Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Gnome Cunning Race Feature Guide and Effects

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Gnome Cunning is a Race Feature in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Learn the effects of Gnome Cunning and which race or subraces can have it.

Gnome Cunning Overview

Feature Name Gnome Cunning
You have Advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throws.

Races with Gnome Cunning

Race/Subrace Information
Gnome| Race IconGnome Small, clever, and energetic, gnomes use their long lives to explore Faerun's brightests corners and darkest depths.
Deep Gnome| Race IconDeep Gnome More guarded than their cousins, deep gnomes surivive in the Underdark with darkvision and skilful stealth.
Forest Gnome| Race IconForest Gnome Even smaller than their cousins and twice as reclusive, forest gnomes are a rare sight in Faerun. They master magic and craftsmanship in their distant, idyllic groves.
Rock Gnome| Race IconRock Gnome The most commonly seen gnomes on Faerun's surface, rock gnomes are named as such for their hardiness and affinity for metal.

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Background & Origins -

All Race Features

List of All Features
Artificer's Lore Base Racial Speed Brave
Civil Militia Darkvision Draconic Ancestry
Drow Weapon Training Duergar Resilience Dwarven Armour Training
Dwarven Combat Training Dwarven Resilience Dwarven Toughness
Elven Weapon Training Fey Ancestry Fleet of Foot
Gnome Cunning Hellish Resistance Human Versatility
Lucky Martial Prodigy Naturally Stealthy
Relentless Endurance Savage Attacks Stone Camouflage
Strongheart Resilience Superior Darkvision


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