Fallout 4 (FO4)

All Armor and Clothing List

Fallout 4 Armor Clothing

This is a list of all armor and clothing in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on to see all Armor, full-body clothing, and headwear cosmetic items that you can equip!

Armor Lists and Guides
Armor List Armor IDs Armor Sets
Power Armor Locations Power Armor IDs

All Armor List

All Armor Sets

All Armor Sets
Fallout 4 Heavy Combat ArmorCombat Armor Fallout 4 DC Guard Heavy ArmorDC Guard Armor Fallout 4 Heavy Leather ArmorLeather Armor
Fallout 4 Heavy Metal ArmorMetal Armor Fallout 4 Raider Armor 6Raider Armor Fallout 4 Heavy Synth ArmorSynth Armor
Fallout 4 Vault-Tec Security Armor (Clean)Vault-Tec Security Armor Fallout 4 Apocalypse ArmorApocalypse Armor Fallout 4 Black Ops ArmorBlack Ops Armor
Fallout 4 Champion ArmorChampion Armor Fallout 4 Commando ArmorCommando Armor Fallout 4 DestroyerDestroyer's Armor
Fallout 4 DevastatorDevastator's Armor Fallout 4 Freefall ArmorFreefall Armor Fallout 4 Mantis ArmorMantis Armor
Fallout 4 Mark 2 Synth ArmorMark 2 Synth Armor Fallout 4 Mark 3 Synth ArmorMark 3 Synth Armor Fallout 4 Mark 4 Synth ArmorMark 4 Synth Armor
Fallout 4 Overseer ArmorOverseer Armor Fallout 4 ProtectorProtector's Armor Fallout 4 Wastelander ArmorWastelander Armor

The above armor sets are depicted while wearing the default Vault 111 jumpsuit, which does not come part of their respective sets.

