Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Burnice Trust Events and Best Answers

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☆ 1.6 Agents: Soldier 0 Anby & Pulchra
★ Upcoming: Trigger, Vivian, & Hugo
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Zenless Zone Zero Burnice Trust Events

Here are all of Burnice's Trust Events in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See all Burnice Trust Event locations and which dialogue options to pick!

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Burnice IconBurnice Builds ZZZ - Flamemaker Shaker Burnice W-Engine Trust Events IconBurnice Trust Events

Note We're still looking for more Trust Events in the game. We'll update this section with more information, so stay tuned!

Best Choices for Burnice's Trust Events

Sixth Street Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Lumina Square
Ballet Twins Road Blazewood

Exiting Waterfall Soup

Time Morning to Afternoon
Significant Increase What's Big Daddy's third favorite spot?
Increase The chicken noodles

Lumina Square Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Lumina Square
Ballet Twins Road Blazewood

Pedestrian Area Alley

Time Morning
Significant Increase Love...?
Increase Fuel.
A secret ingredient.

Lumina Galleria

Time Morning
Increase Please keep your voice down next time.


Time Morning
Increase Why are you suddenly trying to be like Lucy...?

Ballet Twins Road Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Lumina Square
Ballet Twins Road Blazewood

Plaza Walkway

Time Midnight
Significant Increase We both lived.
Increase You died.

Plaza Walkway Staircase

Time Evening
Significant Increase 95% is a pretty conservative number.
Increase ...

Blazewood Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Lumina Square
Ballet Twins Road Blazewood


Time Morning

This trust event does not give trust, but rewards 3x Basic Burn Chip.

Burnice Rank Up Commissions

Level 2 - Friendly

Time Morning to Evening

For Burnice to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Dispirited Vortex Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Dispirited Vortex Guide

Level 3 - Close

Time Morning to Afternoon

For Burnice to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Learn About Koleda's Troubles Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Learn About Koleda's Troubles Guide

Level 4 - Trusted

Time Morning to Evening

For Burnice to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Summer Night's Dream Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Summer Night's Dream Guide

Burnice Trust Invite Commissions

Burnice's Trust Invite Quests

Invite Choice Commission
Let's meet up at Turbo A Matter of Prestige
Then let's meet up at Random Play Movie Day With Burnice
Let's meet up at 141. Nitro-Fuel Out of Stock
Let's meet up at the Public Security Office Adventure in Public Security

These are the trust missions you get by inviting Burnice via chat!

List of Side Commissions

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero  All Trust Events
List of All Agent Trust Events

Cunning Hares
AnbyAnby NekomataNekomata NicoleNicole BillyBilly Kid
Belobog Heavy Industries
KoledaKoleda AntonAnton BenBen Bigger GraceGrace
Vicotria Housekeeping Co.
CorinCorin LycaonLycaon EllenEllen RinaRina
Criminal Investigation
Zhu YuanZhu Yuan QingyiQingyi Jane DoeJane Seth IconSeth
Sons of Calydon
Caesar KingCaesar LucyLucy PiperPiper Burnice White Burnice
LighterLighter Pulchra Pulchra
Section 6
Miyabi Miyabi YanagiYanagi Harumasa Harumasa Soukaku Soukaku
Stars of Lyra
Astra Yao Astra Yao EvelynEvelyn
Obol Squad Others
Soldier 11Soldier 11 InkyInky


8 Anonymous5 months

Lumina alley between HIA and car park. What is the most important ingredient in NitroFuel? Trust increase: Fuel.

7 Anonymous5 months

Burnice at Lumina street crossing She asked about if we like being called 'proxy' out on the street. replied to her " Please keep you voice down next time. " Trust increased.


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