Fallout 4 (FO4)

Pull the Plug Walkthrough: Does Pull the Plug Drain the Quarry?

Fallout 4 - Pull the Plug

Pull the Plug is a Side Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a detailed Pull the Plug walkthrough, locations and rewards, and find out if Pull the Plug drains the quarry.

Pull the Plug Location

East of Red Rocket Truck Stop

Map View
Thicket Excavations
Quest Giver

Thicket Excavations is located directly east of Red Rocket Truck Stop, surrounded by trailer trucks.

Pull the Plug Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Sully Mathis
  2. Repair the Underwater Pipes
  3. Start the Pump
  4. Kill the Two Mirelurks and Talk to Sully

Talk to Sully Mathis

Fallout 4 - Sully Mathis

Sully Mathis is located near the dam inside Thicket Excavations. Talk to him to begin the quest.

He will ask you to repair the underwater pipes below the dam.

Haggle for a Higher Pay

With a high enough level of Charisma, you can haggle for your reward for up to 125 Caps.

Best Charisma Perks

Repair the Underwater Pipes

Fallout 4 - Valve

There are 3 underwater pipes located in the dam below. Keep in mind that the water is irradiated and it will deal 10 Rads per second. Take precautions by taking Rad-X before diving.

All Aid Consumable IDs

Look for Bubbles on the Surface

Fallout 4 - Bubbles

To locate these pipes, look for bubbles on the surface of the water and then dive in to find the source. This way, you can do the task without drowning.

Start the Pump

Fallout 4 - Pump

After successfully turning the valves, take some Radaway to recover and then talk to Sully. He will ask you to start the pump.

The pump is the big yellow machine right beside Sully. Activate it.

RadAway ID

Kill the Two Mirelurks and Talk to Sully

Fallout 4 - Mirelurks

Two Mirelurks will spawn once you activate the pump. Defeat them.

After doing so, talk to Sully again to finish the quest.

Does Pull the Plug Drain the Quarry?

The Quarry Will Be Drained After 24 Hours

Fallout 4 - Drain the Quarry

You will soon find out once you get back after 24 in-game hours that the quarry has been drained and a group of Raiders has taken control of the base that was once the dam.

You will also discover that Sully is a Raider Boss and will be hostile towards you when you come back.

Pull the Plug Quest Summary and Rewards

Pull the Plug Rewards and Quest ID

Pull the Plug Overview
Rewards XP: 200+
Caps: 50-125 (Depending on the negotiated price)
Quest ID 001073CE

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