Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Starterboo Bangboo Guide

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☆ 1.6 Agents: Soldier 0 Anby & Pulchra
★ Upcoming: Trigger, Vivian, & Hugo
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Zenless Zone Zero - Starterboo Bangboo Guide and Best Teams

Starterboo is a Bangboo of S Rank in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See Starterboo's stats, skills, effects, how to get it, and best team compositions with Starterboo!

The information here comes from the Closed Beta Test 3 (CBT3) of the game and might change in the future. We'll update this page once more details are available. Stay tuned!

Starterboo Bangboo Information

Starterboo Overview Information

Starterboo Bangboo Information
ZZZ - Starterboo Starterboo ZZZ - S Icon Rarity

Starterboo Bangboo Stats

Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) - HP Icon HP
Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) - Attack Icon ATK
Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) - Impact Icon Impact
Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) - Defense Icon DEF
Level 1 (Base) 396 117 99 50

All Starterboo Bangboo Skills

Starterboo Bangboo Skills

Bangboo Skill Details
Active Skill Full Speed Ahead!
Summons and directs a racecar to charge at the target. The racecar can launch small enemies. It deals Physical DMG and inflicts a large amount of Daze to all enemies it hits.
Additional Ability Machine Maintenance
When there are at least 2 Physical Attribute characters in your squad: Active Skill inflicts 80% more Anomaly Buildup. every 3rd activation of the Active Skill summons an extra race car.

Starterboo Best Team Comp

Physical Chain Attack Team

Recommended Team Setup
Anby Anby
Electric | Stun
Nekomata Nekomata
Physical | Attack
Piper Piper
Physical | Anomaly

Starterboo has an affinity for Physical units and can contribute largely to Physical Anomaly Buildups. Hence, having Piper in your party is wise as her stats and skills make it easier to reach Attribute Anomalies.

Pairing her up with Nekomata or Billy as your main Attack unit and pairing them with Anby as a fellow Cunning Hares member and your main Stun unit will ensure that all of their Additional Skills are activated.

List of All Characters

How to Get Starterboo Bangboo

Found Only in CBT3

This Bangboo can no longer be pulled as of the release of the 1.0 version of Zenless Zone Zero.

Starterboo Modify Materials

Total Starterboo Ascension Materials

Total Bangboo Materials
ZZZ - Ether Electrolyte Ether Electrolyte x4 ZZZ - Concentrated Cooling Fluid Concentrated Cooling Fluid x30 ZZZ - Energy Transfer Fluid Energy Transfer Fluid x32
ZZZ - Denny Denny x500000

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides


All Bangboos and Guides

By Rarity
S Rank Rarity S Rank A Rank RarityA Rank

S Rank Bangboos

ZZZ - Butler Butler ZZZ - Safety Safety ZZZ - Sharkboo Sharkboo
ZZZ - Amillion Amillion ZZZ - Starterboo Starterboo ZZZ - Rocketboo Rocketboo
ZZZ - Plugboo Plugboo ZZZ - Resonaboo Resonaboo ZZZ - Bangvolver Bangvolver
ZZZ - Officer Cui Officer Cui ZZZ - Red Moccus Red Moccus ZZZ - Agent Gulliver Agent Gulliver
ZZZ - Snap Snap

A Rank Bangboos

ZZZ - Bagboo Bagboo ZZZ - Devilboo Devilboo ZZZ - Booressure Booressure
ZZZ - Boollseye Boollseye ZZZ - Cryboo Cryboo ZZZ - Paperboo Paperboo
ZZZ - Sumoboo Sumoboo ZZZ - Exploreboo Exploreboo ZZZ - Luckyboo Luckyboo
ZZZ - Penguinboo Penguinboo ZZZ - Avocaboo Avocaboo ZZZ - Electroboo Electroboo
ZZZ - Magnetiboo Magnetiboo ZZZ - Baddieboo Baddieboo ZZZ - Knightboo Knightboo
ZZZ - Brawlerboo Brawlerboo


1 InFamousVIC9 months

Glad to know Lucy's best Bangboo is beta test walled atm. It better be in the next Bangboo Banner


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