Fallout 4 (FO4)

Cait Affinity and Location Guide: Where to Find Cait

Fallout 4 - Cait Affinity and Location Guide

Cait is a recruitable companion in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for Cait's Affinity guide, where to find Cait, Cait's location, as well as how to romance Cait!

Cait Affinity Guide

All Cait Likes and Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
・Chem Addictions
・Using Chems
・Donating Items (after Benign Intervention)
・Drinking Alcohol
・Lockpicking Owned Storages/Doors
・Walking Around Without Clothes
・Chem Addictions (after Benign Intervention)
・Using Chems (after Benign Intervention)
・Donating Items
・Eating Corpses
・Killing Non-Hostile NPCs

Cait generally likes it when you consume chems and become addicted to it. However, this changes after her companion quest, Benign Intervention, in which she will disapprove the usage of chems. This is due to the fact that you have cured her from chem addiction during the quest, thus developing a disdain against consuming chems.

Overall, Cait is a rebel type of companion and approves all ill-mannered acts such as lockpicking, pickpocketing, stealing, and choosing violence when it comes to making decisions. Any form of kindness towards other NPCs will be met with disapproval from Cait.

Cait Location Guide

Where to Find Cait

  1. Visit the Combat Zone
  2. Defeat All the Raiders
  3. Speak to Tommy for Cait's Contract

Visit the Combat Zone

Map View
Overworld View

Cait can be found at the Combat Zone which is East of Diamond City. The exterior of the Combat Zone has a lot of Raiders patrolling the area, so make sure you come well prepared with armor and lots of ammo.

Defeat All the Raiders

Fallout 4 - Combat Zone Hostiles

Inside the Combat Zone, you will come upon an audience of Raiders watching Cait's fight on the stage. Kill every one of them and head up on stage.

Speak to Tommy for Cait's Contract

Fallout 4 - Talk to Tommy for Cait

Once the Raiders in the Combat Zone have been killed, talk to Tommy and he will offer Cait's contract to you for free. After this, you can speak to Cait any time to recruit her as your companion.

How to Romance Cait

Romance After Benign Intervention Quest

Cait can be romanced after curing her chem addiction during her personal quest, Benign Intervention. Following this quest, you can talk to her again to get a Romance option. This is a medium Speech Check (orange) dialogue choice and successfully passing this confesses your love for Cait and unlocks her companion perk, Trigger Rush.

Keep in mind that you will first need to get a high affinity with Cait to begin Benign Intervention.

Cait Companion Perk

Trigger Rush

Cait's Trigger Rush companion perk lets your Action Points (AP) regenerate faster once your health falls below 25 percent.

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