Fallout 4 (FO4)

Long Road Ahead Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Long Road Ahead

Long Road Ahead is a Companion Quest for MacCready in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Long Road Ahead walkthrough and learn how to complete the continue traveling with MacCready objective, how to get Jacob's Password, and how to get to MedTek research.

Long Road Ahead Quest Requirements

Reach 250 Affinity With MacCready

To begin the Long Road Ahead quest, you will need to have MacCready as a companion and raise his affinity to 250.

Always check his affinity by talking to him. He will bring up the quest only once the requirements are met.

MacCready Affinity Guide

Long Road Ahead Walkthrough

  1. Travel to the Mass Pike Interchange
  2. Kill Winlock and Barnes
  3. Speak to MacCready
  4. Continue Traveling WIth MacCready
  5. Bring MacCready to Med-Tek Research
  6. Locate the Executive Terminal
  7. Enter Med-Tek Sub-Level
  8. Retrieve Cure for MacCready
  9. Bring Cure to Daisy in Goodneighbor

Travel to the Mass Pike Interchange

After talking to MacCready about the quest, head on to Mass Pike Interchange located at the far west of Goodneighbor.

Kill Winlock and Barnes

At the end of this bridge stands Winlock and Barnes along with a robot. Prepare to fight and kill them. You must bring a lot of healing items for this battle.

Speak to MacCready

Fallout 4 - Talk to MacCready

Speak to MacCready after the scuffle to finish the first part of this quest. You can ask for the caps you paid him in the beginning as your reward.

Continue Traveling With MacCready

Fallout 4 - Second Part of the Quest

To complete the Continue Traveling With MacCready objective, you must reach 750 affinity with him. To do so, have him as your active companion and do activites that he likes, which includes lockpicking owned storages or doors, stealing, and asking for more Caps.

Once the requirement has been met, he will open up about his family and Med-Tek.

MacCready Affinity Guide

Bring MacCready to Med-Tek Research

Map Location
Fallout 4 - Med-Tek Research Location

MacCready will mark the Med-Tek Research on your map. Follow it and go to the location with MacCready.

Locate the Executive Terminal

Fallout 4 - Executive Terminal

Head inside the Research facility and on the highest floor is the Executive Terminal.

MacCready will provide you with the password (automatically added to your inventory) to override the terminal so you can access it. Select the option to Override Containment Lockdown.

How to Find Jacob's Password

Enter Med-Tek Sub-Level

Fallout 4 - Override

Head back to the first floor and in the room where there's an Airlock Terminal, choose to open the airlock doors. Inside, another terminal is near the desk. Have it open the Security Doors.

Go inside and explore until you reach the second floor and an elevator. Enter the elevator to reach the Med-Tek Sub Level.

Retrieve Cure for MacCready

Fallout 4 - The Cure

Keep going down and eventually, you will reach a Med-Tek Lab terminal. Inside the room you opened is the cure, lying on the long table with the skeletons.

Once picked up, talk to MacCready and he will ask that you give it to Daisy in Goodneighbor.

Bring Cure to Daisy in Goodneighbor

Fallout 4 - Daisy

Get out of the Research facility and fast travel back to Goodneighbor. Find Daisy and give her the cure to finish this quest.

Long Road Ahead Quest Summary and Rewards

Long Road Ahead Rewards and Quest ID

Long Road Ahead Overview
Rewards XP: 250+
Quest ID 00027411

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