Fallout 4 (FO4)

Spoils of War Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Spoils of War
Spoils of War is a Brotherhood of Steel Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Spoils of War walkthrough and learn Spoils of War location and rewards.

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Tactical Thinking Ad Victoriam

Spoils of War Quest Summary

Spoils of War Overview
"Head to the Mass Fusion to find the Beryllium Agitator for Liberty Prime."
Faction Brotherhood of Steel
Quest Giver Captain Kells
Quest ID 000FDC8C
Rewards XP: 725

Spoils of War Walkthrough

Spoils of War Objectives

  1. Speak to Proctor Ingram
  2. Fly to Mass Fusion
  3. Get the Mass Fusion ID to Ride the Elevator
  4. Restore the Power
  5. Take the Elevator to the Basement
  6. Locate the Beryllium Agitator
  7. Unlock the Reactor
  8. Take the Beryllium Agitator
  9. Defeat the Hostile Securities
  10. Exit the Mass Fusion

Speak to Proctor Ingram

Start the quest by talking to Proctor Ingram in the Power Armor Garage. From here, you can either allow her to come with you or go to Mass Fusion alone. It's recommended to bring her along, as she provides extra manpower for taking down Synths later on.

However, if you prefer a more challenging experience, you can ask her to stay instead!

Fly to Mass Fusion

Head to the Flight Deck and board the Vertibird prepared for your flight to Mass Fusion. As you approach the building, be prepared to take down the Synths attacking from the rooftop. Use the minigun to defeat them before you land.

Try to eliminate as many as possible because if your aircraft takes too much damage, the pilot will be forced to land immediately, leaving you to defeat the remaining Synths with only your own weapons.

Boarding the Vertibird Banishes You from the Institute

Keep in mind that boarding the Vertibird will automatically make you an enemy of the Institute. If you have any remaining Institute quests you plan to finish, make sure to complete them before starting this quest!

Get the Mass Fusion ID to Ride the Elevator

After clearing out the Synths, head inside the building and look for the Mass Fusion ID. You can locate it on a desk on the second floor, just across from the elevator. Once you have it, use the ID to access the lower floors.

Kil All Synths While Descending

As the elevator descends, Synths from the floors you pass by will attack you. Be prepared to defend yourself even while moving downward, as they can hit you through the broken glass of the elevator.

Restore the Power

While descending, the elevator will eventually stop in the middle of the tower as the power shuts off. Although marked as optional, it's best to restore the power here so you can use the elevator again to descend.

How to Restore the Power

To restore the power, exit the elevator and clear out the Synths attacking you. Head to the room on the right and climb the broken incline to the next floor. Exit the room on the nearest door and head to the room with terminals. Go left and jump over the debris to reach the room with the fusebox.

Open and activate the fusebox to restore power. Return to the main floor after and ride the elevator again to reach the ground floor.

Take the Elevator to the Basement

After reaching the ground floor, you'll encounter more Synths. Clear them out and proceed directly to the door on the left. Just past this room, you'll find another elevator. Ride it to reach the basement.

Locate the Beryllium Agitator

After exiting the elevator, take the stairs on the left. Follow the short path, and you'll quickly arrive at the reactor chamber, where you'll find the Beryllium Agitator.

Unlock the Reactor

Next, enter the door on the left and press the button to start the decontamination. The door will shortly unlock after this and you need to immediately run to the reactor afterward, as the next room has dangerously high radiation.

Bring Rad-X and RadAway

Make sure to bring plenty of Rad-X or RadAway with you to gain radiation resistance and heal radiation damage afterward. This helps you prevent from taking too much radiation, which in this room, could reach levels as high as 50 or more.

Take one Rad-X as soon as the door opens, and take a RadAway once you start taking too much damage!

Take the Beryllium Agitator

Reach the top of the chamber and immediately press the Interlock Release. Then, activate the Beryllium Agitator and retrieve it. Quickly exit the chamber through the entrance and initiate another decontamination to unlock the door.

Defeat the Hostile Securities

As you exit the chamber, security protocols will send out hostile Assaultrons, Sentry Bots, and Protectrons. You have the option to fight them or turn them off using the terminal in the middle room if you're quick. Hacking this terminal can deactivate all Assaultrons, leaving you to deal with only the Sentry Bots. If you're having a hard time defeating them, you can use mines, such as bottlecap mines, to take them down more easily!

After that, take the same stairs from where you entered and defeat the Protectron at the top. You can also deactivate it using the nearby terminal, but since it's only one, you can just kill it instead. Once defeated or deactivated, you'll be able to gain access to the elevator again.

Exit the Mass Fusion

After deactivating the security protocols, exit by taking the elevators. Once you're on the main floor, leave through the door on the right and fast travel to Boston Airport to complete the quest. Report to Proctor Ingram once you arrive.

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Tactical Thinking Ad Victoriam

Spoils of War Location

Where to Start Spoils of War

Map View Fallout 4 - The Prydwen
Quest Giver
Captain Kells

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Full Brotherhood of Steel Questline

The Brotherhood of Steel Quests
1 Reveille
2 Fire Support
3 Call to Arms
4 Semper Invicta
5 Shadow of Steel
6 Tour of Duty
7 Show No Mercy
8 From Within
9 Outside the Wire
10 Liberty Reprimed
11 Blind Betrayal
12 Tactical Thinking
13 Spoils of War
14 Ad Victoriam
15 The Nuclear Option
16 A New Dawn


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