Fallout 4 (FO4)

Trouble Brewin’ Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Trouble Brewin

Trouble Brewin’ is a Side Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Trouble Brewin’ walkthrough and learn about Trouble Brewin’s location and rewards.

Trouble Brewin’ Location

Where to Start Trouble Brewin’

Map View
Hotel Rexford in Goodneighbor
Quest Giver Fallout 4 - Rufus Rubins
Rufus Rubins

Trouble Brewin’ Walkthrough

  1. Go to The Shamrock Taphouse
  2. Find Drinkin Buddy Robot
  3. Find The Password
  4. Escort the Robot to Hotel Rexford
  5. Return to Rufus

Go to The Shamrock Taphouse

Map Location

After Talking to Rufus in Hotel Rexford, you will need to head to The Shamrock Taphouse located just east of Goodneighbor.

Find Drinkin Buddy Robot

Fallout 4 - Hack the Terminal

Battle your way through enemies until you get to the basement, where you will find the Drinkin' Buddy Robot.

It's currently locked though so you either need to hack the terminal, depending on if you have the Hacker Perk and can hack higher level terminals, or find the password.

Find The Password

Fallout 4 - Drinkin Buddy Password

If you weren't able to hack the terminal, this is the alternative. If you go to Patricks's computer, on the table after going down the stairs, it says that the password is stashed in this same room.

The password is on top of the shelf, the one where the light is blinking. Head up the stairs and walk through the shelves from there.

Escort the Robot to Hotel Rexford

Fallout 4 - Escort the Robot

Wait for the Drinkin Buddy to reboot and if given the option, choose to agree to escort it back to Hotel Rexford.

From here on, the robot will be walking on its own back to Goodneighbor, do your best to protect it while doing so as the quest will fail if the robot dies. You can choose to save your game here.

Keep the Robot For Yourself

Fallout 4 - Keep the Robot

There is a dialogue option where you can choose to keep the robot for yourself as an ally.

Doing this will lock you out of the quest though and you won't be able to finish it.

Best Companions and All Companions

Return to Rufus

Fallout 4 - Return to Rufus

Talk to Rufus once the escort is successful and collect your rewards. Drinkin Buddy here will be

Trouble Brewin’ Quest Summary and Rewards

Trouble Brewin’ Rewards and Quest ID

Trouble Brewin’ Overview
Rewards XP: 200+
Caps: 200-400 (Depending on the negotiated price)
Quest ID 0017D18C

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