Fallout 4 (FO4)

All Side Quests List and Best Side Quests

Fallout 4 Side Quests

This is a list of Side Quests in Fallout 4 (FO4). Learn all side quest rewards and unlock conditions, if there are missable side quests, and what are the best side quests worth doing!

All Side Quests List

Side Quest Info
All Hallows' Eve Quest Giver: Automatically available after leaving Vault 111.
XP: 362
・De-Capitalist Helmet
・Halloween Decorations
Banished from The Institute
Prerequisite: Become enemies with The Institute
XP: 450
Cambridge Polymer Labs Quest Giver: Molly
XP: 200+
・Piezonucleic Power Armor Chest
・25 Pre-war Money
Confidence Man Quest Giver: Vadim Bobrov
XP: 300+
Caps: Up to 300 (Depending on negotiated price)
・Travis Miles Being Confident on Diamond City Radio
Curtain Call
XP: 254
・Reginald's Suit (Male)
・Agatha's Dress (Female)
Dependency Quest Giver: Tina De Luca
Prerequisite: Complete Hole in the Wall
XP: 75+
Diamond City Blues Quest Giver: Paul Pembroke
XP: 400+
Caps: 800 - 1000 (If Nelson is Killed)
・Up to 240 Chems (Depending on persuasion check)
・The Marowski Heist side quest (If Paul Pembroke Dies)
Echoes of the Past Quest Giver: Automatically available after leaving Vault 111.
XP: 362
・Enclave Hellfire Power Armor
・Enclave X-02 Power Armor
Emogene Takes a Lover Quest Giver: Edward Deegan
XP: 191
Here Kitty, Kitty Quest Giver: Erin Combes
Prerequisite: Finish Vault 81 Side Quest
XP: 75+
・Fusion Core (You pick one of these four)
・Kickball (You pick one of these four)
・Teddy Bear (You pick one of these four)
・Silver Locket (You pick one of these four)
Here There Be Monsters Quest Giver: Donny Kowalski
XP: 266
Caps: 200
・Zao's Sword
・x4 Pre-war Money
・Homing Beacon
Hole in the Wall Quest Giver: Dr. Penske
Prerequisite: Finish Vault 81 Side Quest
XP: 318
・Syringer Rifle
・Access to a Vault 81 Room
・Curie as a Companion
Human Error Quest Giver: Honest Dan
Prerequisite: fPic
XP: 350+
Caps: 300 - 540 (Depending on the quest outcome)
・Covenant as Settlement (if you accept Dr. Chambers' offer)
Last Voyage of the USS Constitution Quest Giver: Lookout
XP: 558
Caps: 500
・Lieutenant's Hat
・Captain's Quarters
Mystery Meat Quest Giver: Theodore Collins
XP: 200+
Caps: 50
Order Up Quest Giver: Wolfgang or Trudy
XP: 225
Caps: 100-200 (Depending on negotiated price)
Out in Left Field Quest Giver: Moe Cronin
XP: 150+
Caps: 300-600 (Depending on persuasion check)
Painting the Town Quest Giver: Abbot
XP: 191
Caps: 200
Pickman’s Gift Quest Giver: Pickman
XP: 181
・Pickman's Blade
・Pickman's Thank You Note
Public Knowledge Quest Giver: Daisy
XP: 556
Caps: 200
Pull the Plug Quest Giver: Sully Mathis
XP: 200+
Caps: 50-125 (Depending on the negotiated price)
Pyromaniac Quest Giver: Automatically available after leaving Vault 111.
XP: 181
・Hellfire Power Armor
Short Stories Quest Giver: Katy Pinn
XP: 98
・Grognak the Barbarian
Speak of the Devil Quest Giver: Automatically available after leaving Vault 111.
XP: 362
・X-02 Power Armor
Special Delivery Quest Giver: Edward Deegan
XP: 200
Caps: 100-150(Depending on the negotiated price)
・Mysterious Serum (If you choose to keep the package)
The Big Dig Quest Giver: Bobbi No-Nose
XP: 372
The Devil’s Due Quest Giver: Listen to Private Hart's Holotape
XP: 483
Caps: 200 (If the Egg is Delivered to Wellingham)
・Deathclaw Gauntlet
The Disappearing Act Quest Giver: Valentine Detective Agency
XP: 250+
Caps: Up to 200 (Depending on the negotiated price)
The Memory Den Quest Giver: Irma
XP: 200
Caps: 100 (If you persuade Irma to refund)
The Silver Shroud Quest Giver: Kent Connolly
XP: 450+
Caps: 750
・Silver Shroud Armor
・Silver Shroud Hat
・Silver Shroud Armor Upgrades (If Kent Survives)
Trouble Brewin’ Quest Giver: Rufus Rubins
XP: 200+
Caps: 200-400 (Depending on the negotiated price)
Vault 75
XP: 200+
Vault 81 Quest Giver: Overseer Mcnamara
XP: 75+
Caps: 100
・Access to Vault 81

Are There Missable Side Quests?

