Fallout 4 (FO4)

All Achievements and Trophies List

Fallout 4 (FO4) has 85 trophies and achievements, including a Platinum Trophy and 34 DLC trophies. Read on for a full list of all achievements and trophies and how to obtain them.

List of All Trophies and Achievements

Trophies Amount
Platinum TrophyPlatinum
(Base Game)
Gold TrophyGold
(Base Game)
Silver TrophySilver
(Base Game)
Bronze TrophyBronze
(Base Game)
DLC 34
Total: 85

Fallout 4 Platinum Trophy

Platinum Trophy.png Platinum Trophy Collect all other 50 Trophies

Fallout 4 Gold Trophy

Gold Trophy.png Prepared for the Future
G: 50
Decide the Fate of the Commonwealth

Fallout 4 has one Gold Trophy in the base game, which you obtain once you finish one of the four Faction questlines.

Fallout 4 Silver Trophies

Silver Trophy.png The Nuclear Option
G: 30
Complete "The Nuclear Option"
Silver Trophy.png Nuclear Family
G: 30
Complete "Nuclear Family"
Silver Trophy.png Old Guns
G: 30
Complete "Old Guns"
Silver Trophy.png Ad Victoriam
G: 30
Complete "Ad Victoriam"
Silver Trophy.png Rockets' Red Glare
G: 30
Complete "Rockets' Red Glare"
Silver Trophy.png Gun-For-Hire
G: 20
Complete 10 Side Quests
Silver Trophy.png Mercenary
G: 30
Complete 50 Misc. Objectives
Silver Trophy.png What's Yours Is Mine
G: 30
Pick 50 Locks
Silver Trophy.png RobCo's Wost Nightmare
G: 30
Hack 50 Terminals
Silver Trophy.png Armed and Dangerous
G: 30
Create 50 Weapon Mods
Silver Trophy.png Wasteland D.I.Y.
G: 30
Craft 100 Items
Silver Trophy.png Ranger Corps
G: 40
Discover 100 Locations
Silver Trophy.png ...They're Action Figures
G: 20
Collect 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
Silver Trophy.png Unstoppable Wanderer
G: 25
Reach Level 25
Silver Trophy.png Legend of the Wastes
G: 50
Reach Level 50

Fallout 4 has 15 Silver Trophies in its base game.

Fallout 4 Bronze Trophies

Bronze Trophy.png War Never Changes
G: 10
Enter The Wasteland
Bronze Trophy.png When Freedom Calls
G: 20
Complete "When Freedom Calls"
Bronze Trophy.png Unlikely Valentine
G: 20
Complete "Unlikely Valentine"
Bronze Trophy.png Reunions
G: 20
Complete "Reunions"
Bronze Trophy.png Dangerous Minds
G: 20
Complete "Dangerous Minds"
Bronze Trophy.png Hunter/Hunted
G: 20
Complete "Hunter/Hunted"
Bronze Trophy.png The Molecular Level
G: 20
Complete "The Molecular Level"
Bronze Trophy.png Institutionalized
G: 10
Complete "Institutionalized"
Bronze Trophy.png Mankind-Redefined
G: 10
Complete "Mankind-Redefined"
Bronze Trophy.png Powering Up
G: 10
Complete "Powering Up"
Bronze Trophy.png The First Step
G: 10
Join the Minutemen
Bronze Trophy.png Taking Independence
G: 10
Complete "Taking Independence"
Bronze Trophy.png Semper Invicta
G: 10
Join the Brotherhood of Steel
Bronze Trophy.png Blind Betrayal
G: 10
Complete "Blind Betrayal"
Bronze Trophy.png Tradecraft
G: 10
Join the Railroad
Bronze Trophy.png Underground Undercover
G: 10
Complete "Underground Undercover"
Bronze Trophy.png Sanctuary
G: 20
Complete "Sanctuary"
Bronze Trophy.png Community Organizer
G: 20
Ally with 3 Settlements
Bronze Trophy.png Benevolent Leader
G: 20
Reach Maximum Happiness in a Large Settlement
Bronze Trophy.png Scavver
G: 20
Gather 1000 Resources Used For Crafting
Bronze Trophy.png Never Go It Alone
G: 20
Recruit 5 Separate Companions
Bronze Trophy.png Lovable
G: 20
Reach Maximum Relationship Level with a Companion
Bronze Trophy.png Fix-Er-Upper
G: 20
Build 100 Workshop Items
Bronze Trophy.png Future Retro
G: 10
Play a Holotape Game
Bronze Trophy.png ...The Harder They Fall
G: 20
Kill 5 Giant Creatures
Bronze Trophy.png Print's Not Dead
G: 20
Read 20 Magazines
Bronze Trophy.png Prankster's Return
G: 10
Placed A Grenade Or Mine While Pickpocketing
Bronze Trophy.png Masshole
G: 20
Kill 300 People
Bronze Trophy.png Animal Control
G: 20
Kill 300 Creatures
Bronze Trophy.png Homerun!
G: 10
Get a Homerun
Bronze Trophy.png Touchdown!
G: 10
Get a Touchdown
Bronze Trophy.png They're Not Dolls...
G: 10
Collect 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
Bronze Trophy.png Born Survivor
G: 5
Reach Level 5
Bronze Trophy.png Commonwealth Citizen
G: 10
Reach Level 10

