Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Jane Doe Best Builds and Teams

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Zenless Zone Zero - Jane Character Guide

Jane is a playable Physical Anomaly character in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See Jane's best build, best teams and bangboo, skill priority, W-Engines, Drive Discs, how to play Jane, and Jane's upgrade materials here!

Related Articles
Jane IconJane Builds ZZZ - Sharpened Stinger Jane W-Engine Trust Events IconJane Trust Events

Jane Character Profile

Jane Agent Information

Agent Information
Jane Jane Doe
VA (EN):
Kelsey Jaffer
Core Stat Anomaly Mastery
How to Get Limited Gacha

Jane Tier List Ranking

Overall DPS Stun Support
ZZZ - Tier 0 ZZZ - Tier 0 - -

Best Character Tier List

How would you rate Jane?

Tier 0 (SS Tier) 1217
Tier 1 (S Tier) 19
Tier 2 (A Tier) 2
Tier 3 (B Tier) 2
Tier 4 (C Tier) 10

Let us know why in the comments!

Jane Base Stats

Stat Base @ Lv. 60
HP 7788
ATK 805
DEF 606
Impact 86
Anomaly Mastery 150
Anomaly Proficiency 112

Jane Strengths and Weaknesses

• Assault DMG is very high and can CRIT.
• Very mobile playstyle.
• Ultimate can crowd-control enemies.
• Great against multiple enemies since her attacks are wide.
• Useless against enemies without an Anomaly Meter.
• Best Teams are not free-to-play friendly.

Jane is an Anomaly unit with high mobility and deals a lot of damage through the Assault Attribute Anomaly. Jane can be used on an Assault-centric team or a team with another Anomaly unit with a different element to trigger Disorder.

Jane Best Builds

Jane Assault Build

Best W-Engine
Alt. W-Engines
Drive Disc Build
Fanged Metal IconFanged Metal (4-pc)
Disc Main Stats 6: Anomaly Mastery or ATK
5: Physical DMG
4: Anomaly Proficiency
Disc Substats Anomaly Proficiency, ATK%, PEN

This build provides a DMG boost to Jane and increases her Assault DMG. Jane would want a lot of Anomaly Proficiency to increase her Assault's DMG and CRIT Rate.

Jane Best Teams and Bangboo

Jane F2P Team

Jane F2P Team Bangboo
Jane Jane
Anby Anby
Nicole Nicole
ZZZ - Magnetiboo Magnetiboo
Bangboo Alternatives

Unfortunately, Jane doesn't have any synergy with any free-to-play unit since none of them can activate her Additional Ability. The best you can do is an Anby and Nicole pairing since the latter helps decrease the enemy's DEF.

If you have Seth in your collection, you can switch him in to replace Nicole to activate Jane's Additional Ability.

Jane Assault Team

Jane Assault Team Bangboo
Jane Jane
Seth Seth
Caesar Caesar
ZZZ - Bangvolver Bangvolver
Bangboo Alternatives

Caesar and Seth can provide shields plus ATK and Anomaly Proficiency buffs respectively. This will allow Jane to deal a lot of Assault DMG while also being covered by shields for defense.

Jane Disorder Team

Jane Disorder Team Bangboo
Jane Jane
Caesar Caesar
Burnice Burnice
ZZZ - Bangvolver Bangvolver
Bangboo Alternatives

Jane and Burnice can trigger their respective Attribute Anomalies and deal Disorder DMG. As for the third slot, you can use any Support unit or Seth.

Alternative Explanation
Pulchra Pulchra Support Replacement
Pulchra can be used with Jane if the former has M6 unlocked for the DMG bonus.
Lucy Lucy Support Replacement
Lucy can buff everyone's ATK with her EX Special Attack and Chain Attack.
Seth Seth Support Replacement
Seth can be used to provide Shields and increase the Anomaly Proficiency of the Agent before him.
Rina Rina Support Replacement
Rina can provide PEN Ratio buffs to the party.

Jane Best W-Engines

Recommended W-Engines

These W-Engines are rated based on their performance at Update Level 0.

