Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Soukaku Best Builds and Teams

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Zenless Zone Zero - Soukaku Character Guide

Soukaku is a playable Ice Support character in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See Soukaku's best build, best teams and bangboo, skill priority, W-Engines, Drive Discs, how to play Soukaku, and Soukaku's upgrade materials here!

Related Articles
Soukaku IconSoukaku Builds ZZZ - Bashful Demon Soukaku W-Engine Trust Events IconSoukaku Trust Events

Soukaku Character Profile

Soukaku Agent Information

Agent Information
Soukaku Soukaku Rarity
Core Stat Energy Regen
How to Get Gacha / Free

Soukaku Tier List Ranking

Overall DPS Stun Support
ZZZ - Tier 1 - - ZZZ - Tier 1

Best Character Tier List

How would you rate Soukaku?

Tier 0 (SS Tier) 581
Tier 1 (S Tier) 119
Tier 2 (A Tier) 12
Tier 3 (B Tier) 4
Tier 4 (C Tier) 7

Let us know why in the comments!

Soukaku Base Stats

Stat Base @ Lv. 60
HP 8025
ATK 590
DEF 597
Impact 86
Anomaly Mastery 93
Anomaly Proficiency 96

Soukaku Strengths and Weaknesses

• Universal ATK buff can increase the next party member's DMG and has a long uptime.
• Can easily Freeze enemies.
• Ice DMG buff is useful on Ice Attack units.
• Holding down the Special Attack takes a while to switch to other characters.

Soukaku is a versatile Support unit who can make other units stronger with her ATK buff.

Soukaku is especially useful in Ice-centric teams with her Ice DMG buffs and strong Freezing capability, but she can be used in other teams outside .

Soukaku Best Builds

Soukaku Support Build

Best W-Engine
Alt. W-Engines
Drive Disc Build
Swing Jazz IconSwing Jazz (4-pc)
Hormone Punk IconHormone Punk (2-pc)
Disc Main Stats 6: Energy Regen
5: ATK
4: ATK
Disc Substats ATK, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG

This build has a lot of ATK stats on Soukaku so that she can maximize her Core Skill's ATK buff. Energy Regen is also an important stat so that Soukaku can use her EX Special Attack.

Soukaku Best Teams and Bangboo

Soukaku Disorder Team

Soukaku Disorder Team Bangboo
Soukaku Soukaku
Miyabi Miyabi
Yanagi Yanagi
ZZZ - Agent Gulliver Agent Gulliver
Bangboo Alternatives

Soukaku can be used as a Support unit that can increase Ice DMG. She can synergize well with Miyabi, who can deal a lot of Ice DMG with Frostburn.

As for the third slot, you can use any Anomaly unit to help trigger Disorder on enemies.

Soukaku Ice Team

Soukaku Premium Team Bangboo
Soukaku Soukaku
Ellen Ellen
Lighter Lighter
ZZZ - Sharkboo Sharkboo
Bangboo Alternatives

Soukaku and Caesar pair up to provide ATK buffs and Shields respectively. Use Caesar's shield to provide ATK buffs and increase the party's resistance to interuption.

Alternative Explanation
Miyabi Miyabi DPS Replacement
Miyabi is an Ice DPS who can take advantage of Soukaku's Ice DMG buffs.
Lycaon Lycaon Stun Replacement
Lycaon is an Ice Stun unit that can increase the Stun Multiplier simply by attacking.
Qingyi Qingyi Stun Replacement
Qingyi can increase the Stun Multiplier by using her Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms.

Soukaku F2P Team

Soukaku F2P Team Bangboo
Soukaku Soukaku
Billy Billy
Anby Anby
ZZZ - Penguinboo Penguinboo
Bangboo Alternatives

Soukaku doesn't have a free-to-play unit that has the same faction or element as her. Despite this, Soukaku can be used as your typical ATK buffer for the DPS.

We recommend using Billy and Anby since both characters are from the Cunning Hares faction.

Soukaku Best W-Engines

Recommended W-Engines

W-Engine Effect
1 ZZZ - Bashful Demon Bashful Demon Visage of Greed
Increases Ice DMG by 15%. When launching an EX Special Attack, all squad members' ATK increases by 2% for 12s, stacking up to 4 times. Repeated triggers refresh the duration. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
2 ZZZ - Slice of Time Slice of Time Say Cheese
Any squad members' Dodge Counter, EX Special Attack, Assist Attack, or Chain Attack respectively generates 20/25/30/35 more Decibels and generates 0.7 Energy for the equipper. This effect can trigger once every 12s. The cooldown for each type of attack is independent of others. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
3 ZZZ - Unfettered Game Ball Unfettered Game Ball Game Start!
Whenever the equipper's attack triggers an Attribute Counter effect, all squad members' CRIT Rate against the struck enemy increases by 12% for 12s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
4 ZZZ - Reverb - Mark III Reverb - Mark III Booming Sound
Launching an Chain Attack or Ultimate increases all squad member's ATK by 8% for 10s. This effect can trigger once every 20s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.

