Fallout 4 (FO4)

Blind Betrayal Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Blind Betrayal
Blind Betrayal is a Brotherhood of Steel Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Blind Betrayal walkthrough and learn Blind Betrayal location and rewards.

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Blind Betrayal Quest Summary

Blind Betrayal Overview
"Confront Paladin Danse regarding his disappearance once the Brotherhood learned about his true identity."
Faction Brotherhood of Steel
Quest Giver Elder Maxson
Quest ID 000B9F9D
Rewards XP: 403

Blind Betrayal Walkthrough

Blind Betrayal Objectives

  1. Speak to Elder Maxson
  2. Speak to Proctor Quinlan
  3. Follow Scribe Haylen
  4. Head to Listening Post Bravo
  5. Decide Paladin Danse's Fate
  6. Leave Listening Post Bravo
  7. Convince Elder Maxson to Spare Paladin Danse
  8. Report Back to Elder Maxson

Speak to Elder Maxson

Start the quest by talking to Elder Maxson, as he confronts you about Paladin Danse and his identity as a Synth. During the conversation, he also reveals that Paladin Danse has gone AWOL, and now it's your job to find and execute him.

Speak to Proctor Quinlan

Talk to Proctor Quinlan to learn more about his discovery regarding Paladin Danse. As you converse, Scribe Haylen interrupts the discussion to confront both of you as she tries to make sense of the situation.

Follow Scribe Haylen

Follow Scribe Haylen to discover Paladin Danse's potential hiding place. Despite mentioning that she has the information on the Flight Deck, she will actually take you to the bottom of the main deck for a private conversation.

Haylen will then request that you at least listen to Danse's side before making any decisions, as she provides you with his location.

Head to Listening Post Bravo

After speaking with Scribe Haylen, make your way to Listening Post Bravo to locate Paladin Danse. Upon reaching the location, enter the building and use the terminal to activate the elevators.

Ride the elevator to the basement and defeat all the Protectrons ahead of you. Then, proceed to the room across the elevator to speak with Paladin Danse.

Decide Paladin Danse's Fate

Confront Paladin Danse about his reasons for fleeing and concealing his true identity. Following the conversation, you have the choice to either kill him or pass a Charisma check to spare his life. If you choose to kill him, you can proceed directly to Step 8 and report to Maxson immediately.

Regardless of your decision, be sure to take his holotag before leaving the location.

Killing Paladin Danse Loses Him as a Companion

Keep in mind that killing Paladin Danse will remove him as a companion permanently. If you want to keep him as a companion, save before speaking to him. You can then reload if you fail to convince him through your refusal.

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Leave Listening Post Bravo

If you have decided to spare him during your first conversation, take Paladin Danse's holotag and leave the place with him. Try to save before riding the elevator, as you'll face another confrontation ahead that could potentially lead to his death.

Convince Elder Maxson to Spare Paladin Danse

After exiting the Listening Post Bravo, Elder Maxson will confront you about your decision to spare Paladin Danse. From here, you'll have three choices. Either let Maxson kill Danse, kill him yourself, or talk your way out of it.

Regardless of your decision, Maxson will forgive you for not following his orders and will ask you to return to Prydwen afterward. However, as mentioned above, Paladin Danse will be removed as a companion if he gets executed here.

Moving Away Forces Maxson to Kill Paladin Danse

When exiting the post, try not to move too far away from the confrontation. If you move too far away or do not finish the scene, Elder Maxson will be forced to kill Danse, preventing further attempts to convince him.

Killing Elder Maxson Also Kills Paladin Danse

If you choose to betray the Brotherhood during this quest and decide to attack Elder Maxson before he executes Danse, be aware that you will still lose Danse as a companion. He dies as soon as you land the killing shot on Maxson.

Reload to Save Paladin Danse

If you fail to convince Elder Maxson to spare Paladin Danse, you can reload from a previous save file to try again. Alternatively, If you have low Charisma, you can take Grape Mentats to provide you with a temporary +5 increase in Charisma for 8 minutes.

Report Back to Elder Maxson

End the quest by returning to Prydwen and speaking to Elder Maxson. With Paladin Danse gone from the Brotherhood, you now officially take his place as the new Paladin of the Brotherhood!

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Liberty Reprimed Tactical Thinking

Blind Betrayal Location

Where to Start Blind Betrayal

Map View Fallout 4 - The Prydwen
Quest Giver
Elder Maxson

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Fallout 4 Factions

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All Joinable Factions
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Full Brotherhood of Steel Questline

The Brotherhood of Steel Quests
1 Reveille
2 Fire Support
3 Call to Arms
4 Semper Invicta
5 Shadow of Steel
6 Tour of Duty
7 Show No Mercy
8 From Within
9 Outside the Wire
10 Liberty Reprimed
11 Blind Betrayal
12 Tactical Thinking
13 Spoils of War
14 Ad Victoriam
15 The Nuclear Option
16 A New Dawn


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