Fallout 4 (FO4)

List of All Weapon IDs

All Weapon IDs

This is a list of all Weapon IDs for Fallout 4 (FO4). Find out all the weapon console commands, as well as how to spawn weapons instantly on PC.

Weapon Lists
Weapons Weapon IDs

All Weapon IDs

To get the following weapons, press the tilde (~) key to open the console command and type the following code:

• player.additem [weapon id] [value]

Weapon ID Console Command
.44 Pistol
.44 Pistol
000ce97d player.additem 000ce97d -
10mm Pistol
10mm Pistol
00004822 player.additem 00004822 -
2076 World Series Baseball Bat2076 World Series Baseball Bat 000e9a43 player.additem 000e9a43 -
Alien Blaster Pistol
Alien Blaster Pistol
000ff995 player.additem 000ff995 -
Artillery Smoke Grenade
Artillery Smoke Grenade
0012e2ca player.additem 0012e2ca
AshmakerAshmaker 001f252e player.additem 001f252e -
Assault Rifle
Assault Rifle
0000463f player.additem 0000463f -
Baseball Bat
Baseball Bat
0008e736 player.additem 0008e736 -
Baseball Grenade
Baseball Grenade
00107bd6 player.additem 00107bd6
Baseball Launcher
Baseball Launcher
fe007152 player.additem fe007152 -
Big BoyBig Boy 0021a53e player.additem 0021a53e -
Big JimBig Jim 0023e5ec player.additem 0023e5ec -
0005c250 player.additem 0005c250 -
Bottlecap Mine
Bottlecap Mine
0010771f player.additem 0010771f
Boxing Glove
Boxing Glove
0016498f player.additem 0016498f
BroadsiderBroadsider 000fd11b player.additem 000fd11b -
Chinese Officer Sword
Chinese Officer Sword
00147be4 player.additem 00147be4 -
Combat Knife
Combat Knife
000913ca player.additem 000913ca -
Combat Shotgun
Combat Shotgun
0014831c player.additem 0014831c
Cryo Mine
Cryo Mine
0010c669 player.additem 0010c669
Cryogenic Grenade
Cryogenic Grenade
000ff21d player.additem 000ff21d
00171b2b player.additem 00171b2b -
Death From AboveDeath From Above 00225969 player.additem 00225969 -
Deathclaw GauntletDeathclaw Gauntlet 000d8576 player.additem 000d8576 -
Deliverer PistolDeliverer Pistol 000dc8e7 player.additem 000dc8e7 -
Double-barrel Shotgun
Double-barrel Shotgun
00092217 player.additem 00092217
EddieEddie's Peace 00225ae9 player.additem 00225ae9 -
Experiment 18-AExperiment 18-A 001f61e9 player.additem 001f61e9 -
Fat Man
Fat Man
000bd56f player.additem 000bd56f -
Final JudgmentFinal Judgment 00225abe player.additem 00225abe -
000e5881 player.additem 000e5881 -
Flare Gun
Flare Gun
001025ac player.additem 001025ac -
Fragmentation Grenade
Fragmentation Grenade
000eebed player.additem 000eebed
Fragmentation Mine
Fragmentation Mine
000e56c2 player.additem 000e56c2
Gamma Gun
Gamma Gun
000ddb7c player.additem 000ddb7c -
Gatling Laser
Gatling Laser
000e27bc player.additem 000e27bc -
Gauss Rifle
Gauss Rifle
000d1eb0 player.additem 000d1eb0 -
General ChaoGeneral Chao's Revenge 00248387 player.additem 00248387 -
Good IntentionsGood Intentions 0022537b player.additem 0022537b -
GrognakGrognak's Axe 00183fcd player.additem 00183fcd -
Hallucigen Gas GrenadeHallucigen Gas Grenade 000e98e5 player.additem 000e98e5 -
Heavy Incinerator
Heavy Incinerator
fe002809 player.additem fe002809 -
Homing BeaconHoming Beacon 00065dec player.additem 00065dec -
Hunting Rifle
Hunting Rifle
0004f46a player.additem 0004f46a -
Institute BeaconInstitute Beacon 00174f8f player.additem 00174f8f -
Institute EM Pulse GrenadeInstitute EM Pulse Grenade 0018325e player.additem 0018325e -
Institute Pistol
Institute Pistol
001633cc player.additem 001633cc -
Institute Rifle
Institute Rifle
001633cc player.additem 001633cc -
Junk JetJunk Jet 000e942b player.additem 000e942b -
JusticeJustice 001f61e4 player.additem 001f61e4 -
KelloggKellogg's Pistol 00225ac1 player.additem 00225ac1 -
0005524b player.additem 0005524b
KremvhKremvh's Tooth 0022576d player.additem 0022576d -
Laser Musket
Laser Musket
0001dacf player.additem 0001dacf -
Laser Pistol
Laser Pistol
0009983b player.additem 0009983b -
Laser Rifle
Laser Rifle
0009983b player.additem 0009983b -
Le Fusil TerriblesLe Fusil Terribles 00225771 player.additem 00225771 -
Lead Pipe
Lead Pipe
000fc9c3 player.additem 000fc9c3 -
Limitless PotentialLimitless Potential 0023e5ee player.additem 0023e5ee -
00033fe0 player.additem 00033fe0 -
0001f669 player.additem 0001f669 -
Missile Launcher
Missile Launcher
0003f6f8 player.additem 0003f6f8 -
Molotov Cocktail
Molotov Cocktail
0010c3c6 player.additem 0010c3c6
Nail Gun
Nail Gun
fe007204 player.additem fe007204 -
Nuka Grenade
Nuka Grenade
000e5750 player.additem 000e5750
