Fallout 4 (FO4)

Silver Shroud Hat ID, Location, and Stats

Silver Shroud Hat is a type of hat in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on to learn Silver Shroud Hat's ID, stats, and bonus.

Silver Shroud Hat Location

How to Get Complete The Silver Shroud side quest

The Silver Shroud Walkthrough

Silver Shroud Hat ID

Silver Shroud Hat ID: 0014E58E

Outfit ID 0014E58E
Console Command player.additem 0014E58E

On PC: To spawn Silver Shroud Hat, press the tilde (~) key to open console commands, then type the above code.

List of All Armor, Clothing, and Outfit IDs

Silver Shroud Hat Stats Overview

Silver Shroud Hat Resistances and Weight

Physical Resistance -
Energy Resistance -
Radiation Resistance -
Weight 0.5
Value 15

Stat Bonus

Hat Bonus Percepion +1

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