Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Anby Trust Event and Best Answers

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★ Current Update: Version 1.6 & 1.6 Livestream
☆ 1.6 Agents: Soldier 0 Anby & Pulchra
★ Upcoming: Trigger, Vivian, & Hugo
☆ Tier Lists: Agents | W-Engines | Bangboos | Teams
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Zenless Zone Zero Anby Trust Events

Anby or Soldier 0 Anby's Trust can be increased by spending time with them via Trust Events, Quests, Quality Time, Fun Events, and fulfilling her Wish Destination in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ).

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Best Choices for Anby's Trust Events

Sixth Street Event Locations

Coff Cafe

Time Evening

Regardless of your dialogue choices, your Trust with Anby will always increase at the end of this event.

Coff Cafe 2

Time Morning
Increase Tin Master Special, of course!

Waterfall Soup

Time Morning
Increase The noodles here are good.
I think so, too.
As expected of Anby...
Decrease Noodles are clearly better, right?

Note: This event has multiple dialogue choices and branching paths, so be careful of which options you select.

141 Convenience Store

Time Morning
Significant Increase Let's unwind together.
Increase Am I disturbing you?

Box Galaxy Gadget Shop

Time Morning

Regardless of your dialogue choices, your Trust with Anby will always increase at the end of this event.

Random Play

Time Evening
Increase Fried noodle burgers are good too.

Exiting Newsstand Play

Time Morning
Increase How about buying it together with someone else?


Time Morning
Increase Typical Nicole.
Decrease Don't let Nicole's thought process influence you.

Anby Trust Rank Up Quests

Level 2 - Friendly

Time Morning

For Anby to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Anby's Problem Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Anby's Problem Guide

Level 3 - Close

Time Morning

For Anby to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Upgrade - Precious Document Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Upgrade - Precious Document Guide

Level 4 - Trusted

Time Morning

For Anby to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Upgrade - People Who Love Movies Aren't Bad People Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Upgrade - People Who Love Movies Aren't Bad People Guide

Anby Trust Invite Quests

All of Anby's Trust Invite Quests

Invite Choice Commission
Sixth Street Secret Number
Bardic Needle Weather and Music
Howl's Newsstand Magazine Raffle
Video Store Urban Legends videotape

These are the trust missions you get by inviting Anby via chat!

List of Side Commissions

Soldier 0 Anby Quality Time Events

All of Anby's Quality Time Destinations

Anby Quality Time Events
Sixth Street Sixth Street Lumina Square Lumina Square

Here are all the Quality Time destinations that you can go to with Anby. You can unlock Quality Time with Anby by reaching Trust Level 2 - Friendly with them.

Quality Time events contain wishlist destinations and activities that you can go to and do with Anby. Completing Quality Time Events increases Anby's trust and gives rewards like Polychromes.

All Maps and Travel Guides

Enter Free Roam Mode With Anby

After completing any Quality Time event with Anby, you can continue to roam around New Eridu with her until you exit the Quality Time mode.

Soldier 0 Anby Wish Events and Destinations

Anby Wish Destinations and Fun Events

Location Wish Destination
Lumina Square Lumina Square Coffee Shop at Lumina Square
Teamilk Store at Lumina Square
141 Convenience Store at Lumina Square
Overpass at Lumina Square
Sixth Street Sixth Street 141 Convenience Store at Sixth Street

Anby Wish Event - Feeling Relaxed

Anby Wish Coffee Shop

In Feeling Relaxed, go with Anby to the Coffee Shop in Lumina Square. You will have to stand in front of the store to trigger the event.

Triggered Fun Events

Anby Fun Events

Lumina Galleria

Hot Pot Restaurant

Anby Wish Event - Perfect With Burgers

Anby Wish Teamilk Shop

In Perfect With Burgers, accompany Anby to the Teamilk Shop in Lumina Square. Stand in front of the store to trigger the event.

Anby Wish Event - Iced Wasabi Incoming

Anby Wish 141 Store in Sixth Street

In Iced Wasabi Incoming, walk with Anby to the 141 Convenience Store on Sixth Street. Head to the ice cream section to start the event.

Triggered Fun Events

Anby Fun Events

Live House


Anby Wish Event - Spot the Difference

Anby Wish 141 Store in Lumina Square

In Spot the Difference, walk with Anby to the 141 Convenience Store in Lumina Square and stand in front of the Bangboos in the store.

Triggered Fun Events

Anby Fun Events
Anby Fun Event San-Z Store
San-Z Store

Anby Wish Event - Classic Scene

Anby Wish Overpass Lumina Square

In Classic Scene, head up to the Overpass with Anby at Lumina Square, then stand in the center to trigger the event.

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero  All Trust Events
List of All Agent Trust Events

Cunning Hares
AnbyAnby NekomataNekomata NicoleNicole BillyBilly Kid
Belobog Heavy Industries
KoledaKoleda AntonAnton BenBen Bigger GraceGrace
Vicotria Housekeeping Co.
CorinCorin LycaonLycaon EllenEllen RinaRina
Criminal Investigation
Zhu YuanZhu Yuan QingyiQingyi Jane DoeJane Seth IconSeth
Sons of Calydon
Caesar KingCaesar LucyLucy PiperPiper Burnice White Burnice
LighterLighter Pulchra Pulchra
Section 6
Miyabi Miyabi YanagiYanagi Harumasa Harumasa Soukaku Soukaku
Stars of Lyra
Astra Yao Astra Yao EvelynEvelyn
Obol Squad Others
Soldier 11Soldier 11 InkyInky


13 Anonymous7 months

12 Anonymous7 months

Anby will pay u back later in the evening too


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