Fallout 4 (FO4)

Synth Retention Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Synth Retention

Synth Retention is an Institute Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Synth Retention walkthrough and learn Synth Retention location and rewards.

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- The Battle of Bunker Hill

Synth Retention Quest Summary

Synth Retention Overview
"Help the Institute retrieve Gabriel, a synth now living as a raider in Libertalia."
Faction The Institute
Quest Giver None
Quest ID 000E2058
Rewards XP: 230
・ Institute Personal Quarters

Synth Retention Walkthrough

Synth Retention Objectives

  1. Talk to the Father
  2. Meet X6-88 in Libertalia
  3. Defeat All the Raiders
  4. Head to the Shack
  5. Reset Gabriel
  6. Report Back to the Father
  7. Head to Your Personal Quarters

Talk to Father

Start the quest by meeting the Father in his quarters. Talk to him as he asks you to help retrieve a rogue synth named Gabriel.

Meet X6-88 in Libertalia

The Father will also assign X6-88 to help you with this quest. Meet him on the coast of Libertalia before swimming to the main settlement.

Defeat All the Raiders

Defeat all the raiders and turrets attacking you as you approach Libertalia. Once the coast is clear, head to the shack on the east.

Head to the Shack

Make your way to the largest shack in Libertalia, located at the far east of the map. Once inside, head to the top to reach the captain's quarters.

Before you proceed, X6-88 will ask you to reboot Gabriel once you meet him upstairs. Keep this in mind once you get to interact with him later on.

Reset Gabriel

Speak to Gabriel, and when prompted, choose the Use Recall Code option to reset him. This will initiate a short battle with the raiders on the top floor, which you need to defeat before X6-88 teleports Gabriel back to the Institute.

Report Back to the Father

Head back to the Institute and report to Father about Gabriel's situation. Upon completing his assignment, you'll be rewarded with your own personal quarters in the Institute.

Head to Your Personal Quarters

Finally, end the quest by heading up to your personal quarters. From the Robotics department, take the stairs to the third floor. You can find your personal quarters there and wait for X6-88 to approach you inside to complete the quest.

Previous Quest Next Quest
- The Battle of Bunker Hill

Synth Retention Location

Where to Start Synth Retention

Map View
The Institute
World View

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Fallout 4 Factions

All Factions List

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions
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The Railroad The Institute

Full Institute Questline

The Institute Quests
1 Synth Retention
2 The Battle of Bunker Hill
3 Mankind Redefined
4 Mass Fusion
5 Pinned
6 Powering Up
7 End of the Line
8 Airship Down
9 Nuclear Family


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