All W-Engine (Weapon) Guides

Bashful Demon is the Best for Soukaku

Bashful Demon synergizes well with Soukaku since it increases her Ice DMG and ATK. The ATK buff also affects other party members, so it increases overall damage.

Soukaku Best Drive Discs

Best Drive Discs and Set Bonuses

Drive Disc Rating and Merits
ZZZ - Swing JazzSwing Jazz
ZZZ - Hormone PunkHormone Punk
★★★ - Best Set!
Swing Jazz increases Soukaku's Energy Regen and enables Soukaku to become a DMG buffer with her Chain Attack and Ultimate.
ZZZ - Woodpecker ElectroWoodpecker Electro
ZZZ - Swing JazzSwing Jazz
★★☆ - 2nd Best
Woodpecker Electro can be used since it helps increase the ATK of the entire party. You might want to put CRIT Rate stats on Soukaku for the ATK buff to take effect.

Soukaku Skill Priority

Skill Priority Explanation
Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Skill ★★★★★ Soukaku's Core Skill increases the ATK buff that Soukaku can transfer to an ally.
Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Attack ☆☆☆☆ Upgrading Soukaku's Basic Attack is unnecessary since she is a Support unit.
Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge ☆☆☆☆ Soukaku's dodge is also unnecessary since she doesn't take a lot of field time and is mostly uninterrupted thanks to her Special Attack.
Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAssist ☆☆☆☆ Soukaku's Assist only increases the damage, so this can also be left out.
Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpecial Attack ★★★★★ When Soukaku is on the field, you will mostly be using her Special Attacks to deal damage and activate her ATK buff.
Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain Attack ★★★☆☆ Soukaku's Ultimate can deal a lot of damage and can easily wipe out smaller enemies.

Soukaku's ATK buff comes from stacking her Special Attack as you will mostly use it to deal damage most of the time - upgrade it before anything else.

If you have extra materials, go for her Chain Attack as she can deal damage with it as well. Lastly, always upgrade Soukaku's Core Skill as her buffs scales off of its levels.

Core Skill

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Core Passive - Blade Banner
When Soukaku launches Fly the Flag, her ATK is increased by 10%, up to 500, for 22s. When consuming Vortex during Fly the Flag, the ATK increase is doubled, up to a max of 1000. This buff can be passed along to characters switching in via Quick Assists or Chain Attacks triggered by Fly the Flag, and it refreshes the duration of the buff.
Additional Ability - Group Set Meal
When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction: When Soukaku consumes Vortex to activate Fly the Flag, the Ice DMG of the squad is increased by 20% for 22s.

Core Skill Enhancements

Total Core Stat Upgrade Bonus
Base Energy Regen +0.36/s
Base ATK +75
Final Core Passive Upgrade Effect
When Soukaku launches Fly the Flag, her ATK is increased by 20%, up to 500, for 22s. When consuming Vortex during Fly the Flag, the ATK increase is doubled, up to a max of 1000. This buff can be passed along to characters switching in via Quick Assists or Chain Attacks triggered by Fly the Flag, and it refreshes the duration of the buff.

Core Enhancement
A • Base Energy Regen increases by 0.12/s
• Core Passive: Blade Banner Skill Lv. +1
B • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: Blade Banner Skill Lv. +1
C • Base Energy Regen increases by 0.12/s
• Core Passive: Blade Banner Skill Lv. +1
D • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: Blade Banner Skill Lv. +1
E • Base Energy Regen increases by 0.12/s
• Core Passive: Blade Banner Skill Lv. +1
F • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: Blade Banner Skill Lv. +1

Basic Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Basic Attack - Making Rice Cakes
Press Basic Attack to activate: Unleashes up to 3 attacks, dealing Physical DMG.
Basic Attack - Making Rice Cakes (Frosted Banner)
When Frosted Banner is active, press Basic Attack to activate: Unleashes up to 3 faster attacks in front, dealing Ice DMG.


Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Dodge - Grab a Bite
Press Dodge to activate: A rapid dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Dash Attack - 50/50
Press Basic Attack during a dodge to activate: Slashes enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG.
Dash Attack - 50/50 (Frosted Banner)
When Frosted Banner is active, press Basic Attack during a Dodge to activate: Slashes enemies in front, dealing Ice DMG.
Dodge Counter - Away From My Snacks
Press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate: Slashes enemies in front, dealing Ice DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.


Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Quick Assist - A Set for Two
When the on-field character is launched, Press Assist to activate: Slashes enemies in front, dealing Ice DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Defensive Assist - Guarding Tactics
When the character on field is about to be attacked, press Assist to activate: Parries the enemy's attack, dealing massive Daze. This skill excels at parrying enemy attacks and reduces the consumption of Assist Points when the character is under intense attacks. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Assist Follow-Up - Sweeping Strike
Press Basic Attack after a Defensive Assist to activate: Charges and strikes enemies in front, dealing Ice DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. Holding Basic Attack while using this skill allows for a quick transition to Fly the Flag.

Special Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Special Attack - Cooling Bento
Press Special Attack to activate: Soukaku releases a wind current in front of her and unleashes her finishing move, dealing Ice DMG. Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill, and DMG taken is reduced by 40%. Holding Special Attack while using this skill allows for a quick transition to Fly the Flag.
EX Special Attack - Fanning Mosquitoes
With enough Energy, press Special Attack to activate: Releases wind currents of extended range in front of her, dealing massive Ice DMG. This skill can be used in rapid succession by pressing repeatedly. Each use consumes a specified amount of Energy. When Soukaku's Energy is depleted, or you stop pressing the button, she unleashes a powerful finishing move that deals massive Ice DMG. Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill, and her DMG taken is reduced by 40%. Holding Special Attack while using this skill allows for a quick transition to Fly the Flag.
Special Attack - Rally!
Hold Special Attack to activate: Soukaku plunges her weapon into the ground, morphs it into a flag, and launches Fly the Flag, dealing Ice DMG. Hitting an enemy with Fly the Flag triggers a Quick Assist. Pressing Basic Attack or Special Attack after Fly the Flag activates a Special Attack as she retracts the flag, dealing Ice DMG. If Soukaku owns 3 stacks of Vortex on using Fly the Flag, she consumes all 3 stacks and enters the Frosted Banner state. In the Frosted Banner state, she can unleash an enhanced Basic Attack or an enhanced Dash Attack, dealing massive Ice DMG. This effect can last up to 45s or stack up to 6 times. Soukaku's weapon gains Vortexes in the following circumstances: Gains 1 stack of Vortex when launching an EX Special Attack, Gains 1 stack of Vortex when launching a Chain Attack, Gains 3 stacks of Vortex when launching an Ultimate. Soukaku can accumulate a maximum of 3 stacks of Vortex.

Chain Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Chain Attack - Pudding Slash
When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate: Soukaku quickly unleashes a series of strikes at enemies in front of her and follows up with Fly the Flag, dealing massive Ice DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Ultimate - Jumbo Pudding Slash
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press Chain Attack to activate: Soukaku quickly unleashes an extended series of strikes at enemies in front of her and follows up with Fly the Flag, dealing massive Ice DMG. Upon activating this skill, Soukaku enters the Masked state, increasing her CRIT Rate by 15% for 15s. Upon activating this skill, other squad members recover 10 Energy. The next character to switch in gains an additional 20 Energy. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

How to Play Soukaku

Acquire Vortex Stacks with EX Special Attack

How to Use Vortex Stacks
1 Hit enemies with Soukaku's EX Special Attack until you get three stacks of Vortex.
2 Hold down the Special Attack to enter Fly the Flag. Which infuses Soukaku's Basic Attacks with Ice and grants her an ATK buff.

Use Soukaku's EX Special Attack to gather Vortex stacks. You can check the Vortex stack count below Soukaku's HP bar if she's the active character.

Once three Vortex stacks have been accumulated, hold down the Special Attack to enhance Soukaku's Basic Attacks and gain an ATK buff.

Double the ATK Buff By Repeating the Combo

If Soukaku has three Vortex Stacks and you hold down the EX Special Attack during the Fly the Flag state, this will effectively double the ATK buff.

The initial ATK buff has a long uptime of 45 seconds, so you have plenty of time to unleash three more EX Special Attacks to increase the buff. You can check if the ATK buff is still up below the HP bars.

Use Quick Assists or Chain Attacks to Pass the ATK Buff

The ATK buff gained from Fly the Flag can be transfered to other allies through the use of Quick Assists or Chain Attacks. This lets Soukaku increase the next agent's overall damage.

Soukaku's Chain Attack will also cast Raise the Flag. So if Soukaku has three Vortex stacks during the Chain Attack, she can effectively buff the next character.

Restore the Party's Energy with Ultimate

You can use Soukaku's Ultimate to enter an enhanced state and restore energy to the entire party. When you switch to another character, that character will gain a larger restoration to their energy.

Soukaku Optimal Combo

Soukaku Optimal Combo
EX Special Attack x3 → Hold Down Special Attack → Repeat Prior Combo or Use Ultimate → Chain Attack or Quick Assist to DPS Unit

Use Soukaku's EX Special Attack combo then hold down the Special Attack to enhance Soukaku.

You can repeat the prior Combo or use her Ultimate then ideally Chain Attack or Quick Assist to the DPS unit to transfer Soukaku's ATK buff.

