Fallout 4 (FO4)

Iron Fist Perk - Is It Worth It?

Iron Fist is a Strength Perk in Fallout 4 (FO4). Learn if Iron Fist is worth it, Iron Fist's ID and ranks, as well as how to get and unlock Iron Fist.

Is Iron Fist Worth It?

Only For Unarmed Build Playthroughs

Iron Fist is definitely worth picking up if you are planning to go for an unarmed build during your playthrough since the perk buffs up your punching attacks damage. This perk also allows you to disarm opponents and have a chance to cripple them, making this perk useful for close-quarters combat.

Otherwise, if you don't plan on using your fists for the majority of the playthrough, you can skip this perk since medium-to-long-range firefights is the typical mode of combat in Fallout 4.

Best Perks Tier List

Iron Fist Perk ID

All Iron Fist IDs

Rank Perk ID
1 0001dafe
2 0001daff
3 0001db00
4 00065e42
5 00065e43

List of All Perk IDs

Iron Fist Ranks

Rank Required Lvl. Description
Rank 1 - Punching attacks do 20 percent more damage to your opponent.
Rank 2 9 Punching attacks now do 40 percent more damage and can disarm your opponent.
Rank 3 18 Punching attacks now do 60 percent more damage. Unarmed Power Attacks have a chance to cripple one of your opponent's limbs.
Rank 4 31 Punching attacks now do 60 percent more damage. Unarmed Power Attacks have a chance to cripple one of your opponent's limbs.
Rank 5 46 Punching attacks now do double damage. Criticals in V.A.T.S. will paralyze your opponent.

How to Get Iron Fist

Unlock Iron Fist at Strength 1

Fallout 4 Iron Fist Perk
Iron Fist is on Strength Level 1

The Iron Fist perk is unlocked when your Strength is at Level 1. You can start at this level by assigning 1 point to Strength during the Registration Form at the start of the game. Otherwise, you can get to this level by collecting SPECIAL magazines or bobbleheads and spending perk points upon level up.

After getting to Strength 1, you're free to spend perk points on ranking up the skill, as long as you are at the required character level to rank up.

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Fallout 4 Perks
Fallout 4 Perk Chart

All Perks Guide

Best Perks Tier List Strength
Perception Endurance
Charisma Intelligence
Agility Luck

All Strength Perks

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Fallout 4 Steady Aim SkillSteady Aim Fallout 4 Basher SkillBasher Fallout 4 Rooted SkillRooted
Fallout 4 Pain Train SkillPain Train


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