Best Armor Set and All Armor Set List

All Clothing List

All Full-Body Clothing
Fallout 4 Army FatiguesArmy Fatigues Fallout 4 Baseball UniformBaseball Uniform Fallout 4 BOS Officer UniformBOS Officer Uniform Fallout 4 BOS Uniform (Orange)BOS Uniform (Orange)
Fallout 4 BOS Uniform (Olive)BOS Uniform (Olive) Fallout 4 Dirty Army FatiguesDirty Army Fatigues Fallout 4 Flannel Shirt and JeansFlannel Shirt and Jeans Fallout 4 Gunner HarnessGunner Harness
Fallout 4 Gunner LeathersGunner Leathers Fallout 4 HarnessHarness Fallout 4 Long JohnsLong Johns Fallout 4 Military FatiguesMilitary Fatigues
Fallout 4 Minuteman OutfitMinuteman Outfit Fallout 4 Raider LeathersRaider Leathers Fallout 4 Road LeathersRoad Leathers Fallout 4 Synth UniformSynth Uniform
Fallout 4 Tattered RagsTattered Rags Fallout 4 Undershirt and JeansUndershirt and Jeans Fallout 4 Vault 75 JumpsuitVault 75 Jumpsuit Fallout 4 Vault 75 Jumpsuit - NewVault 75 Jumpsuit - New
Fallout 4 Vault 81 JumpsuitVault 81 Jumpsuit Fallout 4 Vault 81 Jumpsuit - NewVault 81 Jumpsuit - New Fallout 4 Vault 95 JumpsuitVault 95 Jumpsuit Fallout 4 Vault 95 Jumpsuit - NewVault 95 Jumpsuit - New
Fallout 4 Vault 101 JumpsuitVault 101 Jumpsuit Fallout 4 Vault 101 Jumpsuit - NewVault 101 Jumpsuit - New Fallout 4 Vault 111 JumpsuitVault 111 Jumpsuit Fallout 4 Vault 111 Jumpsuit - NewVault 111 Jumpsuit - New
Fallout 4 Vault 114 JumpsuitVault 114 Jumpsuit Fallout 4 Vault 114 Jumpsuit - NewVault 114 Jumpsuit - New Fallout 4 AgathaAgatha's Dress Fallout 4 Athletic OutfitAthletic Outfit
Fallout 4 Atom Cats Jacket and JeansAtom Cats Jacket and Jeans Fallout 4 BathrobeBathrobe Fallout 4 Black Institute Division Head CoatBlack Institute Division Head Coat Fallout 4 Black Institute Lab CoatBlack Institute Lab Coat
Fallout 4 Black Vest and SlacksBlack Vest and Slacks Fallout 4 Blue Institute Division Head CoatBlue Institute Division Head Coat Fallout 4 Blue Institute Lab CoatBlue Institute Lab Coat Fallout 4 Bomber JacketBomber Jacket
Fallout 4 Brotherhood Fatigues (Medic)Brotherhood Fatigues (Medic) Fallout 4 Brotherhood Fatigues (Officer)Brotherhood Fatigues (Officer) Fallout 4 Brotherhood Fatigues (Standard)Brotherhood Fatigues (Standard) Fallout 4 CabotCabot's Lab Coat
Fallout 4 Cage ArmorCage Armor Fallout 4 Casual Outfit (Female)Casual Outfit (Female) Fallout 4 Casual Outfit (Male)Casual Outfit (Male) Fallout 4 Checkered Shirt and SlacksCheckered Shirt and Slacks
Fallout 4 Child of Atom Brown RagsChild of Atom Brown Rags Fallout 4 Child of Atom Green RagsChild of Atom Green Rags Fallout 4 Child of Atom Long Brown RagsChild of Atom Long Brown Rags Fallout 4 Child of Atom Long Green RagsChild of Atom Long Green Rags
Fallout 4 Child of Atom Long RagsChild of Atom Long Rags Fallout 4 Child of Atom Short Brown RagsChild of Atom Short Brown Rags Fallout 4 Child of Atom Short Green RagsChild of Atom Short Green Rags Fallout 4 Child of Atom Short RagsChild of Atom Short Rags
Fallout 4 Child of Atom Simple RagsChild of Atom Simple Rags Fallout 4 Clean Black SuitClean Black Suit Fallout 4 Clean Blue SuitClean Blue Suit Fallout 4 Clean Grey SuitClean Grey Suit
Fallout 4 Clean Striped SuitClean Striped Suit Fallout 4 Clean Tan SuitClean Tan Suit Fallout 4 Cleanroom Suit (Hooded)Cleanroom Suit (Hooded) Fallout 4 Cleanroom Suit (Regular)Cleanroom Suit (Regular)
Fallout 4 Colonial DusterColonial Duster Fallout 4 CorsetCorset Fallout 4 Courser UniformCourser Uniform Fallout 4 Covert Sweater VestCovert Sweater Vest
Fallout 4 Damaged Hazmat SuitDamaged Hazmat Suit Fallout 4 DB Tech Varsity UniformDB Tech Varsity Uniform Fallout 4 Dirty Black Institute Division Head CoatDirty Black Institute Division Head Coat Fallout 4 Dirty Black Institute Lab CoatDirty Black Institute Lab Coat
Fallout 4 Dirty Black SuitDirty Black Suit Fallout 4 Dirty Blue Institute Division Head CoatDirty Blue Institute Division Head Coat Fallout 4 Dirty Blue Institute Lab CoatDirty Blue Institute Lab Coat Fallout 4 Dirty Blue SuitDirty Blue Suit
Fallout 4 Dirty Green Institute Division Head CoatDirty Green Institute Division Head Coat Fallout 4 Dirty Green Institute Lab CoatDirty Green Institute Lab Coat Fallout 4 Dirty Grey SuitDirty Grey Suit Fallout 4 Dirty Institute JumperDirty Institute Jumper
