Fallout 4 (FO4)

Rockets' Red Glare Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Rockets
Rockets' Red Glare is a Railroad Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Rocket's Red Glare walkthrough and learn Rocket's Red Glare location and rewards.

Previous Quest Next Quest
Precipice of War The Nuclear Option

Rockets' Red Glare Quest Summary

Rockets' Red Glare Overview
"Infiltrate the Prydwen and destroy the Brotherhood of Steel for good."
Faction The Railroad
Quest Giver Deacon
Quest ID 00043275
Rewards XP: 575
Caps: 1000
・ Railway Rifle Long Barrel

Rockets' Red Glare Walkthrough

Rockets' Red Glare Objectives

  1. Ride the Vertibird
  2. Reach the Prydwen Main Deck
  3. Plant the Explosives
  4. Escape the Prydwen
  5. Report Back to Desdemona

Ride the Vertibird

Fallout 4 - Ride the Vertibird

After completing Precipice of War, board the Vertibird with Deacon and Tinker Tom and make your way towards the Prydwen.

Along the way, Tinker Tom will give you the Brotherhood of Steel uniform. Wear it to disguise yourself and prevent any potential confrontation once you land on the Prydwen.

Reach the Prydwen Main Deck

Fallout 4 - Prydwen Command Room

Upon exiting the Vertibird, take the path to the right and enter the Command Room. You may encounter some Brotherhood personnel, so try to strike up a conversation with them to avoid suspicion.

Once inside, don't take the stairs directly in front of you. Instead, use the ladder, as this will take you up to the main deck.

Plant the Explosives

Fallout 4 - Planting Explosives

When you reach the main deck, take the stairs on the left and climb up to the third floor. You'll find a large walkway with circular structures with arches. In the middle of these are red panels where you need to plant the explosives on. Simply interact with them to install the explosives.

All three targets are in the same walkway. Install them as quickly as possible to avoid any confrontations, especially if you're approaching the mission stealthily.

Escape the Prydwen

Fallout 4 - Escaping Prydwen

After securing the explosives, head back by taking the same path to exit the Prydwen and rush back to the Vertibird. Board it and wait for Deacon and Tinker Tom to fly away to safety as the Prydwen explodes.

Report Back to Desdemona

Fallout 4 - Rockets

Complete the quest by reporting back to Desdemona, who will reward you with 1000 Bottlecaps and the Railway Rifle Long Barrel.

Previous Quest Next Quest
Precipice of War The Nuclear Option

Rockets' Red Glare Location

Where to Start Rockets' Red Glare

Map View
Cambridge Police Station
Quest Giver

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Fallout 4 Factions

All Factions List

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions
Minutemen Brotherhood of Steel
The Railroad The Institute

Full Railroad Questline

The Railroad Quests
1 Road to Freedom
Freedom Trail Code
2 Tradecraft
3 Underground Undercover
4 Precipice of War
5 Rockets' Red Glare
6 The Nuclear Option


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