Fallout 4 (FO4)

The Nuclear Option (Railroad) Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - The Nuclear Option Railroad
This is a walkthrough of The Nuclear Option Railroad Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full The Nuclear Option Railroad walkthrough and learn The Nuclear Option location and rewards.

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The Nuclear Option (Railroad) Quest Summary

The Nuclear Option Overview
"Save all the rebel Synths by infiltrating and destroying the Institute for good."
Faction The Railroad
Quest Giver Desdemona
Quest ID 0010C64C
Rewards XP: 1725

The Nuclear Option (Railroad) Walkthrough

The Nuclear Option (Railroad) Objectives

  1. Find Z1-14
  2. Kill Everyone in the Relay Room
  3. Talk to Desdemona to Get the Fusion Charge
  4. Head to the Main Square
  5. Defeat All Enemies in the Main Square
  6. Issue a Lockdown Override
  7. Reach the Reactor
  8. Talk to Shaun and Tinker Tom
  9. Use the Detonator to Destroy the Institute
  10. Speak to Desdemona After

Find Z1-14

Fallout 4 - Find Z1-14

Head back to the Institute and take the elevator in the main square to the Relay Room. As you turn right, you should see Z1-14. Speak to him to get the plans started.

Kill Everyone in the Relay Room

Fallout 4 - Kill Everyone in the Relay Room

Next, defeat everyone in the Relay Room since you'll need it to bring in the rest of the Railroad.

Talk to Desdemona to Get the Fusion Charge

Fallout 4 - Talk to Desdemona

After everyone arrives in the Relay Room, speak to Desdemona, and she'll give you the Fusion Pulse Charge that you'll need to plant later on

Head to the Main Square

Fallout 4 - Old Robotics Hatch Location

Proceed to the Main Square by entering the Old Robotics Department. Head down to the bottommost area and make your way to the end of the last floor to find the hatch leading to the Bioscience Department.

When you reach the Bioscience Department, take the path to the right. The exit should be on the left side of the Gorilla enclosure. Take that exit to reach the main square.

Defeat All Enemies in the Main Square

Fallout 4 - Kill All Synths and Coursers

Defeat all enemies inside the Main Square, including the Coursers sent to attack you. Make sure you defeat all enemies, as this is the only way to trigger Tinker Tom's announcement, which allows you to access the elevator in the middle again to reach the Father's room.

Issue a Lockdown Override

Fallout 4 - Disable Security

When you reach Father's room, proceed to the second floor to locate the terminal. Use it to issue a lock override, unlocking all doors on the main floor and granting you access to the Reactor.

Talk to Father to Shutdown the Synths

You can also speak to the Father to gain access to the Synth Shutdown command. However, this requires passing charisma checks, so make sure you have Charisma perks before attempting this.

Activating this command shuts down some of the deployed Synths, reducing combat pressure as you proceed to the reactor.

All Charisma Perks List and Best Charisma Perks

Reach the Reactor

Fallout 4 - Reactor Location

Proceed to the Advanced Systems and enter the room directly ahead. Follow the path, and it will lead you to the reactor.

Keep in mind that the path will be littered with turrets and Synths, especially in the main room, so be sure to defeat them to reach the reactor quickly. Plant the Fusion Pulse Charge immediately as soon as you reach the reactor.

Talk to Shaun and Tinker Tom

Fallout 4 - Talk to Shaun and Tinker Tom

After planting the Fusion Pulse Charge, rush back to Desdemona to teleport back to the Relay Room where Shaun now waits with the rest of the Railroad. Talk to him and Tinker Tom to activate the Relay Platform.

Use the Detonator to Destroy the Institute

Fallout 4 - Use the Detonator

Once outside, activate the detonator in front of you to destroy the Institute for good.

Speak to Desdemona After

Fallout 4 - The Nuclear Option End

After the explosion, a cutscene will play shortly. End the quest by speaking to Desdemona after the cutscene.

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The Nuclear Option (Railroad) Location

Where to Start The Nuclear Option (Railroad)

Map View
Railroad HQ
Quest Giver

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