Fallout 4 (FO4)

Heavy Incinerator Location, Ammo, and ID

Fallout 4 - Heavy Incinerator

The Heavy Incinerator is a new weapon added in the next-gen update of Fallout 4 (FO4)! Learn how and where to get the Heavy Incinerator and where to get ammo for it!

Heavy Incinerator Location

From the Crucible Quest

Fallout 4 - Heavy Incinerator Stats

The Heavy Incinerator can be obtained during the quest Best of Three. Play through the quest and you'll obtain the Heavy Incinerator at the end concluding the quest.

How to Start Crucible

Fallout 4 - Crucible Quest Data

The quest is acquired right after exiting the Vault as a new character or when loading into a character from before the 2024 next gen update.

Where to Get Heavy Incinerator Ammo

Buy From Almost Any NPC

Fallout 4 - Flamer Fuel

The Heavy Incinerator uses Flamer Fuel for ammo which cannot be crafted but are usually sold by any merchant you come across specifically the weapon vendors. You may also find Flamer Fuels while looting enemies and exploring places.

Heavy Incinerator ID

Heavy Incinerator Weapon and Ammo IDs

Weapon ID FE002809
Ammo ID 000CAC78

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