Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Arcade (Godfinger) Guide

Zenless Zone Zero - Godfinger Arcade Guide

The Arcade (Godfinger) is a location on Sixth Street where you can play mini-games in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). Find out what the Arcade (Godfinger) is and how to unlock it in our guide!

The information here comes from the Closed Beta Test 3 (CBT3) of the game and might change on release. We'll update this page once more details are available. Stay tuned!

What is the Arcade (Godfinger)?

Play Mini-Games and Set High Scores

ZZZ - Godfinger Arcade Guide - Play Mini-Games and Set High Scores
The Godfinger Arcade is an actual arcade where you can play mini-games and set high scores. Here, players can choose between the Arcade or Event option.

The Arcade option allows you to play mini-games in the arcade, such as Snake Duel and Soul Hounds III.

Also, you progress time when you play at the Arcade. Make sure to avoid playing when you have a time-sensitive quest ongoing.

Beat Other Player's Records

ZZZ - Godfinger Arcade Guide - Beat Other Player
In Godfinger Arcade, each game has a ranking system that keeps track of your high scores. Players can go against each other in real-time, but as of the third beta test, this PVP option is only available during events.

Either way, the games in the arcade are solo mini-games to pass the time, as players can aim to break their own records or high scores.

Get Achievements by Playing

ZZZ - Godfinger Arcade Guide - Get Achievements by Playing
Each game has its own achievement system that players can earn rewards from. These requirements for unlocking these achievements can range from obtaining rare items in a game to naturally progressing through the game's levels.

You can earn Polychromes for completing these achievements, and the amount differs depending on the achievement's difficulty.

Match Players in Events

ZZZ - Godfinger Arcade Guide - Match Players in Events
During Events, you can go against other players in the Godfinger Arcade. When there is an Event, simply select the Event option from the arcade, and then you can match against other players.

Earn Various Rewards From Event Mode

ZZZ - Godfinger Arcade Guide - Earn Various Rewards From Event Mode
When playing an event, you get event currency which you can use to get various rewards from the event. You can also see the various rewards you can get from the Event mode, such as Polychromes, Coup-Ens, and other materials.

Arcade (Godfinger) Mini-Games

Snake Duel

ZZZ - Godfinger Arcade Guide - Snake Duel Mini-Game
In Snake Duel, you control a snake and your objective is to grow longer by collecting Beans scattered on the map. You use the Directional Keys to control your snake and you can press Speed Up to make your snake go faster.

Soul Hounds III

ZZZ - Godfinger Arcade Guide - Soul Hounds III Mini-Game
In Soul Hounds III, you use your Soul Hound to dig soul blocks to advance lower into the abyss while collecting Pomegranates to restore your energy level.

You use the Directional Keys to control your Soul Hound and Attack to dig soul blocks. You can also jump using the Jump key.

How to Unlock the Arcade (Godfinger)

Unlock During the Interlude Main Commission

ZZZ - Godfinger Arcade Guide - Unlock During the Interlude Main Commission
During the Interlude Main Commission, you will receive a message from Billy. Choose "Sure! Let's go!" when he asks you if you want to hang out at the arcade. You will then find Billy at the arcade on Sixth Street.

Arcade (Godfinger) Location

Located on Sixth Street

ZZZ - Godfinger Arcade Guide - Located in Sixth Street
The Godfinger arcade is located on Sixth Street. It has a lot of video game posters and the name Godfinger is written on the establishment's banner.

Arcade (Godfinger) Rewards

Get Polychromes for the Achievements

All Arcade Rewards
ZZZ - Polychromes Polychromes

You can get Polychromes as a reward for getting achievements as you play the minigames!

Arcade Release Date

Releases on July 04, 2024

Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) Release Date
ZZZ - Official Release Date July 4, 2024
Release Date July 4, 2024

Godfinger Arcade and Zenless Zone Zero will release on July 4, 2024. Stay tuned for the latest news and updates on our page below!

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

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Guides by Category

Zenless Zone Zero Categories
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Zenless Zone Zero - Arcade Arcade (Godfinger)

Zenless Zone Zero Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Tips
Basic Combat Guide How to Daze and Stun
Chain Attack Guide Ultimate and Decibel Rating
Perfect Dodge and Counter Perfect Assists and Parries
Hollow Deep Dive Explained Attribute Anomaly


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