Fallout 4 (FO4)

All Main Quests List

Fallout 4 - Main Quests

This is a list of Main Quests in Fallout 4 (FO4). Learn all main quest rewards and unlock conditions, as well as the main quests with points of no return in this guide!

All Main Quests List

All Main Quests in Fallout 4

Main Quest Info
War Never Changes Quest Giver: Automatically starts after starting the game.
XP: No XP Reward
・Vault 111 Jumpsuit
Out of Time Quest Giver: Automatically starts after War Never Changes.
XP: 200
・Codsworth as Companion
・Dogmeat as Companion
Jewel of the Commonwealth Quest Giver: Mama Murphy
Prerequisite: Talk to Mama Murphy after killing Raiders during When Freedom Calls or go directly to Diamond City.
XP: 150
Unlikely Valentine Quest Giver: Ellie Perkins
Prerequisite: Go to Nick Valentine's Detective Agency and talk to Ellie
XP: 200
Caps: 200
・Worn Fedora
・Faded Trench Coat
Getting a Clue Quest Giver: Nick Valentine
Prerequisite: Finish Unlikely Valentine then go back to Valentine's Detective Agency to talk to Nick.
XP: 200
・Nick Valentine as Companion
Reunions Quest Giver: Dogmeat
Prerequisite: Show Dogmeat the Cigar during Getting a Clue
XP: 250
・Kellogg's Pistol
・Kellogg's Outfit
Dangerous Minds Quest Giver: Nick Valentine
Prerequisite: Complete Reunions Main Quest
XP: 372
The Glowing Sea Quest Giver: Doctor Amari
Prerequisite: Complete Dangerous Minds Main Quest
XP: 424
Hunter/Hunted Quest Giver: Virgil
Prerequisite: Complete The Glowing Sea Main Quest
XP: 423
The Molecular Level Quest Giver: Automatically starts after completing Hunter/Hunted Main Quest.
Prerequisite: Complete Hunter/Hunted Main Quest
XP: 484
Institutionalized Quest Giver: Automatically starts after completing The Molecular Level Main Quest.
Prerequisite: Complete The Molecular Level Main Quest
XP: 484

Main Quests With Points of No Return

Point of No Return Main Quests
Mass Fusion Underground Undercover
Tactical Thinking Nuclear Option (Minutemen)

In Act 3 of the Main Quests, you will have to pick one faction to permanently side with to progress to the ending of the main story. This means other factions will become hostile to you, including companions allied with them.

List of Missables and Points of No Return

Mass Fusion (The Institute)

Fallout 4 - Mass Fusion

Mass Fusion is an Institute main faction quest and serves as a point of no return. Completing this quest will ally you with the Institute and progresses you to the end of the main story with this faction's ending.

You will also see the Railroad and Brotherhood of Steel's demise if you decide to complete the game with the Institute. This of course means that Deacon and Paladin Danse will turn on you. However, Danse will not become hostile if you spared him in the Blind Betrayal quest.

All Institute Quests, Location, and Rewards

Underground Undercover (The Railroad)

Fallout 4 - Underground Undercover

Underground Undercover is the Railroad faction point of no return, and sees you allying with them to eliminate the Brotherhood of Steel and the Institute.

This will consequently turn Paladin Danse and X6-88 hostile and you will have to kill both of them. However, if you chose to spare Paladin Danse in the Blind Betrayal quest, he will not become aggressive.

Underground Undercover Walkthrough

Tactical Thinking (Brotherhood of Steel)

Fallout 4 - Tactical Thinking

Tactical Thinking is a Brotherhood of Steel main faction quest, which sees you taking out the leaders of the Railroad. Completing this quest will ally you with them for the rest of the main story, culminating in the Nuclear Option (Brotherhood of Steel) quest, which has you bringing down the Institute.

Finishing the game with the Brotherhood of Steel causes Deacon and X6-88 to become hostile towards you.

Tactical Thinking Walkthrough

The Nuclear Option (Minutemen)

Fallout 4 - Tactical Thinking

The Minutemen's Nuclear Option quest will have you take out the Institute, which also means you have to get rid of X6-88. To add to this, failing to issue an evacuation notice during the quest will cause the Railroad to become hostile.

The Nuclear Option (Minutemen) Walkthrough

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