Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Astra Yao Trust Events and Best Answers

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Zenless Zone Zero Astra Yao Trust Events and Best Answers

Here are all of Astra Yao's Trust Events in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See all Astra Yao Trust Event Locations, the best answers, quests, quality time details, and all wish events here!

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Note We're still looking for more Trust Events in the game. We'll update this section with more information, so stay tuned!

Best Choices for Astra Yao's Trust Events

Sixth Street Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Lumina Square Port Elpis

Random Play - 1st Floor

Time Morning
Significant Increase Musical

Note: This event has multiple dialogue choices that can increase or decrease your Trust.

Lumina Square Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Lumina Square Port Elpis


Time Midnight
Increase Serve the Queen and you'll get more ice cream.

Port Elpis Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Lumina Square Port Elpis

Roadside Diner

Time Evening
Increase So, my portion is now seagull snacks?

Astra Yao Rank Up Commissions

Level 2 - Friendly

Time Evening

For Astra to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Night Owl Noodle Shop Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Night Owl Noodle Shop Guide

Level 3 - Close

Time Evening

For Astra to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Battle of Honor Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Battle of Honor Guide

Level 4 - Trusted

Time Anytime

For Astra to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Tiny Safehouse Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Tiny Safehouse Guide

Astra Yao Trust Invite Commissions

All of Astra Yao's Trust Invite Quests

Invite Choice Commission
Let's go to Reverb Arena Escape Memento
How about we go check the music store on Sixth Street? Sprouting in Silence
Let's go to Port Elpis The Name of Fish
How about we go have noodles on Sixth Street? New Product Showcase

These are the trust missions you get by inviting Astra Yao via chat!

List of Side Commissions

Astra Yao Quality Time Events

All of Astra Yao's Quality Time Destinations

Astra Yao Quality Time Events
Sixth Street Sixth Street Lumina Square Lumina Square
Port Elpis Port Elpis Reverb Arena Reverb Arena

Here are all the Quality Time destinations that you can go to with Astra Yao. You can unlock Quality Time with Astra Yao by reaching Trust Level 2 - Friendly with them.

Quality Time events contain wishlist destinations and activities that you can go to and do with Astra Yao. Completing Quality Time Events increases Astra Yao's trust and gives rewards like Polychromes.

How to Unlock Astra Yao's Trust Events

Obtain Astra Yao From Signal Search

Zenless Zone Zero - Astra Yao Banner Schedule and Rates

To encounter Astra Yao on Trust Events, Proxies must first have Astra Yao on their agent roster.

Astra Yao can be pulled from the Signal Search Banner, Thousand Melodies.

Astra Yao Banner Release Date and Schedule

Complete Astra-nomical Moment

Zenless Zone Zero - Astra-nomical Moment Commission Guide

To meet Astra Yao, Proxies must also complete the Special Episode, Astra-nomical Moment.

Astra-nomical Moment Special Episode Guide

Astra Yao Wish Events and Destinations

Astra Yao Wish Destinations and Fun Events

Location Wish Destination
Sixth Street Sixth Street Box Galaxy at Sixth Street
Bardic Needle at Sixth Street
Lumina Square Lumina Square TBD
Port Elpis Port Elpis Base of the Lighthouse at Port Elpis
Fishermen's Area at Port Elpis
Reverb Arena Reverb Arena Drinks Stand at Reverb Arena

Astra Yao Wish Event - Shinies Shopper

Shinies Shopper

In Shinies Shopper, simply lead Astra to the Gachapon machines in Box Galaxy.

Astra Yao Wish Event - Return to Bardic Needle

Return to Bardic Needle

In Return to Bardic Needle, accompany Astra to Bardic Needle. You can pass by Random Play and Bardic Needle's posters beside Howl's News stand to trigger two fun events.

You can also play some games at Godfinger Arcade with Astra.

Triggered Fun Events

Astra Yao Fun Events

Random Play

Bardic Needle

Astra Yao Wish Event - Escape Just to Pursue

Escape Just to Pursue

In Escape Just to Pursue, all you have to do is go to the seaside near the base of the lighthouse with Astra.

Astra Yao Wish Event - Willingly Baited

Willingly Baited

In Willingly Baited, head to the fishermen's area near the docks in Port Elpis. On the way, pass by the bicycle stand to trigger a Fun Event with Astra.

After completing Willingly Baited, head to the Dock Statue and the Pier to trigger two more Fun Events.

Triggered Fun Events

Astra Yao Fun Events

Bicycle Stand

Dock Statue


Astra Yao Wish Event - Reverb Arena Regular

Reverb Arena Regular

In Reverb Arena Regular, accompany Astra to Reverb Arena's Drink Stand.

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero  All Trust Events
List of All Agent Trust Events

Cunning Hares
AnbyAnby NekomataNekomata NicoleNicole BillyBilly Kid
Belobog Heavy Industries
KoledaKoleda AntonAnton BenBen Bigger GraceGrace
Vicotria Housekeeping Co.
CorinCorin LycaonLycaon EllenEllen RinaRina
Criminal Investigation
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Sons of Calydon
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LighterLighter Pulchra Pulchra
Section 6
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Stars of Lyra
Astra Yao Astra Yao EvelynEvelyn
Obol Squad Others
Soldier 11Soldier 11 InkyInky


12 Anonymous16 days

random play first floor saying musical gives significant trust

11 Anonymous2 months

Invite to Noodle Shop. I choose same ingredients for everything. Selected option of “Chaotic Fried Rice?!” And got trust increase. At end of event, significant increase.


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