Fallout 4 Dirty Orange Institute Division Head CoatDirty Orange Institute Division Head Coat Fallout 4 Dirty Orange Institute Lab CoatDirty Orange Institute Lab Coat Fallout 4 Dirty Postman UniformDirty Postman Uniform Fallout 4 Dirty Striped SuitDirty Striped Suit
Fallout 4 Dirty Tan SuitDirty Tan Suit Fallout 4 Dirty Trench CoatDirty Trench Coat Fallout 4 Dirty Yellow Institute Division Head CoatDirty Yellow Institute Division Head Coat Fallout 4 Dirty Yellow Institute Lab CoatDirty Yellow Institute Lab Coat
Fallout 4 Drifter OutfitDrifter Outfit Fallout 4 EngineerEngineer's Armor Fallout 4 Explorer OutfitExplorer Outfit Fallout 4 Faded Trench CoatFaded Trench Coat
Fallout 4 Farmhand ClothesFarmhand Clothes Fallout 4 FatherFather's Lab Coat Fallout 4 FatiguesFatigues Fallout 4 Feathered DressFeathered Dress
Fallout 4 Field ScribeField Scribe's Armor Fallout 4 GenevaGeneva's Ensemble Fallout 4 Greaser Jacket and JeansGreaser Jacket and Jeans Fallout 4 Green Institute Division Head CoatGreen Institute Division Head Coat
Fallout 4 Green Institute Lab CoatGreen Institute Lab Coat Fallout 4 Grognak CostumeGrognak Costume Fallout 4 Gunner Guard OutfitGunner Guard Outfit Fallout 4 Hazmat SuitHazmat Suit
Fallout 4 Helmeted Cage ArmorHelmeted Cage Armor Fallout 4 Helmeted Spike ArmorHelmeted Spike Armor Fallout 4 Hooded RagsHooded Rags Fallout 4 Institute JumperInstitute Jumper
Fallout 4 KelloggKellogg's Outfit Fallout 4 Lab CoatLab Coat Fallout 4 Laundered Blue DressLaundered Blue Dress Fallout 4 Laundered Cream DressLaundered Cream Dress
Fallout 4 Laundered Denim DressLaundered Denim Dress Fallout 4 Laundered Green DressLaundered Green Dress Fallout 4 Laundered LoungewearLaundered Loungewear Fallout 4 Laundered Pink DressLaundered Pink Dress
Fallout 4 Laundered Rose DressLaundered Rose Dress Fallout 4 Leather CoatLeather Coat Fallout 4 LettermanLetterman's Jacket and Jeans Fallout 4 Longshoreman OutfitLongshoreman Outfit
Fallout 4 LorenzoLorenzo's Suit Fallout 4 MaccreadyMaccready's Duster Fallout 4 MaxsonMaxson's Battlecoat Fallout 4 Mechanic Jumpsuit (Green)Mechanic Jumpsuit (Green)
Fallout 4 Mechanic Jumpsuit (Red Rocket)Mechanic Jumpsuit (Red Rocket) Fallout 4 Minutemen GeneralMinutemen General's Uniform Fallout 4 Orange Institute Division Head CoatOrange Institute Division Head Coat Fallout 4 Orange Institute Lab CoatOrange Institute Lab Coat
Fallout 4 Padded Blue JacketPadded Blue Jacket Fallout 4 PastorPastor's Vestments Fallout 4 Patched SuitPatched Suit Fallout 4 Patched Three-Piece SuitPatched Three-Piece Suit
Fallout 4 Postman UniformPostman Uniform Fallout 4 QuinlanQuinlan's Armor Fallout 4 Radstag Hide OutfitRadstag Hide Outfit Fallout 4 Railroad Armored CoatRailroad Armored Coat
Fallout 4 Railroad Armored Coat Mk IRailroad Armored Coat Mk I Fallout 4 Railroad Armored Coat Mk IIRailroad Armored Coat Mk II Fallout 4 Railroad Armored Coat Mk IIIRailroad Armored Coat Mk III Fallout 4 Railroad Armored Coat Mk IVRailroad Armored Coat Mk IV
Fallout 4 Railroad Armored Coat Mk VRailroad Armored Coat Mk V Fallout 4 Ratty SkirtRatty Skirt Fallout 4 Red DressRed Dress Fallout 4 Red Frock CoatRed Frock Coat
Fallout 4 Red Leather Trench CoatRed Leather Trench Coat Fallout 4 ReginaldReginald's Suit Fallout 4 Scavenger OutfitScavenger Outfit Fallout 4 Science ScribeScience Scribe's Armor
Fallout 4 Sequin DressSequin Dress Fallout 4 Silver Shroud Costume (Level 45)Silver Shroud Costume (Level 45) Fallout 4 Spike ArmorSpike Armor Fallout 4 Submariner UniformSubmariner Uniform
Fallout 4 Summer ShortsSummer Shorts Fallout 4 Surveyor OutfitSurveyor Outfit Fallout 4 Suspenders and SlacksSuspenders and Slacks Fallout 4 Sweater Vest and SlacksSweater Vest and Slacks
Fallout 4 Tattered Field JacketTattered Field Jacket Fallout 4 TeaganTeagan's Armor Fallout 4 Traveling Leather CoatTraveling Leather Coat Fallout 4 T-Shirt and SlacksT-Shirt and Slacks
Fallout 4 TuxedoTuxedo Fallout 4 Utility CoverallsUtility Coveralls Fallout 4 Vault-Tec Lab CoatVault-Tec Lab Coat Fallout 4 Winter Jacket and JeansWinter Jacket and Jeans
Fallout 4 Yellow Institute Division Head CoatYellow Institute Division Head Coat Fallout 4 Yellow Institute Lab CoatYellow Institute Lab Coat Fallout 4 Yellow Trench CoatYellow Trench Coat Fallout 4 ZekeZeke's Jacket and Jeans

