Fallout 4 (FO4)

Institutionalized Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Institutionalized

Institutionalized is a Main Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Institutionalized walkthrough and learn Institutionalized location and rewards.

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The Molecular Level Synth Retention

Institutionalized Quest Summary

Institutionalized Overview
"Find your son Shaun in the Institute."
Faction None
Quest Giver Automatically starts after completing The Molecular Level Main Quest.
Quest ID 000229EC
Rewards XP: 484

Institutionalized Walkthrough

Institutionalized Objectives

  1. Enter the Elevator
  2. Talk to Shaun
  3. Accept or Decline to Join the Institute
  4. Meet the Division Leaders

Enter the Elevator

Fallout 4 - Enter the Institute Elevator

Exit the teleporter where you just came from and a mysterious voice from the intercom will ask you to proceed to the elevator down the stairs.

As you descend down, you can see a glimpse of the Institute's facilities and workplace.

Insert the Network Scanner Holotape into the Console

Fallout 4 - Insert Network Scanner Holotape in Institute Computer

Before you head over to the elevator, you can insert the Network Scanner holotape given to you by Sturges or Proctor Ingram into the computer terminal in front of the teleporter to progress the Inside Job (Minutemen) or Outside the Wire (Brotherhood of Steel) faction quests.

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Talk to Shaun

Fallout 4 - Shaun Synth

Leave the elevator and talk to Shaun who is just in the room ahead of you. Tell him that you're his parent and you've come to rescue him.

Shaun will then panic, accusing you as a kidnapper. A strange old man will then enter the room who will shut down Shaun using a code phrase.

Accept or Decline to Join the Institute

Fallout 4 - Accept or Refuse Father

Speak to Father and he will explain how he is the real Shaun and that it has been 60 years since he's been taken from Vault 111, and is now the Director of the Institute. At this point, you are given the choice to join the Institute or not.

If you refuse to join the Institute, Father will ask you to leave using the teleporter and the quest will end there.

Meet the Division Leaders

Fallout 4 - Madison Li in the Institute

If you decide to join the Institute, talk to the four division leaders, namely Allie Filmore, Clayton Holdren, Justin Ayo, and Madison Li, all of whom can be found around the Institute's different office sectors.

In addition, Madison Li will be able to install a chip in your Pip-Boy, allowing you to freely fast travel in and out of the Institute.

Previous Quest Next Quest
The Molecular Level Synth Retention

Institutionalized Location

Where to Start Institutionalized

Map View Fallout 4 - The Institute Location
The Institute
Quest Giver Automatically starts after completing The Molecular Level Main Quest.

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Fallout 4 Main Quests

All Main Quests List

All Main Quests

All Main Quests
1 War Never Changes
2 Out of Time
3 Jewel of the Commonwealth
4 Unlikely Valentine
5 Getting a Clue
6 Reunions
7 Dangerous Minds
8 The Glowing Sea
9 Hunter/Hunted
10 The Molecular Level
11 Institutionalized


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