Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Astra-nomical Moment Special Episode Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Astra-nomical Moment Commission Guide

Astra-nomical Moment is a Special Episode featuring Astra Yao in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) 1.5. See details on the Astra-nomical Special Episode, how to unlock it, and a walkthrough for Astra-nomical Moment here!

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Leisurely Lull - Goldfinch's Escape -

Astra-nomical Moment Quest Information

Astra-nomical Moment Overview

Astra-nomical Moment Special Episode

Astra-nomical Moment is the third Special Episode of Zenless Zone Zero. Special Episodes are experiences separate from Agent Stories and Phaethon's Story Main Commissions.

The Astra-nomical Moment Special Episode features Astra Yao and is about the New Year's celebration in New Eridu.

List of All Special Episodes

How to Unlock Astra-nomical Moment

Unlocks After Leisurely Lull - Goldfinch's Escape

Zenless Zone Zero - Leisurely Lull - Goldfinch

The Astra-nomical Moment Special Episode can be unlocked after completing the Leisurely Lull - Goldfinch's Escape main commission.

Similar to other Special Episodes, the Astra-nomical Moment will be permanently available Version 1.5 launches.

Leisurely Lull - Goldfinch's Escape Guide

Astra-nomical Moment Quest Walkthrough

Astra-nomical Moment Guide

  1. Watch Astra's TV Performance
  2. High-Reward Commission
  3. Shake Off the Pursuit
  4. Meet Evelyn's Contact
  5. Head to Starloop Tower
  6. Investigate the Suspicious Items
  7. Starloop's Shining Voice
  8. Pick Up Evelyn From PubSec
  9. Visit the Proxy Siblings

Watch Astra's TV Performance

Watch Astra

After unlocking the commission, watch Astra's performance on the TV in Random Play with your sibling.

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High-Reward Commission

Connect to the HDD

Connect to the HDD

Desperate to obtain tickets for Astra's concert, connect to the HDD to earn some Denny to buy scalper tickets.

Help Astra Find Joran's Album

Help Astra Find Joran

Astra is searching for Joran's rumored unreleased record in the Ballet Twins Hollow.

After taking control of Astra, defeat Ethereals and follow Eous and the quest markers to find clues about the record's location.

High-Reward Commission Mini Cargo Trucks

# Mini Cargo Truck Location
After collecting the first clue, follow Eous to the ramp and go left outside the broken wall.
From Mini Cargo Truck 1, follow Eous upwards and head straight the hall. Defeat the Ethereals that spawn to continue.
Go through the broken wall near the second clue and turn left. Evade the Blastcrawler lying in wait before opening.

High-Reward Commission has three hidden Mini Cargo Trucks you can collect for extra rewards!

If you miss any of the three Mini Cargo Trucks from your first run, you can replay the commission in the HDD to collect them all.

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Shake Off the Pursuit

Shake Off the Pursuit

Unknown cars tail Astra and Evelyn, even after taking a detour to a Hollow. After taking control of Evelyn, defeat the Hollow Thugs and follow the quest marker to escort Astra to the rendezvous point.

Afterward, retrace your steps in the Hollow and interact with the marked quest item to investigate how the thugs followed Astra.

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Meet Evelyn's Contact

Meet Evelyn

Head to Sixth Street's payphone beside Waterfall Soup to enlist Evelyn's contact to repair the communicator.

Afterward, pass the time by talking to Tin Master or General Chop, then head to the meeting area to speak with Rain.

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Head to Starloop Tower

Head to Starloop Tower

Excited for the concert, board the business car and head to Starloop Tower with your sibling. After arriving, look around and take pictures to commemorate the excitement for Astra's concert.

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Investigate the Suspicious Items

Investigate the Suspicious Items

After finishing the conversation with Evelyn and Lady de Winter, search Starloop Tower for clues about the impending attack.

As Evelyn, take your leave and follow the quest markers to uncover the truth.

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Starloop's Shining Voice

Defeat Odeum Security and Fugue Thugs

Defeat Odeum Security and Fugue Thugs

Caught between the two companies, defeat both Odeum's security and Fugue's thugs and make your way to the VIP Lounge to report the situation to the Proxy siblings.

Fight on the Stage With Astra

Fight on the Stage With Astra

As Fugue's forces arrive on the stage, Astra has no choice but to fight. Defeat the enemies and wait for Evelyn to come into the scene.

Defeat the Terror Raptor

Defeat the Terror Raptor

Revealing herself to be the mastermind, Lady de Winter unleashes a Terror Raptor on stage to prevent Astra from keeping Starloop afloat.

Defeat it to resume focus on restarting Starloop's Harmonic Cores.

Restart the Harmonic Cores

Restart the Harmonic Cores

After defeating the Terror Raptor, defeat the remaining enemies and restart three of Starloop's Harmonic Cores to save everyone.

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Pick up Evelyn From PubSec

Pick up Evelyn From PubSec

After the New Year concert, pick up Evelyn in Public Security after Qingyi's interrogation.

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Visit the Proxy Siblings

Visit the Proxy Siblings

Uneager to return to Starloop, visit the Proxy Siblings at Sixth Street for a fun time. Buy the siblings a gift from 141 Convenience store, then rediscover an old memory with Joran in a nearby parking lot.

After that, head to Random Play to finish the Astra-nomical Moment Special Episode.

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Astra-nomical Moment Rewards

Quest Rewards

All Quest Rewards
Inter-Knot CreditInter-Knot Credit x700 PolychromePolychrome x90 Noise Reduction Master CopyNoise Reduction Master Copy x15
DennyDenny x28000 Crystallized Plating AgentCrystallized Plating Agent x14

Get Riding the Wings of Songs Achievement

Title How to Get and Rewards
Riding the Wings of Songs
Complete Astra Yao's Special Episode “Astra-nomical Moment.”

Completing Astra-nomical Moment rewards the Riding the Wings of Songs achievement!

List of All Achievements

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