Soukaku Promotion and Skill Upgrade Materials

Soukaku Total Upgrade Materials

Total Promotion Materials
Denny Icon Denny x800,000
Total Skill Upgrade Materials
Denny Icon Denny x500,000
Total Core Skill Upgrade Materials
Denny Denny x400,000

Promotion Materials Per Level

Lv. Character Promotion Materials

ZZZ - Denny Denny x24,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x56,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x120,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x200,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x400,000

Skill Materials Per Level

Lv. Skill Materials
ZZZ - Denny Denny x2,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x3,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x6,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x9,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x12,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x18,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x45,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x67,500
ZZZ - Denny Denny x90,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x112,500
ZZZ - Denny Denny x135,000

Core Skill Materials Per Level

Denny Denny x5,000
Denny Denny x12,000
Denny Denny x28,000
Denny Denny x60,000
Denny Denny x100,000
Denny Denny x200,000

Soukaku Mindscape Cinema (Duplicates)

Recommended Cinema

Why We Recommend It
M1 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Soukaku's ATK and Ice DMG buff duration increases by 8s, which is a huge upgrade to her supportive kit.
M2 ★★★☆☆ - Good
Soukaku's Basic, Dash Attack, Dodge Counter, and Quick Assist provide more chances of stacking Vortex. This provides extra Energy if Soukaku has the maximum number of Vortex stacks.
M4 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Soukaku can provide an Ice RES Shred with Fly the Flag. This is especially useful in Mono Ice teams.
M6 ★★★★☆ - Great
Soukaku's Basic Attacks and Enhanced Dash attacks deal a lot more damage. You can opt to build CRIT Rate on Soukaku to increase her overall damage.

M3 and M5 are excluded since they are only for skill enhancement.

Mindscape Cinema List and Effects

Cinema Effect
M1 Uplifting Current
When Soukaku triggers Core Passive: Blade Banner or Additional Ability: Group Set Meal, the buff duration is increased by 8s.
M2 Experimental Charging Modue
When Soukaku's Basic Attack, Dash Attack, Dodge Counter, or Quick Assist hits an enemy, there's a 15% chance she gains 1 stack of Vortex, triggering up to once per second. When Vortex reaches max stacks, any additional stacks grant Soukaku 1.2 Energy instead.
M3 Attendance Meal Allowance
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M4 Hypothermia
If an enemy is hit by Fly the Flag, the target's Ice RES is reduced by 10% for 8s.
M5 Late-Night Snacks
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M6 Northern Wind
While in the Frosted Banner state, the number of usable enhanced Basic Attacks and enhanced Dash Attacks are increased to 12, and also deal 45% more DMG.

How to Get Soukaku

Rate-up in the Miyabi Banner

Honed Blade of Reflection Banner
Miyabi BannerHoned Blade of Reflection
Latest Run
Version 1.4
December 18, 2024 - January 21, 2025

Miyabi Banner Guide

Obtain From All Character Banners

All Current Signal Search Banners
Web of Light and Shadow IconWeb of Light and Shadow Dazzling Choir IconDazzling Choir
Per Aspera IconPer Aspera Honed Blade of Reflection IconHoned Blade of Reflection
Untainted Jade IconUntainted Jade Dissonant Sonata IconDissonant Sonata
Star-Studded Cast IconStar-Studded Cast

Soukaku is an A-Rank character that is available to get from all Character and W-Engine banners available right now in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)!

All Banners and Signal Search Guide

Complete Third Frontier in Shiyu Defense

ZZZ - Eridu Frontier

You can get a free Soukaku by completing the Third Frontier of Shiyu Defense's Stable Node. You can unlock Shiyu Defense after completing Chapter 2 - Intermission.

Shiyu Defense Guide

Soukaku Voice Actor and Lore

Voice Actor and Basic Info

English VA TBD
Japanese VA Machico
Korean VA Lee Ji-hyun (이지현)
Chinese VA Liu Wen (刘雯)
Gender Female
Birthday January 23
Height 145cm

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Zenless Zone Zero - List of All Characters

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Anton IconAnton Corin IconCorin Ben IconBen
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13 Anonymous30 days

Ikr, and she also scatters enemies away with her chain attack. On Shiyu Defense while fighting the small enemies that come before the boss, it's a waste of time killing them one by one and it even costed me a star. I ended up switching her to Nicole whose chain attacks can be easily spammed on top of sucking enemies with her black hole. The problem was solved and now I can easily S-rank

12 Anonymous2 months

Going to be honest, I have an almost fully build Soukaku but find her annoying to play. For a Support, her swing animations are insanely slow: when time matters, having to wait for three huge swings plus the Flag to pass a 1000 ATK buff, field time for the main dps almost compensates. Compare this to Lucy whom can just tap EX for a 600 buff that's party-wide, I know who I pick if I have a choice.


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