New World

Where to Find Voidbent Ingots and How to Use

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Voidbent Ingots, a resource in New World. Read on to see the basic information of Voidbent Ingots, including how to get Voidbent Ingots and their uses!

Voidbent Ingot Basic Information

Item Type Rarity Tier
Voidbent Ingot IconVoidbent Ingot Ingot Legendary 5
Gold / Token Price Weight
- 0.3
This metal has been warped in an unnatural way.

How to Get Voidbent Ingots

Obtained Through Crafting

Item Req. Materials
Voidbent Ingot IconVoidbent Ingot
Void Ore Icon Void Ore x1
Energy Core Icon Energy Core x10

Purchase From Trading Posts

Lastly, if you don’t feel like finding them on your own, Voidbent Ingot can also be purchased from Trading Posts, granted that another player has placed a Sell Order. You can enter the Trading Post and search for this item directly by clicking on SEARCH ITEMS and entering ‘Voidbent Ingot’. For the best deal, be sure to sort by price from Lowest to Highest!

Trading Post Guide: How to Sell Items

How to Use Voidbent Ingots

Craft Different Items

Voidbent Ingot is an Ingot. These items used to craft different types of weapons, armor, and furniture. Doing so raises your Weaponsmithing, Engineering, Armoring, or Furnishing trade skill depending on the crafted item.

Crafting Station Guides
Forge Guide Outfitting Station

Complete Town Project Board Missions

Some Town Project Board missions require you to bring a certain number of materials to complete the quest. If you have a surplus of the required material, you can use it to complete the missions and earn a ton of EXP!

Leveling Guide: Leveling Exploits and How to Level Up Fast

Related Links

List of Resources

Tier 2 Ingots

List of Ingots
Iron IngotIron Ingot Silver IngotSilver Ingot

Tier 3 Ingots

List of Ingots
Gold IngotGold Ingot Steel IngotSteel Ingot

Tier 4 Ingots

List of Ingots
Platinum IngotPlatinum Ingot Starmetal IngotStarmetal Ingot

Tier 5 Ingots

List of Ingots
AsmodeumAsmodeum Orichalcum IngotOrichalcum Ingot Voidbent IngotVoidbent Ingot


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