W-Engine Effect
1 ZZZ - Sharpened Stinger Sharpened Stinger Indulge in the Hunt
Upon activating a Dash Attack, gain 1 stack of Predatory Instinct. Each stack of Predatory Instinct increases the equipper's Physical DMG by 12% for 10s, stacking up to 3 times. This effect can trigger once every 0.5s and repeated triggers reset the duration. When entering combat or triggering Perfect Dodge, gain 3 stacks of Predatory Instinct. While Predatory Instinct is at maximum stacks, the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 40%.
2 ZZZ - Fusion Compiler Fusion Compiler Data Flood
Increases ATK by 12%. When using a Special Attack or an EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
3 ZZZ - Electro-Lip Gloss Electro-Lip Gloss Kiss of Death
When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10% and they deal an additional 15% more DMG to the target.
4 ZZZ - Weeping Gemini Weeping Gemini Lingering Cries
Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
5 ZZZ - Rainforest Gourmet Rainforest Gourmet Dinner's Ready!
For every 10 energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
6 ZZZ - Roaring Ride Roaring Ride Collision Potential
When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration, allowing several effects to be active at once: increases the equipper's ATK by 8%, increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 40, or increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 25%.

All W-Engine (Weapon) Guides

Sharpened Stinger is the Best for Jane

Sharpened Stinger will be Jane's best W-Engine since it provides a huge amount of Anomaly Proficiency along with Physical DMG and Anomaly Buildup Rate. As for other W-Engines, you can use anything as long as it provides Anomaly Proficiency.

Jane Best Drive Discs

Best Drive Discs and Set Bonuses

Drive Disc Rating and Merits
ZZZ - Fanged MetalFanged Metal
ZZZ - Freedom BluesFreedom Blues
★★★ - Best Set!
Fanged Metal is Jane's best 4-piece set since it increases the Assault DMG and can deal additional DMG for 12 seconds. The 2-piece Freedom Blues will provide Anomaly Proficiency, a stat she needs the most.
ZZZ - Freedom BluesFreedom Blues
ZZZ - Fanged MetalFanged Metal
★★☆ - 2nd Best
The 4-piece Freedom Blues is great on mixed Anomaly Teams since it makes it easier to trigger Disorder. This requires a team that consists of Jane and another unit that can trigger another Anomaly Attribute.

Jane Skill Priority

Skill Priority Explanation
Zenless Zone Zero - Core Skill IconCore Skill ★★★★★ Jane's Core Skill will increase her Assault CRIT Rate, so max this out as soon as you can.
Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Attack ★★★☆☆ Upgrade Jane's Basic Attack after her Core Skill and Dodge to simply increase her overall DMG.
Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge ★★★★ You will mostly use Jane's Dash Attacks and Dodge Counters when she is on the field, so prioritize this after her Core Skill.
Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAssist ☆☆☆☆ Jane's Assist is unnecessary to level up since this is rarely used in combat.
Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpecial Attack ★★★☆☆ Upgrading Jane's Special Attack simply increases the DMG and daze.
Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain Attack ★★☆☆☆ You can save Jane's Chain Attack for last since it does deal a decent amount of damage to the enemy.

Jane's Core Skill is a top priority since this will increase her Assault CRIT Rate. Afterwards, focus on her Basic Attack, Dodge, and Special Attack to increase her overall DMG.

Core Skill

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Core Passive - Insight
When Jane's attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect duration is extended by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a critical hit, with a base CRIT Rate of 31% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.13%.
Additional Ability - Sore Spot
When another character in your squad is an Anomaly character or shares the same Faction: Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate is increased by 20%. When the enemy is already suffering from an Attribute Anomaly, Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup towards the target is increased by an additional 15%.

Core Skill Enhancements

Total Core Stat Upgrade Bonus
Anomaly Mastery +36
Base ATK +75
Final Core Passive Upgrade Effect
When Jane's attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect duration is extended by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a critical hit, with a base CRIT Rate of 40% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.16%.

