Fallout 4 (FO4)

Preston Garvey Likes and Affinity Guide

Fallout 4 - Preston Garvey Affinity and Location Guide

Preston Garvey is a recruitable companion in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for Preston Garvey's Affinity guide, where to find Preston Garvey, Preston Garvey's location, information on Preston Garvey's Impersonator, and how to romance Preston Garvey!

Preston Garvey Affinity Guide

All Preston Garvey Likes and Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
・Donating Items
・Modifying Weapons
・Chem Addictions
・Killing Non-Hostile NPCs
・Lockpicking Owned Storages/Doors

Preston Garvey generally likes it when the player offers help to people during quests. He also seems to love it when you modify your weapons. As a kindhearted individual, he dislikes evil acts such as theft, chem addictions, killing friendly people, and refusing to help others in need.

Preston Garvey Location Guide

Where to Find Preston Garvey

  1. Go to the Museum of Freedom in Concord
  2. Complete the The First Step Quest

Go to the Museum of Freedom in Concord

Map View
Overworld View

Preston Garvey can be found inside the Museum of Freedom at Concord, which is southeast of Sanctuary Hills. You will eventually visit this settlement as it is part of the main quest, Out of Time. Upon arriving, Preston will ask for assistance in clearing the area of raiders, so that he and his crew can escape.

This is part of the When Freedom Calls quest, which precedes you joining Preston's faction, the Minutemen.

When Freedom Calls Walkthrough

Complete the The First Step Quest

Fallout 4 - The First Step Completed

After escorting Preston to Sanctuary Hills, he will issue you the The First Step quest, which you will need to complete to recruit him as your companion.

Who is the Preston Garvey Impersonator?

A Fake Preston Asking for Caps

The Preston Garvey Impersonator is a random encounter where someone dressed as Preston will ask for 100 caps as a way of supporting the Minutemen.

You can catch him red-handed by revealing that you're the Minutemen General or telling him that you know the real Preston personally. Once the jig is up, he will just run away from you.

How to Romance Preston Garvey

Romance at High Affinity

To romance Preston Garvey, you will need to have a high enough Affinity with him. This will unlock a Romance dialogue option that you will have to pass through a Persuasion Check. If you managed to succeed, you will begin a romantic relationship with him.

Preston Garvey Companion Perk

United We Stand

Preston Garvey's companion perk is United We Stand. This allows you to deal 20% more damage and gain +20 Damage Resistance when facing three or more enemies.

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