Fallout 4 (FO4)

Ad Victoriam Walkthrough

Ad Victoriam is a Brotherhood of Steel Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Ad Victoriam walkthrough and learn Ad Victoriam location and rewards.

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Spoils of War The Nuclear Option

Ad Victoriam Quest Summary

Ad Victoriam Overview
"Escort Liberty Prime to the Institute as the Brotherhood begins their assault against them."
Faction Brotherhood of Steel
Quest Giver Proctor Ingram
Quest ID 00173ED9
Rewards XP: 604

Ad Victoriam Walkthrough

Ad Victoriam Objectives

  1. Speak to Proctor Ingram
  2. Load the Beryllium Agitator
  3. Follow Liberty Prime
  4. Defeat the Institute Forces
  5. Enter the Hole to Reach the Institute

Speak to Proctor Ingram

Start the quest by speaking to Proctor Ingram. As you converse, she informs you that with the Beryllium Agitator, you'll now be able to activate Liberty Prime and officially start the war against the Institute.

Load the Beryllium Agitator

Reach the head of Liberty Prime by climbing the stairs on either side and insert the Beryllium Agitator. Once loaded, head down and activate Liberty Prime from the control booth by pressing the button on the machine.

Follow Liberty Prime

With Liberty Prime activated, follow him to the C.I.T Ruins to initiate the assault on the Institute. Alternatively, you can skip this journey by fast traveling to the location. However, if you choose this option, you'll immediately be thrown into the middle of combat against the Institute.

Defeat the Institute Forces

Defeat all Institute forces as soon as you arrive. Fortunately, the majority of these forces are standard synth soldiers, making them easy to defeat. However, you still have to be prepared as they come in hordes!

Use the Trees or the Trailer to Take Cover

In case it gets too difficult, you can hide behind the trees or inside the trailer in front of the building to hide.

Enter the Hole to Reach the Institute

End the quest by entering the hole that opens up in front of the building as this leads you to the Insititute.

Previous Quest Next Quest
Spoils of War The Nuclear Option

Ad Victoriam Location

Where to Start Ad Victoriam

Map View Fallout 4 - Boston Airport Map
Boston Airport
Quest Giver
Proctor Ingram

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Fallout 4 Factions

All Factions List

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions
Minutemen Brotherhood of Steel
The Railroad The Institute

Full Brotherhood of Steel Questline

The Brotherhood of Steel Quests
1 Reveille
2 Fire Support
3 Call to Arms
4 Semper Invicta
5 Shadow of Steel
6 Tour of Duty
7 Show No Mercy
8 From Within
9 Outside the Wire
10 Liberty Reprimed
11 Blind Betrayal
12 Tactical Thinking
13 Spoils of War
14 Ad Victoriam
15 The Nuclear Option
16 A New Dawn


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