Best Outfits and All Outfits List

All Headwear List

All Helmets

All Fallout 4 Helmets
Fallout 4 Brown Flight HelmetBrown Flight Helmet Fallout 4 Flight HelmetFlight Helmet Fallout 4 Red Flight HelmetRed Flight Helmet Fallout 4 Vault-Tec Security HelmetVault-Tec Security Helmet
Fallout 4 Yellow Flight HelmetYellow Flight Helmet Fallout 4 Army HelmetArmy Helmet Fallout 4 Blue Batting HelmetBlue Batting Helmet Fallout 4 Dirty Army HelmetDirty Army Helmet
Fallout 4 Hard HatHard Hat Fallout 4 Mining HelmetMining Helmet

List of All Helmets

All Hats

All Fallout 4 Hats
Fallout 4 Airship CaptainAirship Captain's Hat Fallout 4 Baseball CapBaseball Cap Fallout 4 Battered FedoraBattered Fedora Fallout 4 Bowler HatBowler Hat
Fallout 4 Captain IronsidesCaptain Ironsides' Hat Fallout 4 Chef HatChef Hat Fallout 4 Coast Guard HatCoast Guard Hat Fallout 4 Crumpled FedoraCrumpled Fedora
Fallout 4 Dirty FedoraDirty Fedora Fallout 4 Dirty Postman HatDirty Postman Hat Fallout 4 Faded VisorFaded Visor Fallout 4 Field ScribeField Scribe's Hat
Fallout 4 Formal HatFormal Hat Fallout 4 Grandpa SavoldiGrandpa Savoldi's Hat Fallout 4 Gray Knit CapGray Knit Cap Fallout 4 Green HoodGreen Hood
Fallout 4 Green Rag HatGreen Rag Hat Fallout 4 LieutenantLieutenant's Hat Fallout 4 MaccreadyMaccready's Hat Fallout 4 Medical GogglesMedical Goggles
Fallout 4 Military CapMilitary Cap Fallout 4 Militia HatMilitia Hat Fallout 4 Minuteman HatMinuteman Hat Fallout 4 Minutemen GeneralMinutemen General's Hat
Fallout 4 Newsboy CapNewsboy Cap Fallout 4 Pompadour WigPompadour Wig Fallout 4 Postman HatPostman Hat Fallout 4 Press CapPress Cap
Fallout 4 Sea CaptainSea Captain's Hat Fallout 4 Silver Shroud HatSilver Shroud Hat Fallout 4 Submariner HatSubmariner Hat Fallout 4 Tinker HeadgearTinker Headgear
Fallout 4 Tricorn HatTricorn Hat Fallout 4 Triggerman BowlerTriggerman Bowler Fallout 4 Trilby HatTrilby Hat Fallout 4 Ushanka HatUshanka Hat
Fallout 4 Welding HelmetWelding Helmet Fallout 4 Worn FedoraWorn Fedora Fallout 4 Wrapped CapWrapped Cap Fallout 4 Yellow FedoraYellow Fedora
Fallout 4 Yellow Slicker HatYellow Slicker Hat

List of All Hats

All Glasses

All Fallout 4 Glasses
Fallout 4 Black-Rim GlassesBlack-Rim Glasses Fallout 4 EyeglassesEyeglasses Fallout 4 Fashionable GlassesFashionable Glasses Fallout 4 LiamLiam's Glasses
Fallout 4 Patrolman SunglassesPatrolman Sunglasses Fallout 4 Road GogglesRoad Goggles Fallout 4 SunglassesSunglasses Fallout 4 Welding GogglesWelding Goggles
Fallout 4 Wraparound GogglesWraparound Goggles

List of All Glasses

All Masks

All Fallout 4 Masks
Fallout 4 Assault Gas MaskAssault Gas Mask Fallout 4 Bos HoodBos Hood Fallout 4 Gas MaskGas Mask Fallout 4 Gas Mask with GogglesGas Mask with Goggles
Fallout 4 Sack HoodSack Hood Fallout 4 Sack Hood with HosesSack Hood with Hoses Fallout 4 Sack Hood with StrapsSack Hood with Straps Fallout 4 Mascot HeadMascot Head
Fallout 4 Blue BandanaBlue Bandana Fallout 4 GunnerGunner's Camo Bandana Fallout 4 GunnerGunner's Green Bandana Fallout 4 Jangles BandanaJangles Bandana
Fallout 4 Leopard Print BandanaLeopard Print Bandana Fallout 4 Red BandanaRed Bandana Fallout 4 Skull BandanaSkull Bandana Fallout 4 Stars And Stripes BandanaStars And Stripes Bandana
Fallout 4 Striped BandanaStriped Bandana Fallout 4 Surgical MaskSurgical Mask

List of All Masks

Other Clothing Guides

Fallout 4 Clothing Guides
Clothing IDs Charisma Clothing

Fallout 4 Related Guides

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Fallout 4 Wiki

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Fallout 4 WeaponsWeapons Fallout 4 Armor and ClothingArmor and Clothing
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Fallout 4 Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Fallout 4 MaterialsMaterials
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All Fusion Core Locations All Chemistry Station Locations
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