Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Shiyu Defense Guide

Zenless Zone Zero - Shiyu Defense Guide

Shiyu Defense is an end game mode where you do stages with special rules and take down enemies within a specific time limit in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). Check out how to unlock Shiyu Defense, the gameplay guide, and the rewards here!

The information here comes from the Closed Beta Test 3 (CBT3) of the game and might change on release. We'll update this page once more details are available. Stay tuned!

What is Shiyu Defense?

An End Game Combat Mode

ZZZ - Shiyu Defense Guide - Take Down Enemies Within Time Limit
Shiyu Defense is an end game content alongside Hollow Zero and Rally Commissions where you must defeat all the enemies within the time limit!

How to Unlock Shiyu Defense

Unlock After Second Rank-Up Mission

ZZZ - Shiyu Defense Guide - Unlock After Second Rank-Up Mission
As of the third beta test, Shiyu Defense can be unlocked after finishing the second Inter-Knot Reputation Rank-Up Mission. Afterward, Shiyu Defense will be unlocked along with Driver Validation.

We will update this page if there are any new changes to Shiyu Defense on the release of the game.

Shiyu Defense Gameplay Guide

How to Play Shiyu Defense

  1. Defeat Enemies in the Time Limit
  2. Stable and Critical Nodes
  3. Deploy with Boosted Attributes
  4. Follow the Special Rules
  5. Complete the Challenge Targets

Take Down Enemies Within Time Limit

ZZZ - Shiyu Defense Guide - Take Down Enemies Within Time Limit
Shiyu Defense is a game mode where you must take down enemies within a certain time limit. The rating you get for each stage is determined by how much time is remaining after you defeat your opponents.

Stable Nodes and Critical Nodes

ZZZ - Shiyu Defense Guide - Stable Nodes and Critical Nodes
Shiyu Defense has two types of Nodes, Stable and Critical. Stable Nodes are one-time clear stages and are permanently available while Critical Nodes reset and get updated within a certain period.

Deploy Teams With Boosted Attributes

ZZZ - Shiyu Defense Guide - Deploy Teams With Boosted Attributes
Some Nodes will only require you to use one team, while others will require you to use two. The boosted attributes for the Node will also be shown so make sure to make teams with Agents of those attributes to take down enemies faster.

Follow Node's Special Rules

ZZZ - Shiyu Defense Guide - Follow Node
In Shiyu Defense, each node has special rules that can help your Agents take down the enemies. Follow these rules and build your teams around them so you can clear the stage more easily.

Node Challenge Targets

ZZZ - Shiyu Defense Guide - Node Challenge Targets
Each Node has challenge targets that give you a rating when you complete them. These are broken down into S, A, and B ratings. Getting an S rating means that you will get all the rewards from that stage.

Shiyu Defense Rewards

Earn Various Rewards

Shiyu Defense Rewards
ZZZ - Polychromes Polychromes ZZZ - Plating Agent Plating Agents ZZZ - Dennies Dennies

You can earn various rewards in Shiyu Defense such as Polychromes, Plating Agents, and Dennies.

Shiyu Defense Release Date

Releases on July 4, 2024

Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) Release Date
ZZZ - Official Release Date July 4, 2024
Release Date July 4, 2024

Shiyu Defense and Zenless Zone Zero will release on July 4, 2024. Stay tuned for the latest news and updates on our page below!

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Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

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Guides by Category

Zenless Zone Zero Categories
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Zenless Zone Zero - Shiyu DefenseShiyu Defense Zenless Zone Zero - Rally Commission Rally Commissions
Zenless Zone Zero - Arcade Arcade (Godfinger)

Zenless Zone Zero Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Tips
Basic Combat Guide How to Daze and Stun
Chain Attack Guide Ultimate and Decibel Rating
Perfect Dodge and Counter Perfect Assists and Parries
Hollow Deep Dive Explained Attribute Anomaly


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