Fallout 4 (FO4)

Deacon Affinity and Location Guide: Where to Find Deacon

Fallout 4 - Deacon Affinity and Location Guide

Deacon is a recruitable companion in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for Deacon's Affinity guide, where to find Deacon, Deacon's location, and find out if you can romance Deacon!

Deacon Affinity Guide

All Deacon Likes and Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
・Donating Items
・Healing Dogmeat
・Hacking Terminals
・Lockpicking Owned Storages/Doors
・Chem Addictions
・Using Chems
・Eating Corpses
・Killing Non-Hostile NPCs

Deacon is overall a kindhearted person, but loves it when the player engages in mischievous acts such as lockpicking and hacking security terminals.

He generally doesn't like it when the player resorts to violence and killing friendly NPCs. He will also disapprove it when the player uses chems and becoming addicted to it.

Deacon Location Guide

Complete the Tradecraft Quest

Map View
Overworld View

Deacon becomes available to recruit as your companion after completing the Tradecraft quest. You can find him at the Railroad HQ in the basement of the Old North Church, which is northeast of Boston Common.

The quest immediately begins after being interrogated by Desdemona upon entering the HQ. She will ask you to assist Deacon in retrieving a prototype in a base full of Synths.

Railroad HQ Entrance Puzzle

Fallout 4 - Railroad HQ Puzzle

To enter the Railroad HQ, you will have to solve the sundial puzzle located by the entrance. The answer to this puzzle is RAILROAD.

You will have to spell it out by rotating the outer ring of the sundial either clockwise or counter-clockwise until a letter points at the red arrow mark, then press the button in the middle of the dial to input that letter.

Can You Romance Deacon?

Cannot Be Romanced

Unfortunately, Deacon is one of the companions that cannot be romanced. You can however, raise affinity with him up to the maximum level to unlock his companion perk, Cloak and Dagger.

Deacon Companion Perk

Cloak and Dagger

Deacon's companion perk is Cloak and Dagger. This increases the Stealth Boy duration by 40 percent, and as a bonus, you can deal 20 percent more Sneak Attack damage.

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