Fallout 4 (FO4)

Attack Dog Perk - Is It Worth It?

Attack Dog is a Charisma Perk in Fallout 4 (FO4). Learn if Attack Dog is worth it, Attack Dog's ID and ranks, as well as how to get and unlock Attack Dog.

Is Attack Dog Worth It?

Enhances the Power of Your Dog

If you want to work with your dog Dogmeat always, it's good to have the Attack Dog perk. The perk gives Dogmeat the ability to hold an enemy, damage their limbs, and cause them to bleed at higher ranks.

If you're not using your dog, it's better to put your perk points on other perks, as you will not benefit from this perk without your dog.

Best Perks Tier List

Attack Dog Perk ID

All Attack Dog IDs

Rank Perk ID
1 0004b26d
2 001d244d
3 001d244e

List of All Perk IDs

Attack Dog Ranks

Rank Required Lvl. Description
Rank 1 - Your faithful canine companion can hold an enemy, giving you a greater chance to hit them in V.A.T.S.
Rank 2 9 When your dog holds an enemy, there’s a chance he’ll cripple the limb he’s biting.
Rank 3 25 When your dog holds an enemy, there’s a chance he’ll cause them to bleed.

How to Get Attack Dog

Unlock Attack Dog at Charisma 4

Fallout 4 Attack Dog Perk
Attack Dog is on Charisma Level 4

The Attack Dog perk is unlocked when your Charisma is at Level 4. You can start at this level by assigning 4 points to Charisma during the Registration Form at the start of the game. Otherwise, you can get to this level by collecting SPECIAL magazines or bobbleheads and spending perk points upon level up.

After getting to Charisma 4, you're free to spend perk points on ranking up the skill, as long as you are at the required character level to rank up.

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Fallout 4 Perks
Fallout 4 Perk Chart

All Perks Guide

Best Perks Tier List Strength
Perception Endurance
Charisma Intelligence
Agility Luck

All Charisma Perks

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