4 Missable Side Quests

Side Quest Availability Condition
The Marowski Heist Only if Paul Pembroke dies and Henry Cooke survives in Diamond City Blues
The Memory Den Before completing Unlikely Valentine only
Tradecraft / Plugging a Leak If you do one, you can't do the other
Human Error Before completing The Nuclear Option (any faction) only

The Marowski Heist

The Marowski Heist is a side quest that is only available if Paul Pembroke dies during the quest Diamond City Blues but Henry Cooke survives.

The Memory Den

Fallout 4 - Talk to Irma.png

The Memory Den is a short side quest that is only available if you haven't completed the main quest Unlikely Valentine, which sees you rescuing Nick Valentine.

To start this quest, head to the Memory Den before rescuing Nick Valentine and speak to Irma and pay her to use one of the Memory Loungers.

The Memory Den Walkthrough

Tradecraft and Plugging a Leak

The faction quests Tradecraft and Plugging a Leak are mutually exclusive quests which means completing one will make the other unavailable.

You'll need to choose to do either one of the quests since the questline will lead to the Sole Survivor allying with either The Railroad or The Institute.

All Factions List

Human Error

Fallout 4 - Doctor Chambers

Human Error is a relatively early side quest that takes place in Covenant and becomes unavailable if you completed The Nuclear Option by siding with the Minutemen, the Brotherhood of Steel, or the Railroad.

We recommend completing this quest very early in the game since an option to make Covenant as a useable Settlement becomes available depending on how you end the side quest.

Human Error Walkthrough

Best Side Quests To Do

List of Best Side Quests To Do

The Silver Shroud

Fallout 4 - Silver Shroud Costume

The Silver Shroud is a side quest you can start in Goodneigbor that involves the Sole Survivor taking the mantle of the comicbook character Silver Shroud.

This quest rewards the Silver Shroud Costume which is one of the few clothing that you can upgrade without the Ballistic Weave provided that Kent Connolly survives.

The Silver Shroud Walkthrough

The Devil's Due

Fallout 4 - Deathclaw in Museum of Witchcraft

The Devil's Due is a short side quest that you can start in Diamond City that involves stealing a Pristine Deathclaw Egg from the Museum of Witchcraft in Salem.

If you choose to give the deathclaw egg to Wellingham, you'll receive Wellingham's Recipe which allows you to cook Deathclaw Wellingham, one of the strongest food items in the game in terms of healing and health regeneration.

The Devil's Due Choice Walkthrough

Special Delivery

Fallout 4 - Look for Jack Cabot

The Special Delivery side quest starts the Cabot House questline which involves discovering the secret of the seemingly long-lived Cabot family.

The conclusion of the questline rewards the Solve Survivor with either Lorenzo's Artificat Gun or an endless supply of Mysterious Serum from Lorenzo depending on your choice during The Secret of Cabot House.

Special Delivery Walkthrough

Blind Betrayal

Fallout 4 - Confront Paladin Danse

Blind Betrayal is both a a Brotherhood of Steel main quest and Paladin Danse's companion quest.

Notably, this quest allows you to spare Paladin Danse to keep him a companion and possible romantic partner while also staying on friendly terms with The Brotherhood of Steel.

Blind Betrayal Walkthrough

Pickman's Gift

Fallout 4 - Pickman

Pickman's Gift is a short side quest that takes place in Pickman Gallery and sees the Sole Survivor investigate the horrific murders of raiders by a serial killer.

This quest rewards Pickman's Blade, which is one of the strongest Combat Knives in the game and a must-have for stealth builds. Accessing Pickman Gallery is also required to retrieve the Lockpicking Bobblehead located in Pickman's room.

Pickman’s Gift Walkthrough

How to Start Side Quests

Complete Prerequisites

Fallout 4 - Side Quests Prerequisites

Most side quests require some story progression or other side quest completion before you can take them on. Some will also require you to get a companion with a certain level of affinity before you can start a side quest.

If a side quest isn't appearing yet, you might want to complete other quests that might be related to it and increase your affinity with some NPCs to start one.

Use Console Command to Finish a Quest

Console Command completequest [questID]
Ex. completequest 000456E8

You can use Console Commands to finish a quest instantly. Type the console command "completequest" followed by the quest ID to do it.

List of All Quest IDs

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Fallout 4 Wiki

Fallout 4 Wiki

Fallout 4 Walkthrough Wiki

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Next-Gen Update Added Items
De-Capitalist Helmet Halloween Decorations


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