Fallout 4 (FO4)

All Brotherhood of Steel Quests and Location

Fallout 4 - Brotherhood of Steel

The Brotherhood of Steel is a faction you can join in Fallout 4 (FO4). See all the Brotherhood of Steel members, rewards, locations, and all Brotherhood of Steel quests below!

Brotherhood of Steel Rewards

List of Rewards Related Quest
Righteous Authority Call to Arms
Boston Airport Settlement Shadow of Steel
Vertibird Signal Grenade Show No Mercy
Liberty Prime Spoils of War
T-60 Jet Pack A New Dawn

Righteous Authority

After completing Call to Arms, Paladin Danse will reward you with the Righteous Authority, a laser rifle that boosts the critical meter by 15% and deals double damage when you land critical hits.

Boston Airport Settlement

After completing Shadow of Steel, you'll also gain the Boston Airport as one of your settlements. This quest also marks your official induction into the Brotherhood of Steel faction!

Vertibird Signal Grenade

After completing Show No Mercy, you'll also receive Vertibird Signal Grenades, which you can use to summon Vertibirds on specified locations. Additionally, from this quest onwards, Proctor Teagan will start to sell these as well.

Liberty Prime

You will also get Liberty Prime as you progress from Liberty Reprimed to Spoils of War. After using it in Ad Victoriam, Liberty Prime will roam around Boston Airport, providing additional defense as it helps the settlement in fending off any enemies nearby.

T-60 Jet Pack

Once you're promoted as the new Sentinel in A New Dawn, you will also receive the T-60 Jet Pack, a power armor mod that enables you to fly for a short duration anywhere.

All Brotherhood of Steel Quest List

Full Brotherhood of Steel Questline

No. Quest Quest Type
1 Reveille Main Faction Quest
2 Fire Support Main Faction Quest
3 Call to Arms Main Faction Quest
4 Semper Invicta Main Faction Quest
5 Shadow of Steel Main Faction Quest
6 Tour of Duty Main Faction Quest
7 Show No Mercy Main Faction Quest
8 From Within Main Faction Quest
9 Outside the Wire Main Faction Quest
10 Liberty Reprimed Main Faction Quest
11 Blind Betrayal Main Faction Quest
12 Tactical Thinking Main Faction Quest
13 Spoils of War Main Faction Quest
14 Ad Victoriam Main Faction Quest
15 The Nuclear Option Main Faction Quest
16 A New Dawn Main Faction Quest

Brotherhood of Steel Locations

Find the Cambridge Police Station to Join Brotherhood of Steel

Map Overview
Overworld View

You can join the Brotherhood of Steel by going to the Cambridge Police Station, north of Diamond City. You will know that you are near when you receive an emergency broadcast from Scribe Haylen.

This will begin the Fire Support quest, where you can help the trapped soldiers hold off an onslaught of Ghouls at the station. Following this is the Call to Arms quest, where completing that will welcome you to the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel.

The Prydwen

Fallout 4 - The Prydwen

The Prydwen is an airship located at Boston Airport and is the main base of operations for the Brotherhood of Steel. It will first make an appearance during the Reunions main storyline mission, where the player witnesses it flying in the sky upon reaching the rooftop of Fort Hagen.

Upon its arrival, players will receive a frequency from Paladin Danse, inviting all Brotherhood of Steel members to report to Cambridge Police Station. The player can travel there to board a Vertibird that will transport them to the Prydwen.

Boston Airport

Fallout 4 - Boston Airport

Once you officially join the Brotherhood of Steel, the Boston Airport will also become available as a settlement, which you can unlock as you progress through the Shadow of Steel quest.

Brotherhood of Steel Leader and Members

Elder Arthur Maxson

Fallout 4 - Elder Maxson

Elder Arthur Maxson is the leader of the Brotherhood of Steel - Commonwealth chapter. You will first meet him upon arriving at the Prydwen if you chose to board the Vertibird at Cambridge Police Station.

Paladin Danse

Fallout 4 - Paladin Danse

Paladin Danse is a devoted member of the Brotherhood of Steel and a possible companion. You can find him at the Cambridge Police Station, but will later on move to the Prydwen after the Shadow of Steel faction quest.

Paladin Danse Companion Guide

Other Notable Members

Railroad How to Unlock
Fallout 4 - Scribe Haylen IconScribe Haylen Complete Fire Support
Fallout 4 - Knight Rhys IconKnight Rhys Complete Fire Support
Fallout 4 - Captain Kells IconLancer-Captain Kells Complete Shadow of Steel
Fallout 4 - Proctor Ingram IconProctor Ingram Complete Tour of Duty
Fallout 4 - Proctor Teagan IconProctor Teagan Complete Tour of Duty
Fallout 4 - Proctor Quinlan IconProctor Quinlan Complete Tour of Duty
Fallout 4 - Knight-Captain Cade IconKnight-Captain Cade Complete Tour of Duty
Fallout 4 - Madison Li IconMadison Li Complete From Within
Fallout 4 - Shaun IconShaun Joins after The Nuclear Option

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