New World

Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe: Stats and How to Get

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on the Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe, a gathering tool in New World. Read on to learn more about the Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe's basic stats and how to get one for yourself!

Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe Basic Stats

Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe
Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe icon
Tier 5 Gear Score 470 ~ 500
Gathering Speed 625% Req. Level 60
2-Handed. A Mining Pick made of Orichalcum. Used to gather boulders and ore veins.

The ranges for levels, gear score, and gathering speed displayed above will vary depending on your current Engineering Trade Skill level.

How to Get the Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe

Can be Crafted

Tool Req. Materials Req. Skill Level & Station
Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe IconOrichalcum Mining Pickaxe
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5

Can be Bought from the Trading Post

New World - Buy Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe at the Trading Post

Players who don't want to gather and craft can buy Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe from a settlement's Trading Post. Browse through the available listings and purchase one that is appropriate for your level and budget.

How to Buy from the Trading Post

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