Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Pity System Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Pity System Guide
The Pity System is a Gacha feature in Signal Search in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See information on the Pity System, the 50/50 System, Soft and Hard Pity, and how to guarantee that S-Rank pull in the Exclusive or Stable Banner in our guide right here.

ZZZ Pity System Explained

What is the Pity System?

The pity system is the number of pulls or wishes you need to do on a Banner before you're guaranteed an A-Rank or S-Rank. You have a chance of getting an A-Rank or S-Rank before even reaching that number.

Pity System Details

Banner Type A-Rank Agent S-Rank Agent
Exclusive Banner 10 Wishes 90 Wishes
Star-Studded Cast Stable Banner 10 Wishes 90 Wishes

With the pity system, if you roll 9 times in a banner and don't get an A-Rank or a S-Rank, your 10th roll will be a guaranteed A-Rank or higher.

The same goes for the S-Rank pity, if by your 89th wish, you still haven't received an S-Rank Agent, your next wish is guaranteed to be S-Rank.

Featured Character or Weapon (the 50/50 System)

When you get an A-Rank or S-Rank drop, there's a 50% chance it will either be a featured character in the limited banner, or a standard character. This is commonly as the the 50/50 System.

If you didn't receive the featured weapon or character and instead got the standard or off-rated item or unit, it is then guaranteed that your next A-Rank or S-Rank drop will be the featured character or weapon.

However, if you do win the 50/50 and get the featured character, the 50/50 will carry over to the next rate-up banner.

Signal Search Guide

Stable Banner Characters

Stable Banner S-Rank Agents
ZZZ - NekomataNekomata ZZZ - Koleda.pngKoleda ZZZ - Soldier 11.pngSoldier 11
ZZZ - Lycaon.pngLycaon ZZZ - Grace.pngGrace ZZZ - Rina.pngRina

You can lose the 50/50 to any one of these Stable Banner Characters.

It's worth noting that these characters can be acquired from any Banner.

Multiple S-Rank Agents in a 10-Roll

If you do a 10 roll on a banner and receive multiple S-Rank character or weapons (lucky!), the last S-Rank you receive will determine if your next S-Rank will have a 50/50 chance or be a guaranteed featured character.

For example, in a single 10 roll, you get both Ellen (which is a featured limited character) and Grace (a permanent S-Rank Agent). If Ellen appeared first followed by Grace, your next S-Rank will be guaranteed to be the featured character. However, if Grace appears first followed by Ellen, your next S-Rank pull will be a 50/50 chance to be the featured character.

Is there Soft Pity and Hard Pity?

Soft Pity begins to build up the closer you get to the 90th pull. Around the 70th or 80 pull, the chances of getting an S-Rank Agent increases significantly due to process of elimination of the previous attempts.

Hard Pity happens when the player is forced to do all nine 10-pulls, and the 90th one is guaranteed to be an S-Rank Agent.

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Should You Build the Pity?

Building Pity is Not Recommended

While a lot of users would think that pulling on a banner for the sake of building up their pity or attempting to lose the 50/50 to guarantee their win for their desired banner, more often than not it is strongly advised not to build pity.

It's important to take note that pulling for characters still relies heavily on luck. In the off-chance that you pull an S-Rank Agent or W-Engine early and end up getting a character that you didn't want in the first place, you ultimately lose.

How To Guarantee the Pity

Instead of pulling without reason, take the Pity System's mechanics into account and save up your well-earned Tapes accordingly in order to prepare for the banner of your desired Agent.

Once their rate-up Channel arrives and you have saved up enough Tapes to reach at least reach Hard Pity twice, you have a shot to get the Agent you want even if you lose the first time.

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6 Desert3 months

how would you build up pity?

5 Big Anonymous5 months

My exact problem lol


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