There are 34 bronze trophies in Fallout 4, most of which are related to miscellaneous in-game activities.

Fallout 4 DLC Trophies

Mechanical Menace
G: 20
Complete "Mechanical Menace"
G: 20
Complete "Headhunting"
Restoring Order
G: 20
Complete "Restoring Order"
Robot Hunter
G: 20
Unlock 10 Robot Mods
The Most Toys
G: 20
Build 10 Robot Mods
G: 15
Have 5 Tamed Creatures in a Settlement
G: 15
Start a Spectated Arena Fight in a Settlement
G: 20
Build One of Every Cage Type
Far From Home
G: 20
Complete the quest "Far From Home"
Where You Belong
G: 20
Complete the quest "Where You Belong"
The Way Life Should Be
G: 20
Complete the quest "The Way Life Should Be"
Cleansing The Land
G: 20
Complete the quest "Cleansing the Land"
Close To Home
G: 50
Complete the quest "Close to Home"
The Islander's Almanac
G: 10
Collect all issues of "The Islander's Almanac" magazine
G: 10
Defeat 30 Far Harbor Sea Creatures
New England Vacationer
G: 10
Discover 20 Far Harbor Locations
Push Back The Fog
G: 10
Unlock 3 Far Harbor Workshop Locations
Just Add Saltwater
G: 10
Cook One of the New Far Harbor Recipes
Show Off
G: 20
Display a weapon on a weapon rack, armor on an armor rack, and power armor in a power armor display.
Time Out
G: 10
Assign a settler to a pillory
Mass Production
G: 20
Produce 100 objects from your builders
G: 15
Become Overseer
Better Living Underground
G: 15
Unlock all Vault 88 build areas
Vault Dweller
G: 20
Equip Vault 88 suit and Pip-Boy on a settler
Raiding for a Living
G: 10
Complete 12 quests for any Nuka-World Raider Gangs
G: 10
Collect every issue of Scav! Magazine
G: 10
Create 20 different flavors of Nuka-Cola
Hostile Takeover
G: 20
Establish 8 Raider Camps in the Commonwealth
All Sugared Up
G: 20
Defeat 40 Nuka-World Creatures while under the effect of any Nuka-Mix flavor
Eyes on the PRize
G: 20
Redeem 100,000 tickets at the Nuka-Cade
Taken for a Ride
G: 10
Complete "Taken for a Ride"
The Grand Tour
G: 20
Complete "The Grand Tour"
Home Sweet Home
G: 20
Complete "Home Sweet Home"
Power Play
G: 30
Complete "Power Play"

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Fallout 4 Wiki

Fallout 4 Wiki

Fallout 4 Walkthrough Wiki

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