Baldur's Gate 3 Walkthrough Comments

How to Beat Gerringothe Thorm (Toll House)Comment

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    5 BStzover 1 yearReport

    There's a room on the 2nd floor to the right of the main stairs and safe blocked by impervious cursed vines. You can destroy the roof like you do in the office, and drop down, but you can also stack crates under the window/doorway outside, and just climb up and down. And the south doors lead to outside stairs to the basement, with loot in a secret room, including a soul coin, and a sub-basement cave. Just be careful not to stray south and trigger the Tower, but you can back out if u do

    4 BStzover 1 yearReport

    2. The battle is very easy if you use Darkness on the Thorm, as she will just hang out blinded while you scoop up the gold. I entered Turn Mode, dropped Darkness centered on her when she was by the safe, then had Astarion sneak by and snag the gold. Then had him dash to the roof, and do a Sneak attack on a Visage, which initiated battle. I had the rest of the party take out the visages, and then mopping her up was a one-hit can of corn. Battle will not start until you attack a visage

    3 BStzover 1 yearReport

    A couple of things overlooked here: 1. You cannot kill the visages before engaging in battle with the Thorm (boss). Sniping them while hidden will cause them to appear elsewhere, still at full HP. If you can keep from getting spotted during sniping, however, you can use this to push them towards the south wall, making it easier to sneak your party into position for battle.

    2 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    You can jump down. You might take a couple hp damage. Either use a character who has a long jump ability, like a Monk with Slow Fall or a Rogue with Second Story Work; burn a Feather Fall (spell/scroll/item use). Jump, or Misty Step spell, drink a potion of Glorious Leaping, use a character with high Strength who might take less or no damage due to higher jump distance (haven't tested there) or just take the damage and use a minor healing potion or wait until you need a larger healing.

    1 Ash over 1 yearReport

    How can you get into the blocked double door room directly beneath the tollhouse office? I broke the floor in the office upstairs, but can't jump down...

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