Fallout 4 (FO4)

Codsworth Likes and Affinity Guide

Fallout 4 - Codsworth Likes and Affinity Guide

Codsworth is a recruitable companion in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for Codsworth's Affinity guide, where to find Codsworth, Codsworth's location, and find out if you can romance Codsworth!

Codsworth Affinity Guide

All Codsworth Likes and Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
・Donating Items
・Healing Dogmeat
・Modifying Armors
・Modifying Weapons
・Chem Addictions
・Using Chems
・Killing Non-Hostile NPCs
・Lockpicking Owned Storages/Doors
・Asking for more Caps in Speech Checks

Codsworth likes it when you help out other characters, specifically being generous and agreeing to carry out their requests. He also loves it when you craft weapon and armor modifications. Since he is a nice robot, he dislikes it when you steal items, kill innocent people, and anything disruptive in general.

Codsworth Location Guide

Go to to Sanctuary Hills After Leaving Vault 111

Map Overview
Overworld View

Codsworth can be found in Sanctuary Hills after leaving Vault 111. This is the same residential area where you, your spouse, and Shaun used to live during the tutorial phase of the game.

Once in the ruined Sanctuary Hills, Codsworth will ask you to go to Concord where you will meet Preston as part of the When Freedom Calls quest. After meeting Preston, return to Codsworth and he will become available to be your companion.

NOTE: You do not have to complete the When Freedom Calls quest. Simply killing all raiders inside the Museum of Freedom and meeting up with Preston will be enough to unlock Codsworth as a companion.

When Freedom Calls Walkthrough

Can You Romance Codsworth?

Cannot Be Romanced

Codsworth is one of the companions that cannot be romanced. You can however, raise affinity with him up to the maximum level to unlock his companion perk, Robot Sympathy.

Codsworth Companion Perk

Robot Sympathy

Codsworth's companion perk is Robot Sympathy. With this active, you receive +10 damage resistance against robot energy weapons.

All Companion Perks List

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