Nuke Mine
Nuke Mine
0010a340 player.additem 0010a340
Old FaithfulOld Faithful 001f61e2 player.additem 001f61e2 -
OverseerOverseer's Guardian 001f61e7 player.additem 001f61e7 -
PartystarterPartystarter 001f61e5 player.additem 001f61e5 -
PickmanPickman's Blade 0022595f player.additem 0022595f -
Piggy Bank Mine
Piggy Bank Mine
fe007126 player.additem fe007126 -
Pipe Bolt-action Rifle
Pipe Bolt-action Rifle
0014831a player.additem 0014831a -
Pipe Revolver Rifle
Pipe Revolver Rifle
0014831b player.additem 0014831b -
Pipe Rifle
Pipe Rifle
00024f55 player.additem 00024f55 -
Pipe Wrench
Pipe Wrench
000d83bf player.additem 000d83bf -
Plasma Grenade
Plasma Grenade
0010a33d player.additem 0010a33d
Plasma Mine
Plasma Mine
0010a342 player.additem 0010a342
Plasma Pistol
Plasma Pistol
00100ae9 player.additem 00100ae9 -
Pool Cue
Pool Cue
000fa3e8 player.additem 000fa3e8 -
Power Fist
Power Fist
0011b336 player.additem 0011b336
Pulse Grenade
Pulse Grenade
000ff21f player.additem 000ff21f
Pulse Mine
Pulse Mine
0010a344 player.additem 0010a344
Railway RifleRailway Rifle 000fe268 player.additem 000fe268 -
001abc92 player.additem 001abc92 -
Reba IIReba II 001abc93 player.additem 001abc93 -
ReckoningReckoning 0022b604 player.additem 0022b604 -
Revolutionary Sword
Revolutionary Sword
00143ab5 player.additem 00143ab5 -
Righteous AuthorityRighteous Authority 00225963 player.additem 00225963 -
000fa2f6 player.additem 000fa2f6 -
Rockville SluggerRockville Slugger 001f2674 player.additem 001f2674 -
Rolling Pin
Rolling Pin
00142fab player.additem 00142fab -
Saw Blade Launcher
Saw Blade Launcher
fe00704b player.additem fe00704b -
Security Baton
Security Baton
0008c14d player.additem 0008c14d -
SentinelSentinel's Plasmacaster 00225967 player.additem 00225967 -
Shem DrowneShem Drowne's Sword 00238734 player.additem 00238734 -
ShishkebabShishkebab 000fa2fb player.additem 000fa2fb -
000e7ab9 player.additem 000e7ab9 -
Spray NSpray N' Pray 001f61e3 player.additem 001f61e3 -
Submachine Gun
Submachine Gun
0015b043 player.additem 0015b043 -
Super Sledge
Super Sledge
000ff964 player.additem 000ff964 -
SurvivorSurvivor's Special 00225abc player.additem 00225abc -
00061721 player.additem 00061721 -
000fdc81 player.additem 000fdc81 -
Synth Relay Grenade
Synth Relay Grenade
000589f2 player.additem 000589f2
Tesla Cannon
Tesla Cannon
fe006f99 player.additem fe006f99 -
The GainerThe Gainer 00225ae7 player.additem 00225ae7 -
The Last MinuteThe Last Minute 0022b603 player.additem 0022b603 -
Tinker Tom SpecialTinker Tom Special 001f2675 player.additem 001f2675 -
Tire Iron
Tire Iron
00185d25 player.additem 00185d25 -
Vertibird Signal Grenade
Vertibird Signal Grenade
00056917 player.additem 00056917
VirgilVirgil's Rifle 00225aba player.additem 00225aba -
Walking Cane
Walking Cane
000fdc7d player.additem 000fdc7d -
WastelanderWastelander's Friend 001f61e6 player.additem 001f61e6 -
Wazer WifleWazer Wifle 00225965 player.additem 00225965 -
ZaoZao's Sword 001f0860 player.additem 001f0860 -
Zeta Gun
Zeta Gun
002266fc player.additem 002266fc -

How to Use Weapon IDs

Use Console Commands to Get Weapons Instantly

  1. Press the Tilde Button on the Keyboard
  2. Type in the Command and Hit Enter
  3. Exit the Console With the Tilde Button

1. Press the Tilde Button on the Keyboard

Fallout 4 - Open Console Command

Console Command is a unique feature exclusively for PC and isn't available when playing the game via other platforms.

The Tilde Button is the (~) button found below the Esc key on the keyboard. By pressing this, you will be able to open the console.

2. Type in the Command and Hit Enter

Command player.additem [weapon id] [value]
additem [weapon id] [value]
Example player.additem 0001f276 20
additem 0001f276 20

3. Exit the Console With the Tilde Button

By pressing the Tilde Button (~) again, you can exit the console and the Item ID that you have typed in the console will be in your inventory.

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Console Commands Partial.png

All IDs and Item Codes

All IDs and Console Commands

All IDs and Console Commands in Fallout 4
All Weapon IDs All Ammo IDs
All Perk IDs All Crafting Material IDs
All Consumable IDs All Weapon Mod IDs
All Quest IDs All Armor and Outfit IDs
All Junk IDs All Console Commands
All Bobblehead IDs All Magazines IDs
All Companion Perk IDs All Power Armor IDs


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