Fallout 4 (FO4)

Human Error Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Human Error

Human Error is a Side Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Human Error walkthrough and learn Human Error's location and rewards.

Human Error Location

Where to Start Human Error

Map View
Quest Giver
Honest Dan

Human Error Walkthrough

  1. Go to Covenant and take the SAFE Test
  2. Talk to Honest Dan
  3. Pickpocket Jacob Orden
  4. Find the Covenant House
  5. Go to Covenant Ofiice and Hack Jacob's Terminal
  6. Find the Covenant Compound
  7. Compound Goes Hostile
  8. Talk With Doctor Chambers and Decide

Go to Covenant and take the SAFE Test

Fallout 4 - Covenant

Covenant is located north of Goodneighbor. Once here, you will find that the gate is closed, find Swanson near the gate to begin the SAFE Test.

The answers do not matter as it is impossible to fail this test. Once done, you can now enter Covenant.

Talk to Honest Dan

Fallout 4 - Honest Dan

Once inside Covenant, look for Honest Dan, he can be seen talking to an NPC nearby. Talking to him will begin the quest.

Pickpocket Jacob Orden

Fallout 4 - Jacob Orden Sleeping

Wait for nightfall at about 9 PM when Jacob Orden is asleep at the guest house. Attempt to Pickpocket the Covenant House Key and the Covenant Office Key from him.

How to Wait in Fallout 4

Save Your Game

Since from this point onwards, you will be sneaking and doing criminal activities, you must save your game once in a while as when you get caught, all Covenant settlers will be hostile towards you.

Find the Covenant House

Fallout 4 - House Key

The Covenant House is the first house on the left when you enter Covenant. Inside this house is Jacob's Password, located inside a bedside table.

You can open the door using the Covenant House Key. You must close the door and go into sneaking mode immediately after.

Sneak Perk - Is It Worth It?

Go to Covenant Ofiice and Hack Jacob's Terminal

Fallout 4 - Jacob

The Covenant office is the farthest house from the gate. Unlock it with your Covenant Office Key and access the terminal.

Use Jacob's Password on the terminal and choose the Fishermen Report (draft) entry.

Find the Covenant Compound

Map Location

Now that you have everything you need, your next destination is marked on the map. Covenant Compound is located just west of Covenant near Mystic Pines.

Before leaving Covenant, Jacob will try and persuade you not to continue on your quest, choose not to follow him, and proceed to the compound.

Talk to Honest Dan

Fallout 4 - Tell Dan

You can report back to Honest Dan about your findings and have him join and fight alongside you for this quest.

However, he has the chance to turn hostile if you choose to kill Amelia.

Compound Goes Hostile

Fallout 4 - Compound Goes Hostile

Once at the Compound, everything will be battle-focused here as everyone will eventually turn hostile towards you. Bring your best weapons and armor, as well as healing items.

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Talk With Doctor Chambers and Decide

Continue battling the area and go up the stairs until you find Doctor Chambers, she's the only non-hostile human here, talk to her. In this part of the quest, you will have 2 different outcomes if you choose to save Amelia or not.

Better to save before meeting Doctor Chambers.

Save Amelia

Fallout 4 - Save Amelia

Doctor Chambers will be killed here, but Honest Dan will remain by your side. Covenant citizens will turn hostile against you.

This is the wrong choice as it turns out later that Doctor Chambers was right all along.

Do Not Save Amelia

Fallout 4 - Kill Amelia

Doctor Chambers will offer the same amount of caps Honest Dan offers and pay you instead since Honest Dan will be the one hostile towards you if you make this decision.

Moreover, Covenant citizens won't turn hostile against you and you can use Covenant as a Settlement.

Settlement Map and All Settlement Locations

Human Error Quest Summary and Rewards

Human Error Rewards and Quest ID

Human Error Overview
Rewards XP: 350+
Caps: 300 - 540 (Depending on the quest outcome)
・ Covenant as Settlement (if you accept Dr. Chambers' offer)
Quest ID 00022A08

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