Fallout 4 (FO4)

War Never Changes Walkthrough

Fallout 4 War Never Changes

War Never Changes is a Main Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full War Never Changes walkthrough and learn War Never Changes location and rewards.

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War Never Changes Quest Summary

War Never Changes Overview
"Survive the nuclear explosion by going to Vault 111 to save your family."
Faction None
Quest Giver Automatically starts after starting the game.
Quest ID 0001ED86
Rewards XP: No XP Reward
・ Vault 111 Jumpsuit

War Never Changes Walkthrough

War Never Changes Objectives

  1. Create Your Character
  2. Open the Door and Set Up Your S.P.E.C.I.A.L
  3. Play with Shaun
  4. Go to the Vault
  5. Talk to Vault-Tec Staff
  6. Follow the Doctor

Create Your Character

Fallout 4 - Create Your Character

Create your own character after starting the game. You will immediately start off in the character creation screen after hitting New Game from the menu.

Open the Door and Set Up Your S.P.E.C.I.A.L

Fallout 4 - Set Up Your SPECIAL

Open the door to talk to the Vault-Tec Rep, allowing you to set up your name and S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

After creating the appearance of your character, go to the living room and wait until a Vault-Tec rep rings the doorbell of your house.

Best Starting Stats

Play with Shaun

Fallout 4 - Play With Shaun

Go to Shaun's room after setting up your name and S.P.E.C.I.A.L and play with him. Your wife or husband will also go to Shaun's room commenting how happy Shaun is.

Go to Vault 111

Fallout 4 - Go to Vault 111

Exit your house with your family and follow the objective marker to get into Vault 111. After playing with Shaun, Codsworth will call you to check the news on the TV which states that nuclear bombs are dropping all over America.

Exit the house, follow the quest marker located below the screen and talk to the guard that you will meet along the way to proceed to Vault 111.

Talk to the Vault-Tec Staff

Fallout 4 - Talk to Vault-Tec Staff

Talk to the Vault-Tec Staff after getting inside Vault 111. Just follow the quest marker once you're inside Vault 111 and talk to the Vault-Tec Staff to get your Vault 111 Jumpsuit.

Follow the Doctor and Get into Decontamination Pod

Fallout 4 - Follow the Doctor

After getting the jumpsuit, follow the doctor and get into the decontamination pod. Once you get into the decontamination pod, it will be revealed that it is actually a cryogenic pod and that you'll be suspended for many years.

Watch the cutscene until you get out of your pod which will automatically finish the current quest and start the next one.

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War Never Changes Location

Where to Start War Never Changes

Map View
Quest Giver
Starts when you start a New Game.

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Fallout 4 Main Quests

All Main Quests List

All Main Quests

All Main Quests
1 War Never Changes
2 Out of Time
3 Jewel of the Commonwealth
4 Unlikely Valentine
5 Getting a Clue
6 Reunions
7 Dangerous Minds
8 The Glowing Sea
9 Hunter/Hunted
10 The Molecular Level
11 Institutionalized


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