Fallout 4 (FO4)

Stimpak and RadAway IDs: All Consumable IDs

Fallout 4 - All Consumable IDs

This is a list of all Consumable IDs for Fallout 4 (FO4). Find out all consumable IDs, all consumable console commands, such as Stimpak and Radaway IDs, as well as how to generate consumables instantly on PC.

Stimpak and Radaway IDs

Stimpak ID

Consumable ID 00023736
Console Command player.additem 00023736

Stimpaks restore your HP by 30% and is your primary source of healing.

You can get multiple Stimpaks by using the Console and typing the appropriate ID and Console Command.

All IDs and Console Commands

RadAway ID

Consumable ID 00023742
Console Command player.additem 00023742

RadAway is a chemical solution used to decrease radiation by up to 300 rads over the course of 5 seconds. This, along with Stimpaks is a necessity in your inventory when traveling.

You can get multiple RadAways by using the Console and typing the appropriate ID and Console Command.

Increase Effectivity of Stimpaks and RadAways With the Medic Perk

Fallout 4 - Medic
Unlock Req. Base Perk unlocks at Intelligence 2.
Effects Per Rank
Rank 1
Stimpaks restore 40 percent of lost Health, and RadAway removes 40 percent of radiation.
Rank 2
(Level 18)
Stimpaks now restore 60 percent of lost Health, and RadAway removes 60 percent of radiation.
Rank 3
(Level 30)
Stimpaks restore 80 percent of lost Health, and RadAway removes 80 percent of radiation.
Rank 4
(Level 49)
Stimpaks and RadAway restore all lost Health and radiation and work much more quickly.

Medic Perk

All Consumable IDs

To get the following consumables, press the tilde (~) key to open the console command and type the following code:

• player.additem [consumable id] [value]

All Aid Consumable IDs

Consumables ID Console Command
Addictol 000459c5 player.additem 000459c5
Antibiotics 000008ab player.additem 000008ab
Blood Pack 00052409 player.additem 00052409
Buffjet 00058aa3 player.additem 00058aa3
Buffout 0009f24b player.additem 0009f24b
Bufftats 00058aa5 player.additem 00058aa5
Calmex 00058aa7 player.additem 00058aa7
Daddy-o 00156d0b player.additem 00156d0b
Day Tripper 00150729 player.additem 00150729
Fury 000628ca player.additem 000628ca
Glowing Blood Pack 00058ab4 player.additem 00058ab4
Herbal Anodyne 00249f8e player.additem 00249f8e
Herbal Antimicrobial 00249f8f player.additem 00249f8f
Herbal Stimulant 00249f8d player.additem 00249f8d
Irradiated Blood 000e2f68 player.additem 000e2f68
Jet 000366c5 player.additem 000366c5
Jet Fuel 000518d0 player.additem 000518d0
Med-x 00033779 player.additem 00033779
Mentats 0003377b player.additem 0003377b
Mysterious Serum 000ec4f7 player.additem 000ec4f7
Orange Mentats 000518c5 player.additem 000518c5
Overdrive 00058aad player.additem 00058aad
Psycho 0003377d player.additem 0003377d
Psycho Jet 00058aa8 player.additem 00058aa8
Psychobuff 00058aac player.additem 00058aac
Psychotats 00058aaa player.additem 00058aaa
Rad-x 00024057 player.additem 00024057
Radaway 00023742 player.additem 00023742
Railroad Stealth Boy 001b5b28 player.additem 001b5b28
Skeeto Spit 00058abc player.additem 00058abc
Stealth Boy 0004f4a6 player.additem 0004f4a6
Stimpak 00023736 player.additem 00023736
Ultra Jet 00101299 player.additem 00101299
Vault 81 Cure 00055f10 player.additem 00055f10
X-111 Compound 0007238f player.additem 0007238f
X-cell 001506f4 player.additem 001506f4