Core Enhancement
A • Anomaly Mastery increases by 12
• Core Passive: Insight Skill Lv. +1
B • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: Insight Skill Lv. +1
C • Anomaly Mastery increases by 12
• Core Passive: Insight Skill Lv. +1
D • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: Insight Skill Lv. +1
E • Anomaly Mastery increases by 12
• Core Passive: Insight Skill Lv. +1
F • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: Insight Skill Lv. +1

Basic Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Basic Attack - Dancing Blades
Press Basic Attack to activate: Unleashes up to 6 attacks in front, dealing Physical DMG.
When Jane triggers Perfect Dodge, Defensive Assist, or performs a move that deals DMG to the enemy, she accumulates Passion Stream. Upon reaching the maximum Passion Stream, Jane enters the Passion state.While in the Passion state, Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate is increased by 25%. Additionally, if Jane's Anomaly Proficiency exceeds 120, each extra point raises her ATK by 2, up to a maximum of 600. In the Passion state, Jane's skills that deal damage consume Passion Stream. Activating a Perfect Dodge or Defensive Assist regenerates Passion Stream. Jane exits the Passion state when all of her Passion Stream is consumed.
Basic Attack - Salchow Jump
Entering the Passion state grants Jane one use of Basic Attack: Salchow Jump. When available, hold Basic Attack to activate: Launch rapid consecutive attacks forward, followed by a Finishing Move, dealing Physical DMG. Hold the button during the consecutive attacks to extend the skill duration. Release Basic Attack to trigger the Finishing Move early. Anti-Interrupt level is increased during the consecutive attacks, and Jane takes 40% reduced DMG. Jane is invulnerable during the Finishing Move. Using and damaging an enemy with Basic Attack: Salchow Jump while in the Passion state generates Passion Stream.


Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Dodge - Phantom
Press Dodge to trigger. A quick slide dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. Jane has an extra dodge. Before she enters the Passion state, she alternates between the two dodges. After entering the Passion state, Jane can pass through enemies in front when dodging.
Dash Attack - Edge Jump
Press Dodge during a dodge to activate: If after the first dodge, launch an upward slash in front, dealing Physical DMG. If after the second dodge, perform a consecutive slashes in front, dealing Physical DMG.
Dash Attack - Phantom Thrust
While in the Passion state, press Dodge during a dodge to activate: Launch three quick rushing slashes in front, dealing Physical DMG.
Dodge Counter - Swift Shadow
Press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate: If the first dodge, unleash multiple slashes at enemies in front, followed by a downward thrust, dealing Physical DMG. If after the second dodge, leap up and deliver three consecutive attacks to enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Dodge Counter - Swift Shadow Dance
While in the Passion state, press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate: Slash enemies in front quickly multiple times, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.


Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Quick Assist - Dark Thorn
When the on-field character is launched, press Assist to activate: Unleash multiple slashes at enemies in front, followed by a downward thrust, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Quick Assist - Lutz Jump
While in the Passion state, when the on-field character is launched, press Assist to activate: Slash enemies in front quickly multiple times, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Defensive Assist - Last Defense
When the on-field character is about to be attacked, press Assist to activate: Parries the enemy's attack, dealing massive Daze. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Assist Follow-Up - Gale Sweep
Press after a Defensive Assist to activate: Leap up and swiftly slash the enemy, then execute a wide sweeping slash across a large area in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Special Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Special Attack - Aerial Sweep
Press Special Attack to activate: Leaps into the air to launch consecutive kicks forward, then sweeps across, dealing Physical DMG. Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.
EX Special Attack - Aerial Sweep - Clearout
With enough Energy, press EX Special Attack to activate: Leaps into the air to launch multiple consecutive kicks forward, then sweeps across, dealing massive Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Chain Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Chain Attack - Flowers of Sin
When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate: Weaves between and slashes enemies in a large area in front, dealing massive Physical DMG. Jane directly enters the Passion state upon activating the skill, and gains max Passion Stream. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Ultimate - Final Curtain
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press Ultimate to activate: Weaves between and slashes enemies with a powerful attack in a large area in front, followed by a Finishing Move, dealing massive Physical DMG. Jane directly enters the Passion state upon activating the skill, and gains max Passion Stream. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

How to Play Jane

How to Play Jane Doe

  1. Physical Anomaly Agent with Rapid Attacks
  2. Passion State Increases Anomaly Buildup Rate
  3. Ultimate Deals AoE Physical Damage
  4. Core Skill Enhances Assault

Physical Anomaly Agent with Rapid Attacks

Jane Attacks
Jane Doe is a Physical Anomaly character who specializes in rapid attacks to take down her enemies.

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Passion State Increases Anomaly Buildup Rate

Jane Doe Passion

When Jane Doe deals damage, she gains Passion Stream. When Passion is filled up, she enters a state called Passion State where her attacks are enhanced to increase her Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate.

