Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Sharkboo Bangboo Guide

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★ Current Update: Version 1.6 & 1.6 Livestream
☆ 1.6 Agents: Soldier 0 Anby & Pulchra
★ Upcoming: Trigger, Vivian, & Hugo
☆ Tier Lists: Agents | W-Engines | Bangboos | Teams
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Zenless Zone Zero - Sharkboo Bangboo Guide and Best Teams

Sharkboo is a Bangboo of S Rank in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See Sharkboo's stats, skills, effects, how to get it, and best team compositions with Sharkboo!

Sharkboo Bangboo Information

Sharkboo Overview Information

Sharkboo Bangboo Information
ZZZ - Sharkboo Sharkboo ZZZ - S Icon Rarity T0 Tier Rating

Sharkboo Bangboo Stats

Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) - HP Icon HP
Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) - Attack Icon ATK
Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) - Impact Icon Impact
Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) - Defense Icon DEF
Level 1 (Base) 396 110 99 50

All Sharkboo Bangboo Skills

Sharkboo Bangboo Skills

Bangboo Skill Details
Active Skill Drylands Shark Hunt
Plants a homing trap underfoot which bites, tears, and summons torpedos at triggering enemies, dealing Ice DMG and accumulating Ice Anomaly Buildup.
Additional Ability Cold Surge
When there are 2 or more Ice Attribute characters in your squad: Bangboo Chain Attack inflicts 100% more Anomaly Buildup.
Bangboo Chain Attack Relentless Pursuit
Summons a homing trap and leaps toward the target causing an explosion upon landing that deals Ice DMG and accumulates massive Ice Anomaly Buildup.

Sharkboo Best Team Comp

Ice Chain Attack Team

Recommended Team Setup
Lycaon Lycaon
#Ice | Stun
Soukaku Soukaku
#Ice | Support
Ellen Ellen
#Ice | Attack

You can build teams with Sharkbo that revolves around the Ice Attribute to remove the need for Agents coming the same faction. Lycaon's exceptional Stun capabilities will make for numerous Chain Attack instances, followed by Soukaku's overtime Ice DMG.

Ellen is the current featured S-Rank Ice agent and her skills are exception as an Ice Agent, but you can opt to switch her out for Rina should you need some off-field DMG support.

List of All Characters

How to Get Sharkboo Bangboo

Get Sharkboo from Signal Search

ZZZ - An Outstanding Partner CBT3

You can get Sharkboo by pulling from the Bangboo Channel or Banner on Signal Search Gacha! A single Signal Search costs 1 Boopon, and 10 Signal Searches cost 10 Boopons.

Boopons can be obtained from Hollow Zero, Rally Commissions, Bangbuck Exchange, and Events. Make sure to check out all of these features and complete missions to obtain them and pull for Bangboos! You will also get Bagboo for free upon unlocking the Bangboo Function for the first time.

An Outstanding Partner Banner Guide

Sharkboo Modify Materials

Total Sharkboo Ascension Materials

Total Bangboo Materials
ZZZ - Ether Electrolyte Ether Electrolyte x4 ZZZ - Concentrated Cooling Fluid Concentrated Cooling Fluid x30 ZZZ - Energy Transfer Fluid Energy Transfer Fluid x32
ZZZ - Denny Denny x500000

Lv. Bangboo Modify Materials
10 ➔ 20
ZZZ - Denny Denny x15000
20 ➔ 30
ZZZ - Denny Denny x35000
30 ➔ 40
ZZZ - Denny Denny x75000
40 ➔ 50
ZZZ - Denny Denny x125000
50 ➔ 60
ZZZ - Denny Denny x250000

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides


All Bangboos and Guides

By Rarity
S Rank Rarity S Rank A Rank RarityA Rank

S Rank Bangboos

ZZZ - Butler Butler ZZZ - Safety Safety ZZZ - Sharkboo Sharkboo
ZZZ - Amillion Amillion ZZZ - Starterboo Starterboo ZZZ - Rocketboo Rocketboo
ZZZ - Plugboo Plugboo ZZZ - Resonaboo Resonaboo ZZZ - Bangvolver Bangvolver
ZZZ - Officer Cui Officer Cui ZZZ - Red Moccus Red Moccus ZZZ - Agent Gulliver Agent Gulliver
ZZZ - Snap Snap

A Rank Bangboos

ZZZ - Bagboo Bagboo ZZZ - Devilboo Devilboo ZZZ - Booressure Booressure
ZZZ - Boollseye Boollseye ZZZ - Cryboo Cryboo ZZZ - Paperboo Paperboo
ZZZ - Sumoboo Sumoboo ZZZ - Exploreboo Exploreboo ZZZ - Luckyboo Luckyboo
ZZZ - Penguinboo Penguinboo ZZZ - Avocaboo Avocaboo ZZZ - Electroboo Electroboo
ZZZ - Magnetiboo Magnetiboo ZZZ - Baddieboo Baddieboo ZZZ - Knightboo Knightboo
ZZZ - Brawlerboo Brawlerboo


1 PAKU8 months

Please provide Bangboo Core Update List which ones are worth like the cinema's fore the characters - Thanks!


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