Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

VR Device Guide

Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device Guide

The VR Device in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) contains battle challenges that Proxies can use to farm for materials. See all VR Portable Device features, how to unlock them, how they work, and the materials you can get from them here!

The information here comes from the Closed Beta Test 3 (CBT3) of the game and might change on release. We'll update this page once more details are available. Stay tuned!

All VR Device Features

List of All VR Device Challenges

There are 4 VR Device challenges in total: Combat Simulation, Driver Validation, Expert Challenge, and Reckless Challenge. Each feature will yield different rewards that correspond to your various needs.

VR Training functions as a practice arena where you can put your Agents to the test and assess their battle prowess firsthand!

Combat Simulation

Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device Guide - Combat Simulation 5 Modes

Combat Simulations are used to farm for materials needed for upgrades, may they be for promoting Agents, modifying W-Engines, or improving character skills. Rewards are based on a simulation's enemy lineup.

Combat Simulation has 4 modes that give different materials: Basic Materials, Agent Promotion, Agent Skill, and Modify W-Engine. Proxies can also create their Custom simulation to get different materials at the same time!

Driver Validation

Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device Guide - Driver Validation

Driver Validation is where Proxies can farm for Drive Discs that give off stats for building your characters. Plating Agents used for upgrading Drive Discs are also acquired from Driver Validation challenges.

If building your Agents properly is your goal, completing Driver Validation challenges is your cornerstone.

Expert Challenge

Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device Guide - Expert Challenge

Expert Challenges function like Combat Simulations with a bit of a Reckless Challenge in the mix. The enemy lineup will be made up of elite enemy units which are stronger than ordinary foot soldiers and with higher stats.

Drops in Expert Challenges can be used to upgrade Agent core skills.

Reckless Challenge

Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device Guide - Reckless Challenge

Reckless Challenges will pit you against powerful boss units that possess incredibly high stats and can pose a serious threat if you're unprepared.

Materials acquired from Reckless Challenges are used to advance Agent skills to their highest levels. Note that Reckless Challenges can only be done 3 times per week.

VR Training

Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device Guide - VR Training

The VR Device's Training Mode has 2 modes: Free Training and Agent Academy, the latter of which gives off rewards. Free Training is where you can freely practice without a time limit.

Agent Academy teaches you combat mechanics such as Perfect Dodges and Perfect Assists, as well as practice the unique abilities of the characters you already own. You can also test out featured banner characters here!

What is the VR Device?

Combat Challenges for Rewards

Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device Guide - All VR Device Challenges

The VR Device offers challenges that are used to farm for a wide array of resources needed to improve characters and equipment.

Specific materials are dropped by certain enemies, so choose the proper enemies to add to your challenge gauntlet to acquire the materials you need.

Enemy Cards are Unlocked in Hollow Zero

Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device Guide - Hollow Zero

New enemy cards can be unlocked in the VR Device by encountering them first in Hollow Zero. These enemy cards can range from ordinary foot soldiers, to elite enemies, to powerful bosses.

Since rewards are based on which enemies you choose to face, unlocking new enemy cards is important if you wish to get new resources that will most likely be required everytime you acquire a new Agent, Disc, or W-Engine.

Costs Battery Charges

Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device Guide - Battery Charges

The primary resource for farming in Zenless Zone Zero is Battery Charges, which recharge over time. Once your Battery Charges run out, you won't be able to farm for more items in the VR Device until they have refreshed.

There are other ways to refresh your Battery Charges more quickly, such as using certain resources.

How to Unlock the VR Device

Unlocked as the Story Progresses

Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device Guide - Complete Commissions

Each challenge in the VR Device unlocks at different points in the story. To unlock them all, you must keep pushing through the Main Storyline and complete any commission given to you.

Once you do, you will get notifications from allies through DMs that new content has been unlocked. You may speak to Belle for more details after you get these notifications, and she will direct you to the VR Device.

VR Device Release Date

Releases on July 4, 2024

Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) Release Date
ZZZ - Official Release Date July 4, 2024
Release Date July 4, 2024

The VR Device will be available upon the release of Zenless Zone Zero, which is on July 4, 2024!

ZZZ Release Time and Countdown

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

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Guides by Category

Zenless Zone Zero Categories
Zenless Zone Zero - News and Game Information News and Game Info Zenless Zone Zero - Redeem Codes Redeem Codes
Zenless Zone Zero - Character Guides Characters Zenless Zone Zero - W-Engines W-Engine
Zenless Zone Zero - Drive Discs Drive Discs Zenless Zone Zero - Signal Search Signal Search
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Zenless Zone Zero - Travel (Maps) Travel Zenless Zone Zero - Shops Shops
Zenless Zone Zero - VR Device VR Device Zenless Zone Zero - Enemies Enemies
Zenless Zone Zero - Bosses Bosses Zenless Zone Zero - Hollow Zero Hollow Zero
Zenless Zone Zero - Shiyu DefenseShiyu Defense Zenless Zone Zero - Rally Commission Rally Commissions
Zenless Zone Zero - Arcade Arcade (Godfinger)

Zenless Zone Zero Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Tips
Basic Combat Guide How to Daze and Stun
Chain Attack Guide Ultimate and Decibel Rating
Perfect Dodge and Counter Perfect Assists and Parries
Hollow Deep Dive Explained Attribute Anomaly


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