Fallout 4 (FO4)

Best of Three Walkthrough and Gunner Signal Remnant Location

Fallout 4 - Best of Three Walkthrough

This is a Best of Three quest walkthrough for Fallout 4 (FO4). Learn Best of Three's location, recommended level, and rewards, as well as the Gunner Signal Remnant location.

Best of Three Walkthrough

Best of Three Objectives

  1. Listen to Vault-Tec Distress Signal.
  2. Investigate the distress signal coordinates.
  3. Search the Gunner for evidence of what happened.
  4. Access the Gunner's Pip-Boy.
  5. Investigate the Gunner Pip-Boy coordinates.
  6. Investigate the next signal's coordinates.
  7. Listen to the Gunner Signal Remnant.
  8. Follow the Gunner Signal Remnant.
  9. Defeat Caroni
  10. Pick up Caroni's Tesla Cannon.

1. Listen to Vault-Tec Distress Signal

Listen to the Vault-Tec Distress Signal on the Radio of your Pip-Boy. The recommended level for Best of Three is at least Level 25, since it will take you to the southern section of the map where you'll encounter enemies leveled 25-30.

2. Investigate the Distress Signal Coordinates

Head south to Somerville Place, which is where the distress signal coordinates are marked on your map.

Full Interactive Map

3. Search the Gunner for Evidence of What Happened

You'll find Vault 95 Gunner's corpse by a tree once you arrive at the coordinates. Take the Gunner Holotape from the corpse.

Play the Gunner Holotape on your Pipboy by going to your Inventory under the Misc tab. The holotape will tell you about a way to download Pip-Boy data from someone else.

4. Access the Gunner's Pip-Boy

Inspect the dead Gunner again and there should now be an option to download Pip-Boy data from the body. Select the option that is not corrupted to advance the quest.

5. Investigate the Gunner Pip-Boy Coordinates

Fallout 4 Best of Three Gunner Pip-Boy Coordinates

Head to Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church, which is where the new Gunner Pip-Boy coordinates should be marked on the map.

Kill all the Ghouls inside the Church

Upon arriving at the church, peek through the hole on the roof of the buried building. You'll see the quest marker surrounded by a bunch of ghouls, kill all the ghouls first.

Download Pip-Boy Data from the Corpse

After clearing all the ghouls, head to the marker and you'll see another dead Gunner. Download the Pip-Boy data from the body to continue.

6. Investigate the next Signal's Coordinates

Head to the new coordinates at Relay Tower 0DB-521 further south. You'll see another dead Gunner at the relay tower. Download the Pip-Boy data again from this body and you'll discover a new radio signal called Gunner Signal Remnant.

7. Listen to the Gunner Signal Remnant

Open your Radio and listen to the Gunner Signal Remnant signal without turning it off. The signal will continue beeping and lead you to its location. You can see how close you are by looking at the percentage that appears on the top-left corner of your screen.

8. Gunner Signal Remnant Location

The Gunner Signal Remnant Location is inside the crashed plane at Skylanes Flight 1665. From the relay tower, head south-west to find the plane crash site. Be wary of a Deathclaw in the area.

Go inside the crashed plane to find the signal

Inside the plane crash is another Gunner's corpse, where the gunner signal remnant is coming from. Download the Pip-Boy data again to continue.

9. Defeat Caroni

As soon as you finish reading from the Pip-Boy data, Caroni will arrive to attack you. He will be using the Tesla Cannon so be careful.

10. Pick up Caroni's Tesla Cannon

Defeat Caroni and you'll be able to take the Tesla Cannon for yourself which also concludes the quest.

Tesla Cannon Location, Ammo, and ID

Best of Three Rewards

Tesla Cannon

Weapon Damage Weight
Heavy Weapon ImageTesla Cannon 60 Energy 21

The quest rewards you with the Tesla Cannon that uses Fusion Cells for ammo to fire lightning blasts that deal heavy area damage. The weapon can be modded to improve its stats.

Best Weapons

Best of Three Location

How to Unlock

Fallout 4 Best of Three Quest Data

Best of Three is automatically added to your quest list in the Pipboy after exiting the vault as a new character or loading a previous character from before the 2024 next-gen update.

Distress Signal Locations

1. Somerville Place

2. Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church

3. Relay Tower 0DB-521 further south

4. Skylanes Flight 1665

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