All Food Consumable IDs

Consumables ID Console Command
Ash Blossom 001f24b6 player.additem 001f24b6
Baked Bloatfly 0004a151 player.additem 0004a151
Berry Mentats 000518bb player.additem 000518bb
Blamco Brand Mac And Cheese 0002fbe4 player.additem 0002fbe4
Bloatfly Meat 000330f4 player.additem 000330f4
Bloodbug Meat 00074d0d player.additem 00074d0d
Bloodbug Steak 0004693f player.additem 0004693f
Bloodleaf 001c25ee player.additem 001c25ee
Brahmin Meat 0004a13f player.additem 0004a13f
Brain Fungus 001c0fc2 player.additem 001c0fc2
Bubblegum 000330f6 player.additem 000330f6
Canned Dog Food 000bea58 player.additem 000bea58
Carrot 000f742e player.additem 000f742e
Carrot Flower 001c4013 player.additem 001c4013
Cat Meat 000939b8 player.additem 000939b8
Cooked Softshell Meat 000330f2 player.additem 000330f2
Corn 000330f8 player.additem 000330f8
Cram 000330ee player.additem 000330ee
Crispy Squirrel Bits 000330fa player.additem 000330fa
Dandy Boy Apples 0002fbf7 player.additem 0002fbf7
Deathclaw Egg 00046939 player.additem 00046939
Deathclaw Egg Omelette 0004693c player.additem 0004693c
Deathclaw Meat 00074d0e player.additem 00074d0e
Deathclaw Steak 00101293 player.additem 00101293
Deathclaw Wellingham 001a71e7 player.additem 001a71e7
Experimental Plant 001ee1ff player.additem 001ee1ff
Fancy Lads Snack Cakes 000330b4 player.additem 000330b4
Food Paste 00047648 player.additem 00047648
Fresh Carrot 001994aa player.additem 001994aa
Fresh Corn 001994a9 player.additem 001994a9
Fresh Melon 001994ab player.additem 001994ab
Fresh Mutfruit 001847b6 player.additem 001847b6
Glowing Fungus 001c0fc3 player.additem 001c0fc3
Gourd 000ef24d player.additem 000ef24d
Gourd Blossom 001c4011 player.additem 001c4011
Grape Mentats 0010129a player.additem 0010129a
Grilled Radroach 0019797d player.additem 0019797d
Grilled Radstag 00046952 player.additem 00046952
Ground Mole Rat 0004a3b8 player.additem 0004a3b8
Gum Drops 000330fc player.additem 000330fc
Happy Birthday Sweet Roll 001d33d2 player.additem 001d33d2
Hubflower 001c3fdc player.additem 001c3fdc
Iguana Bits 000330fd player.additem 000330fd
Iguana On A Stick 000330fe player.additem 000330fe
Iguana Soup 00102157 player.additem 00102157
Instamash 000366b9 player.additem 000366b9
Institute Food Packet 0021681e player.additem 0021681e
Melon 000fafeb player.additem 000fafeb
Melon Blossom 001c4010 player.additem 001c4010
Mirelurk Cake 0004a152 player.additem 0004a152
Mirelurk Egg 0023e9d4 player.additem 0023e9d4
Mirelurk Egg Omelette 0004693e player.additem 0004693e
Mirelurk Meat 000330ff player.additem 000330ff
Mirelurk Queen Steak 0021c00c player.additem 0021c00c
Moldy Food 001a6397 player.additem 001a6397
Mole Rat Chunks 00046943 player.additem 00046943
Mole Rat Meat 00033101 player.additem 00033101
Mongrel Dog Meat 000330fb player.additem 000330fb
Mutant Hound Chops 0021188e player.additem 0021188e
Mutant Hound Meat 00146156 player.additem 00146156
Mutated Fern Flower 000e34e9 player.additem 000e34e9
Mutfruit 00033102 player.additem 00033102
Mutt Chops 00046940 player.additem 00046940
Noodle Cup 00017c73 player.additem 00017c73
Perfectly Preserved Pie 001a6396 player.additem 001a6396
Pork N' Beans 000330f0 player.additem 000330f0
Potato Crisps 000330f1 player.additem 000330f1
Potted Meat 0016d8c8 player.additem 0016d8c8
Preserved Instamash 000e377a player.additem 000e377a
Pristine Deathclaw Egg 00134c68 player.additem 00134c68
Queen Mirelurk Meat 0020d3de player.additem 0020d3de
Radroach Meat 00033106 player.additem 00033106
Radscorpion Egg 0004693b player.additem 0004693b
Radscorpion Egg Omelette 0004693d player.additem 0004693d
Radscorpion Meat 00074d10 player.additem 00074d10
Radscorpion Steak 00046950 player.additem 00046950
Radstag Meat 001994a9 player.additem 001994a9
Radstag Stew 0004696a player.additem 0004696a
Razorgrain 000e0043 player.additem 000e0043
Ribeye Steak 0004695a player.additem 0004695a
Roasted Mirelurk Meat 00046941 player.additem 00046941
Salisbury Steak 000366ba player.additem 000366ba
Silt Bean 001be2ab player.additem 001be2ab
Slocum's Buzzbites 0006352f player.additem 0006352f
Softshell Mirelurk Meat 00033100 player.additem 00033100
Squirrel Bits 000366bc player.additem 000366bc
Squirrel On A Stick 000366bb player.additem 000366bb
Squirrel Stew 00036927 player.additem 00036927
Stingwing Filet 00046945 player.additem 00046945
Stingwing Meat 00074d0f player.additem 00074d0f
Sugar Bombs 000330f2 player.additem 000330f2
Sweet Roll 000366be player.additem 000366be
Synthetic Gorilla Meat 0016ca4f player.additem 0016ca4f
Tarberry 000d981d player.additem 000d981d
Tasty Deathclaw Omelette 001b5cc4 player.additem 001b5cc4
Tato 0009dcc4 player.additem 0009dcc4
Tato Flower 001c400d player.additem 001c400d
Thistle 0009f24b player.additem 0009f24b
Vegetable Soup 0004a3b9 player.additem 0004a3b9
Wild Corn 001c4012 player.additem 001c4012
Wild Mutfruit 001c400e player.additem 001c400e
Wild Razorgrain 001c400f player.additem 001c400f
Wild Tarberry 0006654f player.additem 0006654f
Yao Guai Meat 00047660 player.additem 00047660
Yao Guai Ribs 00046955 player.additem 00046955
Yao Guai Roast 0004696d player.additem 0004696d
Yum Yum Deviled Eggs 000366bd player.additem 000366bd

