Fallout 4 (FO4)

Mystery Meat Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Mystery Meat Walkthrough

Mystery Meat is a Side Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Mystery Meat walkthrough and learn Mystery Meat location and rewards.

Mystery Meat Location

Where to Start Mystery Meat

Map View
Longneck Lukowski's Cannery
Quest Giver
Theodore Collins

Mystery Meat Walkthrough

  1. Go to Longneck Lukowski's Cannery
  2. Talk to Theodore
  3. Go to the Basement
  4. Find A Way Out of the Basement
  5. Confront Theodore

Go to Longneck Lukowski's Cannery

Fallout 4 - Longneck Lukowski

Longneck Lukowski's Cannery is located south of the Museum of Witchcraft. Head inside to begin the quest.

Talk to Theodore

Fallout 4 - Mystery Meat

As soon as you enter, you'll witness an argument between Theodore and Rylee. Let it play out, and then speak to Theodore afterward to start the quest.

Theodore will offer you 50 Caps up front as a reward.

Go to the Basement

Fallout 4 - Feral Ghouls

Theodore asks you not to go down the basement but this is exactly where you will need to be. Head upstairs via the metal stairways and look for a floor with a button, this is an elevator that will take you down to the basement.

After going down, access the terminal and open the door nearby. The basement is filled with Feral Ghouls so equip your best weapon and armor set.

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Find A Way Out of the Basement

Fallout 4 - Find A Way Out

Theodore has locked you out and you cannot go back up. Find a way to a higher ground via the sewers. The path here is linear so follow along the pipes and the holes until you see stairs going up.

You'll know you are on the right path when you see a room with a door chained to the wall.

Use the V.A.N.S Perk to Guide the Way

Fallout 4 - VANS Mode

If you have the quest tracked, the V.A.N.S. Perk is especially useful.

This perk allows you to see the next objective when you enter VATS mode, which is particularly helpful in navigating the sewers.

V.A.N.S. Perk - Is It Worth It?

Confront Theodore

Fallout 4 - Theodore Dead

After getting out, everyone will turn hostile against you, even the Cannery Robots. Find Theodore in the room on the highest floor and confront him.

You can either kill Theodore, or choose to partner with him, either way, the quest will complete after choosing any option.

Mystery Meat Quest Summary and Rewards

Mystery Meat Rewards and Quest ID

Mystery Meat Overview
Rewards XP: 200+
Caps: 50
Quest ID 0002633E

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