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Ultimate Deals AoE Physical Damage

Jane Ult
Jane Doe's Ultimate deals massive Physical DMG in a large area. This attack also hits multiple times, which can help with her Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate.

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Core Skill Enhances Assault

Enemies will be affected with Gnawed for a short period of time if Jane hits an enemy. If Jane or any other party member inflicts Assault on the Gnawed enemy, it causes a Flinch effect that gives the Assault Anomaly a possible CRIT hit.

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Jane Promotion and Skill Upgrade Materials

Jane Total Upgrade Materials

Total Promotion Materials
Denny Icon Denny x800,000
Total Skill Upgrade Materials
Denny Icon Denny x500,000
Total Core Skill Upgrade Materials
Denny Denny x400,000

Promotion Materials Per Level

Lv. Character Promotion Materials

ZZZ - Denny Denny x24,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x56,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x120,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x200,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x400,000

Skill Materials Per Level

Lv. Skill Materials
ZZZ - Denny Denny x2,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x3,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x6,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x9,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x12,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x18,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x45,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x67,500
ZZZ - Denny Denny x90,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x112,500
ZZZ - Denny Denny x135,000

Core Skill Materials Per Level

Denny Denny x5,000
Denny Denny x12,000
Denny Denny x28,000
Denny Denny x60,000
Denny Denny x100,000
Denny Denny x200,000

Jane Mindscape Cinema (Duplicates)

Recommended Cinema

Why We Recommend It
M1 ★★★☆☆ - Good
This helps Jane trigger Assault at a faster rate and let her use Basic Attack - Salchow one more time during the Passion state.
M2 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Jane's Assault DMG gets a massive increase since it now ignores 15% of the enemy's DEF and deals 50% more CRIT DMG.
M4 ★★★★☆ - Great
Attribute Anomalies deal more DMG when Jane is on the party. This is especially useful in Disorder teams.
M6 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Jane's CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG get increased and increases her overall DMG. Jane can also frequently enter the Passion state as long as Assault is triggered by any party member.

M3 and M5 are excluded since they are only for skill enhancement.

Mindscape Cinema List and Effects

Cinema Effect
M1 Crime Counsel
The maximum uses of Basic Attack - Salchow Jump are increased by one. While in the Passion state, Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by an extra 15% and each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency increases her DMG by 0.1%, up to a maximum increase of 30%.
M2 Adapt to the Environment
When Jane's attack hits an enemy in the Gnawed state, or when any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state, 15% of the enemy's DEF is ignored. Additionally, when Assault DMG triggers a critical hit, the CRIT DMG dealt is increased by an additional 50%.
M3 Anonymity
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M4 Adapt and Thrive
When any squad member triggers the Assault or Disorder effects, all squad members' Attribute Anomaly DMG is increased by 18%, lasting 15s.
M5 Compulsive Hoarder
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M6 ''Shady'' Technique
While in the Passion state, Jane's CRIT Rate increases by 20%, and CRIT DMG by 40%. After any squad member inflicts Assault, Jane instantly enters the Passion state, and gains max Passion Stream. When Assault triggers a critical hit, Jane performs an additional attack on the target, dealing Physical DMG equal to 1,600% of her Anomaly Proficiency.

How to Get Jane

Obtain From A Limited Banner

No Match Found Banner
Jane Doe BannerNo Match Found
Latest Run
Version 1.1
September 4, 2024 - September 25, 2024

Jane was available from the Limited Banner No Match Found that ran in Version 1.1 of Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) from September 4, 2024 to September 25, 2024.

Jane Doe Banner Guide

Jane Voice Actor and Lore

Voice Actor and Basic Info

English VA Kelsey Jaffer
Japanese VA Yū Shimamura
Korean VA Jang Ye-na
Chinese VA Zeng Tong (曾形)
Gender Female
Birthday February 16
Height 170cm

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Burnice IconBurnice Yanagi IconYanagi Lighter IconLighter
Harumasa IconHarumasa Astra IconAstra Evelyn IconEvelyn
Soldier 0 Anby IconSoldier 0 Anby

A Rarity Characters

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66 Anonymous1 day

Jane and Seth are highly best combo in synergy. Without Seth, Jane cannot follow-up assist and stays vulnerable to keep attacking even without shields. Officer Cui is compatible with this team.

65 Kemix13 days

This is the rat that makes all the rules, haters gonna hate my 500k anomaly procs with this agile babe.


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