID 00146C84
Bosses ・ Fist

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