Fallout 4 (FO4)

Semper Invicta Walkthrough

Semper Invicta is a Brotherhood of Steel Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Semper Invicta walkthrough and learn Semper Invicta location and rewards.

Previous Quest Next Quest
Call to Arms Shadow of Steel

Semper Invicta Quest Summary

Semper Invicta Overview
"Take on your first set missions as an official member of the Brotherhood of Steel."
Faction Brotherhood of Steel
Quest Giver Paladin Danse
Quest ID 0002BF20
Rewards XP: 362
Caps: 208

Semper Invicta Walkthrough

Semper Invicta Objectives

  1. Talk to Paladin Danse
  2. Complete Cleansing the Commonwealth
  3. Complete Quartermastery

Talk to Paladin Danse

Head back to the Cambridge Police Station and speak with Paladin Danse. He will officially introduce you to Scribe Haylen and Knight Rhys as a member of the Brotherhood, and they will assign you your first set of tasks.

Complete Cleansing the Commonwealth

Talk to Knight Rhys to start the Cleansing the Commonwealth side quest. In this repeatable quest, you'll be sent off to different locations to eliminate all enemies in the designated area. The specific enemies you encounter will vary depending on the randomly assigned location.

After completing the task, report back to Knight Rhys to end the side quest. He'll give you bottlecaps as a reward for clearing the areas.

Complete Quartermastery

Quartermastery is the other repeatable side quest that you need to complete to progress this faction quest. To get this quest, talk to Scribe Haylen and she'll send you to a random location where you need to retrieve a Reflex Capacitor.

After getting the Capacitor, head back to the Police Station and return it to Scribe Haylen complete the sidequest. She'll reward you with bottlecaps after and every time you repeat this quest!

Both Side Quests are Interchangeable

You can complete Cleansing the Commonwealth and Quartermastery in any order. As long as you finish both quests, Semper Invicta will be marked as complete afterward.

Previous Quest Next Quest
Call to Arms Shadow of Steel

Semper Invicta Location

Where to Start Semper Invicta

Map View
ArcJet Systems
Quest Giver
Paladin Danse

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Fallout 4 Factions

All Factions List

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions
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The Railroad The Institute

Full Brotherhood of Steel Questline

The Brotherhood of Steel Quests
1 Reveille
2 Fire Support
3 Call to Arms
4 Semper Invicta
5 Shadow of Steel
6 Tour of Duty
7 Show No Mercy
8 From Within
9 Outside the Wire
10 Liberty Reprimed
11 Blind Betrayal
12 Tactical Thinking
13 Spoils of War
14 Ad Victoriam
15 The Nuclear Option
16 A New Dawn


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