All Drink Consumable IDs

Consumables ID Console Command
Beer 0011ea93 player.additem 0011ea93
Bobrov's Best Moonshine 00050c28 player.additem 00050c28
Bourbon 000366c4 player.additem 000366c4
Deezer's Lemonade 000e9284 player.additem 000e9284
Dirty Wastelander 00101295 player.additem 00101295
Dirty Water 000366bf player.additem 000366bf
Drugged Water 000a4944 player.additem 000a4944
Gwinnett Ale 000f932c player.additem 000f932c
Gwinnett Brew 000f932d player.additem 000f932d
Gwinnett Lager 000f932b player.additem 000f932b
Gwinnett Pale 000f9329 player.additem 000f9329
Gwinnett Pilsner 000f932a player.additem 000f932a
Gwinnett Stout 00022792 player.additem 00022792
Ice Cold Beer 0004835d player.additem 0004835d
Ice Cold Gwinnett Ale 00178b17 player.additem 00178b17
Ice Cold Gwinnett Brew 00178b18 player.additem 00178b18
Ice Cold Gwinnett Lager 00178b19 player.additem 00178b19
Ice Cold Gwinnett Pale 00178b1a player.additem 00178b1a
Ice Cold Gwinnett Pilsner 00178b1b player.additem 00178b1b
Ice Cold Gwinnett Stout 00178b1c player.additem 00178b1c
Ice Cold Nuka-cherry 00178b24 player.additem 00178b24
Ice Cold Nuka-cola 00178b23 player.additem 00178b23
Ice Cold Nuka-cola Quantum 00178b25 player.additem 00178b25
Institute Bottled Water 0021681d player.additem 0021681d
Nuka-cherry 00048360 player.additem 00048360
Nuka-cola 0004835d player.additem 0004835d
Nuka-cola Quantum 0004835f player.additem 0004835f
Poisoned Wine 001ad736 player.additem 001ad736
Purified Water 000366c0 player.additem 000366c0
Refreshing Beverage 00058ab8 player.additem 00058ab8
Rum 00145857 player.additem 00145857
Vodka 000366c3 player.additem 000366c3
Whiskey 000366c1 player.additem 000366c1
Wine 000366c2 player.additem 000366c2

How to Use Consumable IDs

Use Console Commands to Get Consumables Instantly

  1. Press the Tilde Button on the Keyboard
  2. Type in the Command and Hit Enter
  3. Exit the Console With the Tilde Button

1. Press the Tilde Button on the Keyboard

Fallout 4 - Open Console Command

Console Command is a unique feature exclusively for PC and isn't available when playing the game via other platforms.

The Tilde Button is the (~) button found below the Esc key on the keyboard. By pressing this, you will be able to open the console.

2. Type in the Command and Hit Enter

Command player.additem [consumable id] [value]
additem [consumable id] [value]
Example player.additem 00023736 99
additem 00023736 99

3. Exit the Console With the Tilde Button

By pressing the Tilde Button (~) again, you can exit the console, and the Consumable ID that you have typed in the console will be in your inventory.

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Console Commands Partial.png

All IDs and Item Codes

All IDs and Console Commands

All IDs and Console Commands in Fallout 4
All Weapon IDs All Ammo IDs
All Perk IDs All Crafting Material IDs
All Consumable IDs All Weapon Mod IDs
All Quest IDs All Armor and Outfit IDs
All Junk IDs All Console Commands
All Bobblehead IDs All Magazines IDs
All Companion Perk IDs All Power Armor IDs


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