Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Chapter 000 - Prologue: Business x Strangeness x Justness Quest Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Business x Strangeness x Justness Commission Guide

Business x Strangeness x Justness is a Main Story Commission in Zenless Zone Zero 1.0 (ZZZ). See how to unlock Business x Strangeness x Justness, a walkthrough on how to complete this Main Commission, its rewards, and quest information here!

Previous Quest Next Quest
- Prologue: Intermission

Business x Strangeness x Justness Quest Information

Business x Strangeness x Justness Main Story Details

Location Sixth Street, Random Play
Client Nicole
Difficulty ⬤⬤⬤〇〇〇
Time Anytime

Business x Strangeness x Justness is a Main Story commission that acts as the prologue for Zenless Zone Zero.

How to Unlock Business x Strangeness x Justness

Start the Zenless Zone Zero Game

Zenless Zone Zero - Start Zenless Zone Zero Game

Business x Strangeness x Justness begins as soon as you start Zenless Zone Zero. It also serves as the tutorial for the game.

Business x Strangeness x Justness Quest Flow

Prologue Main Commission Flow

Business x Strangeness x Justness Quest Walkthrough

Business x Strangeness x Justness Guide

  • Step 1: Choose a Main Proxy
  • Step 2: Defeat Enemies Using Anby
  • Step 3: Talk to Nicole in the Video Store
  • Step 4: Enter [Investigation] The Hare and the Proxy Commission
  • Step 5: Talk to Belle or Wise Inside the Video Store
  • Step 6: Create a New Inter-Knot Account
  • Step 7: Go to the Newsstand and Get a Scratch Card
  • Step 8: Check Out the Noodle Shop
  • Step 9: Help Susie from the Gadget Store
  • Step 10: Complete Susie and General Chop's Commissions
  • Step 11: Go Meet Nicole in the Parking Lot
  • Step 12: Complete [Investigation] The Proxy and the Hare Commission
  • Step 13: Go to the Bedroom and Rest

Choose Either Wise or Belle

Zenless Zone Zero - Choose Between Wise or Belle

Starting off, you'll need to choose the Proxy you want to play as. You cannot change your choice later, but it ultimately doesn't affect gameplay much.

Should You Choose Belle or Wise?

Complete the Combat Tutorial

Zenless Zone Zero - Anby Combat Tutorial

After some cutscenes, you'll be in control of Anby. The game will show the basics of movement and combat, so follow the prompts as they appear.

Basic Combat Guide and Tips

Talk to Nicole in the Video Store

Zenless Zone Zero - Talk to Nicole in Video Store

After the tutorial, you'll control the Proxy again. Go inside the room and talk to Nicole to unlock the Hollow Deep Dive system (HDD).

Help the Cunning Hares Leave the Hollow

Zenless Zone Zero - Investigation The Hare and The Proxy

Access the HDD and take on the [Investigation] The Hare and the Proxy commission. Check out our guide below for quest details.

The Hare and the Proxy Quest Guide

Talk to Belle or Wise Inside the Video Store

Zenless Zone Zero - Talk to Belle or Wise in Video Store

After helping the Cunning Hares, go back in the store and talk to the sibling.

Create a New Inter-Knot Account

Zenless Zone Zero - Register Inter-Knot Alt Account

Open the Inter-Knot menu and register your alt account by giving it a name.

Go to the Newsstand and Get a Scratch Card

Zenless Zone Zero - Newsstand Scratch Card

Next, you'll be asked to check out Sixth Street. The first stop will be the newsstand where you need to use a scratch card. Swipe through the card to reveal the prize.

Check Out the Noodle Shop

Zenless Zone Zero - Check Out General Chop Noodle Shop

The next stop on Sixth Street is the noodle shop. General Chop will give the side commision [Combat] Logistics Disaster.

Help Susie from the Gadget Store

Zenless Zone Zero - Help Susie From the Garage Store

The last stop has you go to Susie from the Gadget Store to see what she needs. You will need to follow the main road to get to her. Speaking to her will unlock W-Engines and the [Investigation] The Ultimate Collectibles commission.

Complete Susie and General Chop's Commissions

Side Commissions During Main Quest
[Combat] Logistics Disaster [Exploration] The Ultimate Collectibles

Finish both commissions on the HDD to continue the main story. You'll be asked to report back to the quest-givers, both of whom will unlock their respectives stores.

Go Meet Nicole in the Parking Lot

Zenless Zone Zero - Meet Nicole in the Parking Lot

Talk to Belle/Wise about your next steps first. After that, you'll need to meet with Nicole in the parking lot.

Complete the Commission using the HDD

Zenless Zone Zero - Investigation The Proxy and The Hare

Return to the video store, access the HDD, and complete the next story commission, [Investigation] The Proxy and the Hare. For quest details, check the link below.

The Proxy and the Hare Quest Guide

Go to the Bedroom and Rest

Zenless Zone Zero - Go to Bedroom and Rest

After completing the commission and watching through the cutscenes, head to your character's room upstairs and interact with the bed to end the day. You may skip the posts shown on your phone.

Business x Strangeness x Justness Rewards

Quest Rewards

All Quest Rewards
Senior Investigator LogSenior Investigator Log x4 PolychromePolychrome x25 DennyDenny x12500
W-Engine Energy ModuleW-Engine Energy Module x2 Stun ComponentStun Component x2 Inter-Knot CreditInter-Knot Credit x400

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

All Main Commissions

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Chapter 1: Cat's Lost and Found
Explosive Last Train Earlybird Ticket to Safety
Chapter 1 Intermission
Path of the Proxy I Emergency Rescue
Emergency Rescue 2 Somewhat Totally Out of Control
Chapter 2: A Call From the Hollow's Heart
Let's Go, Bro! Mechanical Love
Speedy Chaser Trace to the Source
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Path of the Proxy II
Chapter 2 Interlude: Mission Unthinkable
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Chapter 3: The Midnight Pursuit
Strange Messages Ascending Dance
Footprints in Darkness Saving Hacker Rain
Chapter 4: Tour de Inferno
Leisurely Lull: Unexpected New Customer
Chapter 5: A Storm of Falling Stars
A Wonderful Day in the Hollow The Missing Witness
Dead-End Express Emergency Pursuit
Leisurely Lull: Goldfinch's Escape
Intermission Reverberations

All Commissions and Types


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